Protecting End User’s Privacy When using Social Login
through GDPR Compliance
Carlos Villar
an and Marta Beltr
Department of Computing, ETSII, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain
GDPR, Identity and Access Management, OpenID Connect, Privacy, Social Login.
Social login allows end-users to identify and authenticate in different applications and services using their
social network providers (Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn) instead of using specific accounts and pass-
words. This kind of single-sign-on approach relies on federated identity management specifications that sig-
nificantly simplify login processes. However, this kind of solution also implies new threats for end user’s
privacy, because identity providers (social network providers) have access to sensitive information that allows
them to perform processing without explicit consent (to profile or track their users, for example) or that can
be shared with third parties. This paper proposes the inclusion of new capabilities within the authentication
flows, intending to mitigate these privacy threats guaranteeing compliance with the General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) through transparency and efficient use of already existing mechanisms and technologies
such as back-channel logout or consent receipts. Furthermore, the integration of these capabilities in OpenID
Connect flows has been validated with a real prototype of the proposed solution.
Social network providers have become identity
providers. Federate identity management specifi-
cations such as SAML (OASIS Security Services
(SAML) Technical Committe, 2005), OAuth (Inter-
net Engineering Task Force (IETF), 2012) or OpenID
Connect (OpenID Foundation, 2014) enables single-
sign-on procedures. Once an end-user has logged
at the social network, this account can be used to
authenticate to third-party applications and services
smoothly. This approach reduces the number of ac-
counts and passwords an end-user has to deal with,
improving at the same time usability and security.
Although identification and authentication proce-
dures are transparent, and users’ experience is com-
fortable (it consists of a click in a button), this kind of
social login may have a significant impact on privacy
(Scott et al., 2016). End-users provide sensitive infor-
mation to identity providers (static personal data, dy-
namic contextual data), and these providers may share
this information with other providers or third parties
(without users’ knowledge or consent), may leak it in-
voluntarily or may use it to profile or track them with
commercial objectives.
The protection of end-users’ privacy in these sce-
narios and the compliance with current regulations are
still an open problem because aforementioned feder-
ated specifications do not include specific capabilities
or features regarding data protection.
The main contributions of this work are: 1)
A novel approach for protecting end-users’ privacy
when using federated mechanisms to solve iden-
tity management. The proposed solution enables
compliance with the GDPR with independence from
the identity provider and the application or service
provider. 2) The identification of the specific capa-
bilities that must be added to social login implementa-
tions to guarantee each of the rights set out in this reg-
ulatory framework. 3) The adoption of the proposed
capabilities through the use of an unified and stan-
dard web portal and well-known and widely adopted
technologies and mechanisms, easily integrable with
current federated specifications used for social login.
Mainly, back-channel logouts and consent receipts.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion II provides an overview of the background on un-
derlying concepts and the related work. Section III
discusses the primary motivations for this work with
some examples and potential use cases. Section IV
describes the proposed approach to add privacy ca-
pabilities to federated identity management specifica-
tion capable of guaranteeing GDPR compliance. Sec-
tion V details the proposed solution implementation,
Villarán, C. and Beltrán, M.
Protecting End User’s Privacy When using Social Login through GDPR Compliance.
DOI: 10.5220/0010521304280435
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2021), pages 428-435
ISBN: 978-989-758-524-1
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
validation and evaluation. Finally, Section VI sum-
marizes our main conclusions and the most interest-
ing lines for future research.
2.1 On Federated Identity Management
Federated identity and access management involve
an end-user who needs to be authenticated or autho-
rized to access an application or service. Instead of
forcing this application or service to solve authenti-
cation/authorization by itself, this last agent and the
end-user rely on an external server, delegating the
primary responsibilities to this third-party provider.
Identity providers can work within trust federations,
summarizing claims about the authenticated user and
her privileges in a standard format, a capacity or to-
The most adopted federated specifications are
SAML for authentication, OAuth for authorization
and OpenID Connect/Mobile Connect for authentica-
tion and authorization (with only one flow, this is why
it is the basis of almost all social login solutions).
Using the most complex flow as an example (fig-
ure 1), the proposed by these last specifications, when
an end-user needs to access an application or service
(step 1), this agent, the Relying party or RP, redi-
rects her browser to the Identity Provider or IdP (step
2). This provider is responsible for authenticating the
end-user or obtaining her consent to perform the re-
quested interaction if she has logged in already (steps
3 and 4).
After performing the authentication, the end user’s
browser is redirected back to the application or ser-
vice with and Authorization Code (steps 5 and 6).
This code is used to request a token (step 7 and 8)
that claims about the authenticated end-user (the ID
token) and an additional token that can be used to de-
termine the scope of the user’s privileges and to obtain
more information about her.
2.2 On Social Login and Privacy
In these federated specifications, social network
providers, technology companies, and mobile net-
work operators have found a mechanism to provide
a new service to their users: single sign-on for appli-
cations and services. For example, Facebook, Twit-
ter, Google or Apple allow their users to sign in to
a third-party provider instead of creating a new ac-
count specifically for that application or service. As
mentioned before, this simplifies registrations and lo-
gins for end-users and improves their quality of expe-
rience. For providers, this kind of authentication and
authorization also has significant benefits; they avoid
bothering users creating new accounts, losing fewer
users during the registration or account resetting pro-
cesses, which increases the number of visitors.
On the other hand, identity providers offer this
social login service, very often free, because users’
data is precious. The collected information al-
lows providers to improve their content and services
(through personalization), their ability to place tar-
geted advertisements, etc. Therefore, not keeping any
information about the authentication activities of their
users (an easy way to become GDPR-compliant) is
not an option.
Different researches have emphasized in the pri-
vacy threats that this social login poses to end-
users. Some of these works apply different threat
modelling methodologies and techniques (Robles-
alez et al., 2020) to conclude that the main pri-
vacy threats observed when using social login are per-
sonal data leakage, lack of control over personal data
at the identity provider, lack of transparency in the
sharing of personal data, end-user profiling or end-
user location tracking.
Previous works try to mitigate all these threats
proposing specific countermeasures or mitigations.
The first threat can be mitigated or even avoided im-
proving the security of the specifications and its im-
plementations at the identity provider infrastructure.
Different works have focused on this research area
such as (Mainka et al., 2017), (Fett et al., 2017), or
(Li and Mitchell, 2020).
Other works such as (Bodnar et al., 2016), (Vil-
larreal et al., 2017) or (Navas and Beltr
an, 2019),
propose solutions for the second and third threats,
trying to minimize the personal data required when
registering at an identity provider and improving the
transparency of information-sharing processes as well
as the control provided to end-users. These works
rely on concepts such as privacy scopes to be agreed
by end-users when sharing their personal data with
third parties privacy tokens to exchange privacy pref-
erences or reputation schemes designed to quantify
the degree of privacy protection achieved by the dif-
ferent providers. Even there are works proposing
experiments to explore end users’ privacy awareness
when using login methods or developing tutorials and
awareness campaigns to inform them on the pros and
cons ((Moey et al., 2016), (Farzaneh Karegar and
ubner, 2018)) or helping the users to scan
vulnerabilities when they use OpenID via web plugin
(Li et al., 2019).
Protecting End User’s Privacy When using Social Login through GDPR Compliance
Figure 1: Authorization Code flow using OpenID Connect.
On the other hand, (Fett et al., 2015), (Isaakidis et al.,
2016) and (Hammann et al., 2020) focus on guaran-
teeing unlikability in order to avoid user profiling or
tracking (threats fourth and fifth in the provided list).
It has to be pointed that the last group of works
((Asghar et al., 2016), (Halpin, 2017)) proposes a
complete change in the concept of federation, letting
identity providers issue credentials and tokens that
end-users store locally. These users use these cre-
dentials and tokens when they need to access applica-
tions, and services without any interaction with iden-
tity providers. Therefore, keeping control over their
personal data.
Different research results show how their sensitive
information’s privacy is an important issue for end-
users. However, most of them rarely make an ac-
tive effort to protect this information; on the contrary,
they tend to give it away voluntarily if they can get a
benefit in return. This is known as the privacy para-
dox, and it is one of the main motivations of this re-
search because it has been rarely considered in previ-
ous works. Some providers may have already created
the infrastructure needed to be compliant with GDPR
and to provide their users with tools to exercise their
rights. But these tools are rarely known by users, un-
derstandable, usable, complete, interoperable or well
integrated with the technology that supports the au-
thentication processes.
We think that the capabilities necessary for GDPR
compliance must be built into the IdP, from design,
following standard frameworks (to avoid end-users to
handle one new solution for each specific provider),
and provided in its default implementations, not just
when users request them. Other limitations identified
in these previous works can be summarized in:
Ease of adoption and integration. Many of the
mentioned works propose solutions that involve
significant changes to current specifications or
their implementations. This makes their adoption
very difficult, so they are not usually deployed
in production environments. Another important
adoption barrier is that in many cases, they are
based on the development of custom solutions and
components rather than standard technologies or
mechanisms widely used by development teams
that have to integrate identity management into
their products.
Compliance with regulation. Previous works usu-
ally propose improvements that increase the levels
of privacy provided by social login mechanisms
but do not guarantee that these comply with cur-
rent regulations such as the GDPR in the case of
Europe. This makes its adoption very complicated
in many contexts in which this type of data protec-
tion regulations has been obligatory for a couple
of years now.
Regarding the compliance with the regulation, the
end-user’s consent to carry out any processing ac-
tivity is essential. However, most of the previ-
ous works in this research area do not address this
consent’s management at all.
The main goal of this research is to overcome all these
limitations. Current identity providers are often fail-
ing to fulfil explicit end-user requests (without undue
delay) to guarantee their rights under the GDPR be-
cause of the already mentioned limitations of specifi-
cations and their implementations. This failure may
cause a complaint to supervisory authorities and a re-
sult of a large fine or reputation loss.
The most important use cases that may benefit
from the proposed solution, are those exemplified in
the following scenarios:
SECRYPT 2021 - 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Scenario 1. An end-user wants to Facebook con-
nect as her primary login alternative at different ap-
plications. This end-user is concerned about her pri-
vacy, and she would like to be informed: What types
of personal data is Facebook processing? Which is the
lawful basis for this processing? How long will this
provider be storing this data? Will Facebook share
this data with other organizations? What visibility
will have the user about this data sharing? Further-
more, the user wants the right to access (to obtain a
copy) and to rectify (to correct inaccuracies) this data.
Scenario 2. A European end-user wants to use Sign
In with Apple to perform social login at different ap-
plications and services. Nevertheless, she wants to
object to direct marketing or restrict it (or other types
of processing at the identity provider or a specific re-
lying party), take her data to another identity provider
(including historical data about information shared
with RPs), or erase her data at any moment.
Scenario 3. A SaaS company relying on GSuite
would like to simplify employees’ authentication us-
ing Google Sign-In to perform social login at all the
corporate apps and services (collaboration, market-
ing, development, etc.). However, this company re-
quires precise control over shared information and de-
tailed traceability of information shared with RPs. For
example, to perform an audit or to demand account-
ability in case of a data breach.
4.1 GDPR Roles and Rights
The GDPR (Parliament and Council, 2016) is the cur-
rent data protection regulation in Europe, designed to
guarantee greater privacy protection and rights to Eu-
ropean citizens and to harmonise data protection laws
across all European countries. It is currently consid-
ered the world’s strongest data protection regulatory
This regulation distinguishes five different roles
regarding data protection. The first is the Data Sub-
ject, the natural person who is the owner of the per-
sonal data which identifies him or her or enables him
or her to be identified. Within a social login solution,
the Data Subject is an European end-user.
The second is the Data Controller, the natural
person or legal entity that decides the purposes and
mechanisms of the processing of personal data. The
controller is accountable for GDPR compliance. The
third is the Data Processor, a third party (natural per-
son or legal entity) that processes personal data on be-
half of the Data Controller. The processor must fulfil
the conditions specified by the controller in a signed
Data Processing Agreement (the mechanism used to
guarantee that obligations stated in GDPR are com-
plied with).
Within social login solutions, the Data Controllers
are the IdP and RP and the Data Processor are also the
IdP and the RP or even a third party not included in
the authentication flow.
The fourth is the Supervisory Authority, a public
organization in an European country responsible for
monitoring compliance with GDPR: advising compa-
nies, auditing their compliance, managing complaints
from Data Subjects, etc. Since identity providers op-
erate in multiple European countries, these companies
usually choose to appoint a Lead Supervisory Author-
ity for the purpose of reporting. In this way, they sim-
plify compliance management, reporting, etc.
The last one is the Data Protection Officer (DPO),
that is not always present (it is not mandatory for cer-
tain companies). This officer is the person responsible
for ensuring compliance with GDPR, advising com-
pany management and staff about the best strategy to
follow and it implementation. Identity providers must
appoint a DPO because they process personal data of
European citizens at a large scale.
All end-users have GDPR rights that the IdP and
RP have to guarantee, but currently, the Data Subject
has to request the Data Controller this fulfilment ex-
plicitly. The Data Subject rights within the GDPR are
the right to be informed, right of access, right to ob-
ject, right to rectification, right to erasure (right to be
forgotten), right to restriction of processing, right to
data portability and right not to be subject to a deci-
sion based solely on automated processing. The last
one does not apply in social login scenarios.
The right to be informed (articles 13 and 14 and
recitals from 60 to 62) allows end-users to know
who is the IdP or RP and how to contact them (their
DPO); the purposes and interest of the performed data
processing; recipients and international personal data
transfers and the retention period.
The right of access (article 15 and recitals 63
and 64) allows end-users to request the IdP and RP
an intelligible copy of the personal data they have
collected about them and other supplementary infor-
mation. Without undue delays and without being
charged any fee.
The right to object (article 21 and recitals 69 and
70) enables end-users to oppose data processing when
Protecting End User’s Privacy When using Social Login through GDPR Compliance
there are no legitimate grounds. The right to rectifi-
cation (article 16 and recital 65) allows end-users to
request a personal data correction to the IdP or RP
when this personal data is incomplete or inaccurate.
The right to erasure, also known as the right to
be forgotten, (article 17 and recitals 65 and 66) can
be exercised when the end-users’ personal data is
no longer required at a provider, when the end-users
withdraw their consent when data processing is il-
licit or due to legal compliance and after exercising
the right to object when there are no other legitimate
There is an alternative to requesting the erasure of
personal data: restrict the processing in certain cir-
cumstances (article 18). This right can be exercised
to limit the way that the IdP or the RP use data if the
end-user has a particular reason for asking for this re-
striction. The restriction is usually in place temporar-
Finally, end-users have the right to data portabil-
ity (article 20). Therefore, to obtain data that the IdP
or RP store and reuse it for their own purposes, for
example, move it to a new provider.
4.2 Privacy Capabilities Required for
GDPR Compliance
Taking into account the rights discussed in the previ-
ous section, the capabilities that the IdP must incor-
porate to ensure that they are fulfilled can be sum-
marised in three:
1. Centralised information repository where the end-
users can see their personal data and other in-
formation related to them and can exercise their
rights. This repository has to be user-friendly, up-
to-date and concise in order to help users to under-
stand their rights and assist them in the process of
exercising them. Furthermore, the IdP and RP can
easily comply with their obligations of facilitat-
ing the end-users’ right exercise (recital 59), serv-
ing information about the end-user data process-
ing (recital 61) and providing secure remote ac-
cess to end-users’ personal data (recital 63). The
IdP and RP have, in a centralized manner, all the
necessary information to inform their users or to
quickly transfer the information to other IdPs or
RP if needed.
2. Ability to revoke tokens, forcing the logout of an
RP from an IdP, without needing end-user inter-
3. Use of consent receipts, standard documents that
summarize what personal data has been given,
to whom (IdP, RP or third party), and for which
purposes. These receipts must be stored in the
centralized information repository, written in a
machine-readable format and available for down-
4.3 Improvements in Social Login
This work proposes a unified (and standard) web por-
tal offered by the IdP to comply with the GDPR
rights, it is the easiest way to maintain (from the IdP
point of view) and to consult (from the end-user point
of view) the required centralised information reposi-
Within the social login solutions, the IdP has to
perform some actions to guarantee the GDPR rights’
fulfilment. Regarding the right to be informed, this
work proposes that the unified web shows all the re-
quired information by this right, including advice. Af-
ter the end-user clicks on this right, the unified web
explains it, pointing that all the information needed is
included in the previous screen. This repository has
to inform the user about collected personal data, re-
tention period and data source, data processing and
grounds, recipients and international transfers and IdP
and RP information, including their DPO. Also, it
has to store consent receipts and logs with exercised
rights. This helps the end-users to follow their re-
quests and know if they were accepted or not. More-
over, there should be an available trace of when has
the IdP performed the actions to comply with the
Regarding consent receipts, the Kantara Consent
Receipt Specification is recommended in this work
(Kantara Initiative, 2018). Following this specifica-
tion the receipt is human-readable and can be repre-
sented as a standard JSON, both aspects very advanta-
geous in the context of social login. On the one hand,
end-users will be able to consult the receipts if they
wish to do so. On the other hand, the JSON format is
already used in the specifications of the authentication
flows, so it will be easy to handle (read, write, update,
store, transmit) for the IdP and the RP.
This work proposes a similar solution for the right
of access, showing all the needed information for this
right in the unified web. All the information for both
rights also gives the chance to understand better how
the IdP and RP manage the end-user personal data. As
explained in the information right, after the end-user
clicks on the right of access, he or she is informed
about this right, pointing that all the information is on
the main screen of the unified web.
This work proposes that once the end-user has
selected the right to object on the main screen,
SECRYPT 2021 - 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
its explanation is shown. In the next screen, the
end-user can select the data processing he wants to
object. Some of these data processing could not
be chosen if legitimate grounds exist that overrides
end-users right, but the web has to clearly explain
those grounds. Once the end-user has selected the
data processing he wants to object; the IdP has to
manually check the request or use an automatic
process. After that, the IdP (or RP) has to change the
scopes of the ID token. First, this work proposes to
perform a back-channel logout (Foundation, 2020)
with those RPs that have in place the data processing
the end-users are objecting to. As it has been
mentioned before, this capability forces the logout
of an RP from an IdP, without needing end-user
intervention. Before starting this flow, the RPs must
be registered in the IdP, including their back-channel
logout URI (step 0 of figure 2). In the first step of
the back-channel logout flow, the IdP sends an HTTP
POST to the RPs back-channel logout URI with a
logout JSON Web token or JWT (step 1 of figure 2).
This logout token includes the logout event (”events”:
logout”: ) and a reference to the affected end-user.
This reference can directly identify the user, in-
cluding the subfield, the end-user session (sid field)
or both. The RPs, after validating the logout JWT
has to perform the end-user logout (step 2 of figure
2), taking into account the recommendations of
(Foundation, 2020). Each RP responds to the IdP
(step 3 of figure 2) with an HTTP 200 OK if the
process was successful or with an HTTP 400 Bad
request otherwise. Besides, the RP can respond an
HTTP 501 Not implemented if the logout process
fails. A similar approach should be used with the
right to restrict processing.
Regarding the right to rectification, within the so-
cial login scenario, the personal data is stored in the
IdP, so the data correction must be done in the IdP.
This work proposes that the unified web lets the end-
user directly correct them in the IdP. After select-
ing this right on the main screen of the unified web,
the end-user can read an explanation of this right. It
should include that this process could force a logout in
those RPs that uses the personal data that need to be
corrected (to avoid these RPs using an obsolete ver-
sion of this data). After that, the end-user can correct
his data. Once he has finished and moved to the next
screen, the IdP can validate if this personal data is cor-
rect. This validation can be done with an automated
process or manually. An example of an automated
process can be entering a code sent via email or SMS
to check that the email or mobile phone, respectively,
is correct. A manual process can be performed by an
agent calling the end-user to check the correction. Af-
ter the validation screen, the user returns to the main
screen. If the modified personal data is also stored in
JWT, the IdP could wait for the JWT expiration and
correct the personal data in the reissuing process. If
the expiration time is too long, the IdP has to force
a back-channel logout following the same flow as in
the right to object. The end-users can see on the main
screen when the personal data has been updated.
This work proposes that after selecting the right to
erase or the right to be forgotten, the end-user can read
an explanation of the right. This explanation has to in-
clude information about how much time is needed to
complete the process, including backups of personal
data. In the next screen, the end-user can select the
personal data he wants to delete. Some personal data
could be not selected when the end-user does not have
the right to erasure that personal data, but an explana-
tion of the grounds needs to appear. After that, the
end-user return to the main screen and the IdP can
process the request with undue delay using an auto-
mated process or manually. Once it is confirmed that
the end-user has the right to delete the personal data,
the IdP performs a back-channel logout in those RPs
that uses the personal data. After that, the IdP can
delete the personal data following their own proce-
dure. Also, it has to remember to erasure the data
from backups if feasible because backups can contain
this type of information. The end-users can see the
deletion of their personal data on the main screen of
the unified web.
With the right to portability, the end-users can ob-
tain a structured and processable file with their per-
sonal data. This work proposes that after selecting
this right on the main screen, the end-users can read
an explanation of this right. After that, the end-
users can select between transferring the information
to other integrated entities with the IdP or download-
ing a file, in a standard format, with the content. Fi-
nally the end-users return to the main screen.
5.1 Prototype
The prototype implementation is based on HTML,
JavaScript and PHP in a XAMPP server over Win-
dows 10. It also uses JSON as structured format for
data (compatible with current social login specifica-
tions and implementations). It has been implemented
within an OpenID Connect IdP, the basis of all current
Protecting End User’s Privacy When using Social Login through GDPR Compliance
Figure 2: Back-channel logout flow.
social login implementations (Facebook, Google, Ap-
ple, etc.).
The unified web portal shows the information in
tabs. The first tab includes the end-users’ personal
data, consent receipts, retention period and source.
The second tab shows performed data processing and
grounds. The third tab incorporates recipients and in-
ternational transfers. The fourth tab includes IdP and
DPO information. The last tab contains a log of the
exercised rights, including the affected personal data
or data processing, when was the request, and when
was the resolution. At the bottom of this web, there is
a form where the user can make a new request.
5.2 Validation and Discussion
From a functionality perspective, the proposed solu-
tion provides IdPs mechanisms to fully comply with
the GDPR. This is due to the following reasons:
Guarantees lawfulness and fairness: The pro-
posed unified web portal allows end-users to ex-
ercise their applicable data protection rights in the
same standardised way in all their IdPs. The three
scenarios introduced in section 3 can be solved
with GDPR compliance thanks to the informa-
tion available within the portal, the permission to
edit (to update or to erase, including backups) or
download data (to access or to move to another
provider) and the capacity of objecting to or re-
stricting data processing (including the ability to
revoke alive tokens already provided to RPs).
Facilitates security, transparency and accountabil-
ity: If the end-user authentication performed by
the IdP is assumed to be secure, the proposed
mechanisms are secure, because only properly au-
thenticated and authorised users are allowed to ac-
cess the unified web portal. The additional infor-
mation included in this portal, such as explain-
ing the users rights or the DPO contact data im-
proves transparency. Finally, the logging of exer-
cised rights and the recording of consent receipts
increase accountability.
The prototype demonstrates that the proposed solu-
tion constitutes a valuable tool to allow individuals
to exercise their rights in social login scenarios with-
out requiring changes in current federated identity
management specifications. But this kind of user-
centric privacy-enhancing technology requires further
research in two aspects. The first is to find incentives
to IdPs to provide this kind of tool. The most essential
incentive should be to foster the competition of digi-
tal services, but current providers do not perceive that
they need to offer this kind of control to their users to
win this competition. It is much more likely that their
motivation, at present, is related to avoiding the fines
mentioned in section 3. The second is to find incen-
tives to end-users to reclaim this control, understand
the value of their data, and be able to use a tool such as
the one proposed in this paper to exercise their rights
and enjoy the mentioned value.
GDPR is a legal document that provides no techni-
cal guidance to the entities that have to comply with
it. This is one reason why current social login solu-
tions (provided by non-European companies in most
cases) are not aligned with this data protection regula-
tion, although many of the users of these services are
European citizens.
This paper has introduced three main privacy ca-
pabilities, easy to implement and to integrate with
current authentication flows, that can be used by
the IdP of these social login solutions to guarantee
GDPR-compliance. The first, a simple, unambigu-
ous, intuitive and tailored to end-user needs unified
and standard web portal containing all the informa-
tion regarding applicable data protection rights (right
to be informed, right of access, right to rectification,
right to erasure, right to restrict processing, right to
data portability and right to object). The second, the
ability to revoke alive tokens when the exercise of
these rights makes it necessary. And the third, the use
of standard consent receipts to keep a user-friendly
record of end-user consents for data collection and
A prototype of a solution based on the proposed
SECRYPT 2021 - 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
mechanisms has been implemented and used to val-
idate their functionality, demonstrating how an IdP
using OpenID Connect can easily guarantee GDPR
compliance (no change in the current specifications is
required and standard technologies and mechanisms
can be used), following the principles of lawfulness,
fairness, security, transparency and accountability.
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