A Hybrid Model based on Convolutional Neural Networks and Long
Short-term Memory for Rest Tremor Classification
Jihen Fourati
1,2 a
, Mohamed Othmani
and Hela Ltifi
National Engineering School of Sfax, University of Sfax, BP 1173, Sfax, Tunisia
Research Lab: Technology, Energy, and Innovative Materials Lab, Faculty of Sciences of Gafsa, University of Gafsa,
Faculty of Sciences of Gafsa, University of Gafsa, BP 2100,Gafsa, Tunisia
Research Groups in Intelligent Machines Lab ,BP 3038, Sfax, Tunisia
Resting Tremor, Deep Learning, Long-short Term Memory, Convolutional Neural Network, Parkinson’s
Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease, in which tremor is the main symptom. Deep brain stimula-
tion can help manage a broad range of neurological ailments such as Parkinson’s disease. It involves electrical
impulses delivered to specific targets in the brain, with the purpose of altering or modulating neural function-
ing. Security is playing a vital role in protecting healthcare gadgets from unauthorized access or modification.
Our purpose is to adopt deep learning methodologies to classify resting tremors. To achieve this purpose,
a novel approach for resting tremor classification in patients with Parkinson’s disease using a hybrid model
based on convolutional neural networks and long short-term memory is proposed. This research exploits the
high-level feature extraction of the convolutional neural network model and the potential capacity to capture
long-term dependencies of the long short-term memory model. The performed experiments demonstrate that
our proposed approach outperforms the best result for other state-of-the-art methods.
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative
disorder, in which patients suffer different symp-
toms: resting tremor, akinesia and rigidity (LeesAJ,
2009)(Parkinson, 1817). Resting tremor (RT) is a
rhythmic and oscillatory involuntary movement that
appears in a body part (Abdo et al., 2010). It is the
roughest manifested symptom of Parkinson disease
tremors, which occurs at a frequency band between
4 and 6 Hz (Lyons and Pahwa, 2005) and disappears
when a voluntary movement is performed. Deep brain
stimulation (DBS) is an exceedingly used therapy op-
tion to lessen the motor signs of advanced PD. How-
ever, it has crucial security-related issues. The ability
to manipulate the pacemaker-like gadget enables per-
forming numerous randomized trials to assess the effi-
ciency of the device (Rathore et al., 2019). Indeed, an
attacker can stop required stimulation or induce some
needless shocks in the cerebrum by fake signals pro-
duction (Choi et al., 2018). Deep brain stimulation
affects both tremor amplitude and tremor frequency
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(Beuter et al., 2001). To quantify the tremor level for
PD subjects, (Pedrosa et al., 2018) developed two pre-
dictive models to classify Parkinson’s disease’s rest
tremor between high or low frequencies. The pro-
posed models have reached a classification accuracy
of 92.8%. Furthermore, (Perumal and Sankar, 2016)
have studied the impact of using both gait and tremor
features for the early detection and monitoring of PD
by the use of statistical analysis and machine learning
To enhance resting tremor detection, a multi-
characteristic classification approach depend on the
characteristics of the local field potentials (LFP) has
been used to recognize tremor-related features in
PD patients (Bakstein et al., 2012), and shows that
LFPs supplied enough information for detecting rest-
ing tremor. The authors of (Shah et al., 2018) pro-
posed a method base on frequency and time domain
combined with a logistic regression classifier to de-
tect Parkinsonian rest tremors. Despite that, the de-
lay of tremor detection was not stated and is a sub-
stantial parameter for closed-loop DBS implementa-
tion. Additionally, (L
opez-Blanco et al., 2019) pro-
Fourati, J., Othmani, M. and Ltifi, H.
A Hybrid Model based on Convolutional Neural Networks and Long Short-term Memory for Rest Tremor Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0010773600003116
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022) - Volume 3, pages 75-82
ISBN: 978-989-758-547-0; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
posed an android application for PD tremor analysis
on a smartwatch. Their application experiments show
that this hardware has the prospect to quantify PD
subjects’ tremors impartially in the room of consul-
tation. The precise detection of tremor onset in PD
is crucial to the success of DBS therapy (Yao et al.,
2020). For that, (Yao et al., 2020) proposed a method
for detecting tremors during rest by the use of perti-
nent characteristics combined with machine learning
and Kalman. Moreover, (Hssayeni et al., 2019) de-
veloped two methods based on deep learning and gra-
dient boosting decision tree model used with wear-
able sensors to evaluate overall tremor parkinson. As
well, (Oktay and Kocer, 2020) presented a method for
the classification of two types of tremors (Essential
tremor and Parkinson tremor) based on convolutional
long short-term memory. The experiments showed
that convolutional long short-term memory provides
successful results for differentiation of tremors. The
model reached a testing accuracy of 90%. In addition,
(Patel et al., 2009) developed a system to measure the
gravity of tremor, bradykinesia, and dyskinesia using
a wearable sensor platform. Further, (Salarian et al.,
2007) presented a method to detect tremors and com-
pare the tremor amplitude measurement to the cor-
responding unified parkinson’s disease rating scale
(UPDRS) score. Moreover, Edwards et al.(Edwards
and Beuter, 1999) used tremor features like the am-
plitude, frequency, and spectral power to differentiate
PD tremors. Besides, they combined a set features
into one variable to recognize a PD from abnormal
tremors effectively (Goldberger et al., 2000).
Although several studies have been conducted on the
resting tremor classification, not much research has
been published about classifying different attack pat-
terns for deep brain implants. Until recently, only two
past attempts have been made to classify different at-
tack patterns for brain implants: (Rathore et al., 2019)
proposed a deep learning methodology for predict-
ing and forecasting different signal patterns of deep
brain stimulation. Typically, the rest tremor veloc-
ity is analyzed for evaluating the Parkinson tremor
intensity. Various attacks have been introduced in
the DBS context to simulate and distinguish between
false and authentic stimulations. Moreover, referring
to the security of signals from DBS, (Abdaoui et al.,
2020) designed a monitoring system for distinguish-
ing false alarms from legitimate ones and classified
the attacks using Raspberry Pi3 and deep learning.
They achieved an accuracy of 97% for predicting fake
signals. In this paper, we propose a novel classifi-
cation approach, for those who are receiving DBS to
relieve tremors, using a hybrid model based on convo-
lutional neural networks and long short-term memory.
This paper studies the pattern of rest tremor velocity
(a type of feature observed to evaluate the intensity
of neurological disorders) based on the pattern of in-
troduced attack strategies. For this, we studied and
examined RTV values to design and train the neural
The main contribution of this work is predicting
whether the signal is an attack or a genuine signal for
deep brain implants.
2.1 Dataset
For tremor classification, rest tremor in subjects with
Parkinson’s disease receiving chronic high frequency
electrical deep brain stimulation (DBS) was recorded
continuously throughout switching the deep brain
stimulator on (at an effective frequency) and off. Data
from Physionet online database (Goldberger et al.,
2000) were utilized, consisting of readings from the
experiments conducted on a group of 16 subjects with
PD. Neurophysiological data were acquired by em-
ploying a low-intensity laser that was directed to a
reflective piece of paper in the subject’s finger for a
time period of 60 seconds for data acquisition (Beuter
et al., 2001).
2.2 Data Acquisition
Data were collected using the MacLab data acquisi-
tion system and sampled at 100 Hz. Raw data were
exported to S-Plus for analysis and converted from
volts to mm/s (Beuter et al., 2001).
The data acquisition are carried out as the following
- The laser was placed at about 30 cm from the sub-
ject’s index finger tip.
- The laser beam was directed to a piece of reflective
tape placed on the finger tip.
- The velocity-transducer laser captures raw values
outputting voltage proportional to the velocity of the
finger for 60 seconds.
2.3 Data Preprocessing
Before dealing with the data, some signal manipu-
lations were needed. The files of the dataset (Gold-
berger et al., 2000) vary in tremor velocity units be-
tween patients. A few patients presented their data
in meters per second, while others presented in mil-
limeters per second. Thus, it is necessary to perform
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
normalization of the data, such that the posterior pro-
cessing and obtained results are identical among all
patients’ data. A simple formula was used to normal-
ize all data in millimeters per second.
mm/s = m/s × 1,000 (1)
As described by (Rathore et al., 2016), different types
of attack strategies can be employed by the attacker.
For that, we generated a new dataset by emulat-
ing different attack strategies along with modulating
learned stimulation patterns. The generated dataset
is composed of 4096 genuine and 4096 attacked se-
quences collected from real measurements. Each se-
quence contains 300 samples and one label indicating
whether the sequence is genuine or attacked.
In this section, we present the details of our proposed
approach, which contains convolutional and recurrent
neural networks. First, we give a general overview
of the approach. After that, we discuss each phase in
3.1 Overview
Our main objective is to address the problem of rest
tremor classification in patients with Parkinson’s dis-
ease using a combination of convolutional neural net-
work (CNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM)
based on hybrid deep learning model. The first step of
our proposed approach is to improve the data as men-
tioned in section 2. Then, we extract the time-domain
features of the RT data through a one-dimensional
convolutional neural network. Next, these features
are feeding into LSTM to extract the best represen-
tative features. For the last step, the classifier predicts
whether the signal is an attack or a genuine signal.
The block diagram of our hybrid approach is depicted
in Fig.1.
Figure 1: Block diagram of CNN-LSTM hybrid model-
based RT classification.
3.2 Convolutional Neural Network
CNN is a well-known deep learning architecture in-
spired by the human neural system (Ko, 2018). It
identifies automatically the relevant features without
any human supervision (Gu et al., 2018). A typi-
cal CNN architecture consists of alternating convo-
lutional layers and pooling layers, followed by one or
more fully connected layers. The convolutional layers
consist of multiple kernels stacked together that are
convolved with their input. It extracts the high-level
features from the input signal by a sliding-window
technique that outputs feature maps (Pak et al., 2018).
The pooling layer provides a typical downsampling
operation by applying the pooling operator to aggre-
gate information inside each small region of the input
feature channels and then select the most significant
feature (Yamashita et al., 2018). These features are
fed to the fully connected layer which generates the
CNN model’s output data.
3.3 Long Short-term Memory Model
LSTM, a sophisticated version of recurrent neural
network which is able to learn long-term dependen-
cies, is designed to solve the long-term dependency
problem by means of short-term memory (Pak et al.,
2018). LSTM is able to process even the longest se-
quence data without vanishing the gradient (Pak et al.,
2018). Each LSTM unit is composed of a memory
cell and three main gates: input, output and forget.
The memory cell is designed to selectively add or re-
move information into/from this cell under the control
of these three gates (Bai and Tahmasebi, 2021). The
input gate is mathematically represented as following:
= σ(W
] + b
) (2)
The operator ‘*’ represents the element-wise multi-
plication of the vectors.
The information to be neglected from the previous
memory is controlled by forget gate which is math-
ematically defined as following:
= σ(W
] + b
) (3)
The cell state is updated by the update gate, expressed
mathematically by the following equations:
= tanh(W
] + b
) (4)
= f
+ i
The hidden layer of the previous time step is updated
by the output gate which is also responsible for the
updating the output as it is given by:
= σ(W
] + b
) (6)
= o
A Hybrid Model based on Convolutional Neural Networks and Long Short-term Memory for Rest Tremor Classification
3.4 Convolutional Neural Network and
Long Short-term Memory for Rest
Tremor Classification
Artificial intelligence has caught the attention of the
scientific community in diverse fields such as intelli-
gent decision support systems (IDSS) (Ellouzi et al.,
2017) (Ellouzi et al., 2015), wavelets neural network
(Bellil et al., 2008), pattern recognition, function ap-
proximation optimization, etc. Deep learning is a sub-
set of machine learning where artificial neural net-
works, algorithms inspired by the human brain, learn
from large amounts of data. The proposed model, i.e.,
hybrid deep learning strategy, is inspired by biologi-
cal artificial neural networks.
The proposed model exploits the efficiency of
convolutional neural networks for extracting higher-
level features and learning the internal representation
of sequence data as well as the effectiveness of long
short-term memory layers for identifying short-term
and long-term dependencies. The main purpose of
our proposed model is to efficiently combine the ad-
vantages of these deep learning techniques. In this
study, a hybrid approach of CNN and LSTM has been
successfully used as a rest tremor classifier. Our train-
ing phase inputs consist of the whole signals (normal
and under attack). The inputs go through one convo-
lution layer, one max-pooling layer followed by an-
other convolution layer. The convolution layers (1,
2) are convolved with their respective kernel size and
their filter number (2, 32). Between the block of con-
volution layers, the max-pooling layer is applied to
the feature maps. Thus, it was employed to reduce
the number of parameters to learn and to minimize
the amount of computation performed in the network.
