condition was easy to satisfy, the pruning of costs was
effective in the early stage of the search by allocating
agents with high importance. Alternatively, when the
condition was not easily satisfied, it helped increase
the pruning of the search space by allocating agents
that were more likely to be pruned, such as agents
with fewer skills or more constraints.
The possible future work is as follows. In this ex-
periment, the cost was set to be the same, regardless of
the agent’s team, and the cost’s value was determined
randomly. However, the problem may change signif-
icantly by changing the cost setting. As a change in
the framework, the robustness of multi-teams was as-
sumed to be the minimum value of the team to which
it belongs, but the robustness of multi-teams can be
generalized by allowing each team to set its own ro-
bustness goal, thereby making the model more sim-
ilar to a real-world environment. In this case, it is
expected that the complexity of robustness results in
more Pareto optimal solutions, so it is necessary to
develop a fast algorithm for finding an approximate
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ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence