lize an open-source face detection framework Caffe
(Jia et al., 2014). Individual frames are then fed
into the face detector which detects and crops the
subject faces. We then utilise our trained Impres-
sionNet model in order to predict the attribute scores
on these face images and annotate the scores on the
original frame. The individual annotated frames are
merged back to form the video in real-time. Fig. 3
shows several frames from a processed video using
the above approach. We have also provided few an-
notated videos from diverse social settings as supple-
mentary material.
In this paper, we have proposed a fresh multi-view ap-
proach for analysis and prediction of social attributes
like trustworthiness and dominance based on facial
features. The proposed approach achieves superior
feature generalisation and diversification resulting in
improved coefficient of determination (R
) scores.
Our experiments validate that one can extract more di-
verse features using multiple views and subsequently
improve the performance by combining their results
in regressive tasks as well. To justify the diversifi-
cation and generalisation ability of our approach, we
have also performed the ablation study. The obtained
results clearly establish the effectiveness of this ap-
proach and also indicates that similar methods can
also be used for analogous tasks. At last, we also
proposed a method which enables the real-time video
analysis of multiple subject faces and can have several
applications in marketing, surveillance and more.
More results and evaluations on video sequences of
various test subjects can be seen in the supplemental
annotated videos from the link below. We show
examples of various social interactions and how it
affects the perception of the social attributes like
trustworthiness based on the facial expressions
analysed by our multi-view regression approach
(see, for example, the fluctuations in trustwor-
thiness scores associated in tense situations such
as in political interviews or broadcasting studios
when the subject is judged highly in Videos).
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ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence