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flip noise patterns, EM achieves second best results in
terms of accuracy and error rate.
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crowd workers and using the provided labels for train-
ing DNNs, we design an iterative method for label
aggregation and training DNN together. The prior art
performs label aggregation and training classifier in
two separate processes. We propose LABNET that
considers aggregation and training in contact with
each other. In our model, the classifier extracts the
prior knowledge for passing to the aggregation algo-
rithm. Also, the estimated correct labels by aggrega-
tion algorithm are used to train the classifier. In ad-
dition, we design an algorithm to decide when DNN
needs to be trained through the aggregation algorithm
iteration. Compared to the baselines, LABNET out-
performs in most scenarios, especially for in challeng-
ing scenarios with large number of classes.
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National Science Foundation NRP75 project
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LABNET: A Collaborative Method for DNN Training and Label Aggregation