After the block of convolution layers and the max-
pooling layer, two LSTM layers were applied with
recurrent activation function with a dropout and re-
current dropout of 0.2. The total unit of each LSTM
layer is 32. Nonlinearity is presented in the model
by offering some layers with the hyperbolic tangent
(tanh) activation function. The tanh function is the
updated version of the sigmoid function on the range,
which is a symmetric function centred on zero. Its
output is bounded, and it brings nonlinearity to the
neural network (Wang et al., 2020). In both LSTM
layers, we applied the “tanh” activation function. The
mathematical form of tanh function is as follows:
f (x) =
1 e
1 + e
Where x is the input to a neuron. The details of each
layer parameter of the proposed rest tremor classifica-
tion model are presented in Table 1. For the training
parameters of the proposed network, we adopted 80%
of samples for training and the remaining 20% for
testing. Figure 2 shows the proposed network model.
As we are facing a binary classification problem (nor-
mal or under attack) and the output of our model is
a probability (In the end, we applied the classifica-
tion layer using a sigmoid function.), the best choice
is to configure the model with adaptive moment es-
timation (ADAM) optimizer and the binary crossen-
tropy loss function. ADAM algorithm ensures that the
learning steps, during the training process, are scale-
invariant relative to the parameter gradients (Livieris
et al., 2020). Finally, the training and testing of the
proposed approach is done in 300 epochs and a batch
size of 64 samples. A hyperparameter tuning was per-
formed till the optimum performance was reached.
Our model was evaluated on a laptop computer with
a 4 GHz CPU, 64 GB of memory. All methods were
executed using Jupyter Notebooks (Python 3.7.10).
The proposed approach was tested on the Phys-
ionet dataset. Physionet ”tremor-DB” is made up of
the original rest tremor velocity signals, the ground
truths for benchmark the RT classification. All data
recordings are considered genuine measurements. In
order to study the effect of deep brain stimulation on
amplitude and frequency characteristics of rest tremor
in Parkinson’s disease (Beuter et al., 2001), different
attack strategy was carried out. We have emulated dif-
ferent attack strategies introduced in the DBS frame-
work by changing the learnt stimulation pattern. To
improve the computational efficiency of the proposed
model, we generate a new dataset by creating faulty
signals that correspond to the attack patterns. The
dataset is composed of 4096 genuine and 4096 at-
tacked sequences collected from real measurements.
Each sequence contains 300 samples and one label
indicating if the sequence is genuine (label 0) or at-
tacked (label 1).
Cross-validation (CV) is a standardized test com-
monly used to test the ability of the classification sys-
tem using various combinations of the testing and
training datasets. The proposed approach was trained
with the k-fold cross-validation procedure (k=10) by
using train data. This procedure divides arbitrarily
the set of observations into 10 approximately equal
folds. The first fold is used as a validation set, and the
method fits on the remaining k-1 folds.
We opted for using 10-fold cross-validation tech-
nique since this is one of the most using method for
estimating accuracy due to its relatively low bias and
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: The architecture of our proposed model.
Layers No. Type Kernel size No. kernels/Units Output shape
Layer 1 Conv1D 2 32 2 × 32
Layer 2 MaxPooling1D 2 2 × 32
Layer 3 Conv1D 2 32 2 × 32
Layer 4 LSTM 32 32
Layer 5 LSTM 32 32
Layer 6 Dense 1 1
Figure 2: The proposed CNN-LSTM model.
Figure 3: Loss and accuracy curves (training and validation).
The cross-validation process was repeated until
every tremor dataset were included in the testing
dataset with 10-fold. The models obtained from the
training phase are tested section-by-section and then
averaged of recall, precision, accuracy, and F1-score
(given in Table 5). The 10-fold cross-validation pro-
cess results are shown in Table 2. The mean and stan-
dard values of the training accuracy and validation ac-
curacy after 10-fold cross-validation are evaluated as
97.01% (±0,0119898) and 94.90%(±0,0193959), re-
spectively. In Table 3, we summarize the average
and standard deviation for the calculated k-fold cross-
validation results process.
The best model results are obtained in epoch number
287. It takes 109 ms/step and leads to training loss
= 0.1760, training binary accuracy = 0.9701, valida-
tion loss = 0.1760, and validation binary accuracy =
0.9593. as shown in Fig. 3.
To compare our experiments with previous works,
we defined four metrics: accuracy, recall, precision ,
and F1-score. The most frequent classification evalu-
ation metric is accuracy. However, it can be mislead-
ing when the target classes are imbalanced. In such
A Hybrid Model based on Convolutional Neural Networks and Long Short-term Memory for Rest Tremor Classification
Table 2: 10-fold cross-validation results.
Experimental trials Training accuracy Training loss Validation accuracy Validation loss
1 0.9630 0.1494 0.9277 0.2369
2 0.9690 0.1247 0.9444 0.1619
3 0.9815 0.1144 0.9628 0.1566
4 0.9690 0.1317 0.9630 0.1513
5 0.9444 0.2487 0.9442 0.2041
6 0.9815 0.1020 0.9649 0.1483
7 0.9815 0.0848 0.9669 0.1531
8 0.9815 0.1138 0.9628 0.1805
9 0.9669 0.1379 0.9074 0.3349
10 0.9630 0.1574 0.9463 0.1856
Table 3: Statistical analysis of 10-fold cross-validation pro-
Metrics Mean Standard deviation
Training accuracy 0.97013 0.01198
Training loss 0.13648 0.04499
Validation accuracy 0.94904 0.01936
Validation loss 0.19132 0.05772
Table 4: Confusion matrix of binary rest tremor classifica-
tion problem.
Predicted class
Normal Under Attack
Actual Normal TP FN
class Under Attack FP TN
cases, other evaluation metrics should be considered
in addition to the accuracy. Recall , precision and F1-
score are excellent quantification measures for binary
The model classification performance is best pre-
sented in a two-class confusion matrix consisting of a
2x2 matrix, with True Positives (TP), False Negatives
(FN), False Positives (FP), and True Negatives (TN)
described in Table 4.
Accuracy =
T P + T N
T P + T N + FP + FN
Recall =
T P + FN
Precision =
T P + FP
F1 score = 2 ×
Recall × Precision
Recall + Precision
Table 5 illustrates the comparison between our
proposed approach and other previous studies. The
proposed approach achieved an accuracy, a recall, a
Figure 4: ROC curve. Class 0: Normal, Class 1: Under
precision, f1-score, and area under the receiver oper-
ating characteristic curve (AUC) of 94.9%, 96.42%,
90.0%, 93.0%, and,93.75% respectively. It can be
noted that the best accuracy, recall, and F1-score
were achieved by the proposed method, i.e., 94.9%,
96.42%, and 93.0%, which demonstrates its excellent
capacity for addressing the challenge. The area under
the curve reaches a high value.
Figure 4 shows the receiver operating characteris-
tic curve (ROC curve) of the classification with rest-
ing tremor. The ROC curve plots between the val-
ues of the true positive rate (sensitivity) to the false
positive rate (1-specificity) at various classification
The area under the curve was achieved as 93.75%,
which quantifies the overall ability of the algorithm to
distinguish between a subject with normal rest tremor
velocity and a subject under attack.
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 5: Comparison results on Physionet dataset.
Methods Accuracy Precision Recall F1-score
LDA (Perumal and Sankar, 2016) 0.869 - - -
KNN+SVM (Pedrosa et al., 2018) 0.928 1 0.833 0.909
Ours 0.949 0.90 0.964 0.93
In this paper, a novel approach based on convolutional
neural networks and a long short-term memory hybrid
model for resting tremor classification is presented.
The aim of this study was to exploit the high-level
feature extraction of the convolutional neural network
model and the potential capacity to capture long-term
dependencies of the long short-term memory. A com-
parison study is reported to demonstrate the perfor-
mance and the effectiveness of the novel proposed ap-
proach among the methods in previous literature. As
exhibited in experiments, the proposed approach out-
performs state-of-the-art methods in terms of recall,
accuracy, and F1-score.
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ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence