An Integrated Recurrent Neural Network and Regression Model with
Spatial and Climatic Couplings for Vector-borne Disease Dynamics
Zhijian Li
, Jack Xin
and Guofa Zhou
Department of Mathematics, UC Irvine, Irvine, CA 92617, U.S.A.
Program in Public Health, School of Medicine, UC Irvine, Irvine, CA 92617, U.S.A.
Geospatial and Climatic Data, Integrated Spatio-temporal Network Model, Vector-borne Disease Forecasting.
We developed an integrated recurrent neural network and nonlinear regression spatio-temporal model for
vector-borne disease evolution. We take into account climate data and seasonality as external factors that
correlate with disease transmitting insects (e.g. flies), also spill-over infections from neighboring regions sur-
rounding a region of interest. The climate data is encoded to the model through a quadratic embedding scheme
motivated by recommendation systems. The neighboring regions’ influence is modeled by a long short-term
memory neural network. The integrated model is trained by stochastic gradient descent and tested on leish-
maniasis data in Sri Lanka from 2013-2018 where infection outbreaks occurred. Our model out-performed
ARIMA models across a number of regions with high infections, and an associated ablation study renders
support to our modeling hypothesis and ideas.
Leishmaniases are tropical diseases caused by leish-
mania parasites and transmitted through the bites of
vector sand flies. The cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL)
is the most common threat and health risk in devel-
oping countries in the tropical regions. In this pa-
per, we study data from Sri Lanka that has reported a
substantial surge in clinical leishmaniasis cases in the
past 20 years (Fig.1, a)). Previous studies Siriwardana
et al. (2010); Karunaweera et al. (2018) found that (1)
leishmaniasis epidemics in Sri Lanka had two trans-
mission hot spots, one on the south coast and another
in the north central region of the country (Fig.1,b)),
with a biannual seasonal variation; (2) outdoor activ-
ities, including occupational exposure and living near
a vector breeding area, are some of the key risk fac-
tors of infection. An important scientific task for pub-
lic health is to model the spatio-temporal dynamics
in leishmaniasis transmission and the driving forces
behind it, thereby help predict future infections and
In this paper, we aim to generalize and advance
existing geo-statistical and ecological models Kyri-
akidis and Journel (1999); Elith and Leathwick (2009)
by incorporating spatio-temporal transmission factors
such as climate effects and local carryover of infec-
tions from neighboring regions. Our main contribu-
tions are:
(1) modeling leishmaniasis spread between neighbor-
ing areas by a recurrent neural network with input
data from up to three most infected neighbors;
(2) including climate data input as an external factor,
since the development of both the sand flies and the
parasites inside their guts are affected by climatic con-
(3) hybridizing (1) and (2) with regression to form
an integrated nonlinear space-time model trained by
stochastic gradient descent on 51 months (2013-03 to
2017-08) and tested on 18 months (2017-09 to 2018-
12) in 5 highly infected regions of Sri Lanka.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
In section 2, we review related prior work on in-
fectious disease modeling where climate and geo-
neighbor factors have been separately modeled. In
section 3, we outline pre-processing of raw data to
remove trend, and introduce our integrated model
structure with embedding operations of climate and
time stamps (monthly) motivated by design of rec-
ommender systems. In section 4, we go over train-
ing and test data, and compare prediction results with
ARIMA as baseline. In terms of both root mean
squares error and maximum absolute error, our in-
Li, Z., Xin, J. and Zhou, G.
An Integrated Recurrent Neural Network and Regression Model with Spatial and Climatic Couplings for Vector-borne Disease Dynamics.
DOI: 10.5220/0010762700003122
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2022), pages 505-510
ISBN: 978-989-758-549-4; ISSN: 2184-4313
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved