
could help us to achieve better results. Also, trying a
word embedding approach may result in an improve-
ment of the models, but we have decided to focus on
studying the importance of the primary features.
Finally, we plan to test the classification models
with the best performance (best accuracy with a fewer
number of features) both for gender and for the rest
of the automatic profiling aspects in real applications
that are already doing author profiling. These tests
will allow us to evaluate efficient models versus those
that are already in use (with a higher number of fea-
tures), analyzing whether it is worth putting less time-
consuming models into production (with fewer fea-
tures) achieving similar accuracy results. Thus, we
could figure out which type of application it is appro-
priate employing the efficient model or on the con-
trary, in which applications it is better to opt for the
time-consuming solution.
This work was supported by projects RTI2018-
093336-B-C21, RTI2018-093336-B-C22 (Ministerio
de Ciencia e Innvovaci
on & ERDF) and the financial
support supplied by the Conseller
ıa de Educaci
Universidade e Formaci
on Profesional (accreditation
2019-2022 ED431G/01, ED431B 2019/03) and the
European Regional Development Fund, which ac-
knowledges the CITIC Research Center in ICT of the
University of A Coru
na as a Research Center of the
Galician University System.
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ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering