Additionally, the results generated by the prototypical
implementation were evaluated with experts from the
automotive domain.
Concerning the generalizability of the case study
results, a threat is that the number of cases used in
this case study might be too small and the selected
cases might not be representative for the application
domain. To mitigate this threat, the cases were devel-
oped in cooperation with experts from the automotive
industry and are derived from an actual level 3 assis-
tance system.
In this paper, we introduce a method for the integrated
consideration of safety and security in early phases of
the system design. We evaluate our method on a level
3 assistance system called Highway Driving System.
The method focuses on an architectural level of sys-
tem development and builds upon existing analysis
methods of the safety and security domains, namely
FTA, STRIDE, and attack trees. At its very core, our
4-step method identifies for each attack which haz-
ards it may trigger and for each hazard which com-
binations of attacks and other faults it can be caused
by. This process is automated by our tooling to a large
Our approach supports the safety and security en-
gineers in a way such that security aspects can be
leveraged in the context of considering safety. In
more concrete terms, it helps to identify the impact
attacks can have on the safety of the vehicle via the
identification of hazards triggered by a certain attack.
Additionally, it helps to identify the influence safety
aspects have on security. Finally, the iterative na-
ture of the method ensures that the safety impact of
newly introduced security controls becomes apparent
in each following iteration.
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the SeCFT. This ASIL propagation would automati-
cally respect the ASIL tailoring rules defined in (ISO,
2018) and annotate ASILs to system components,
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MODELSWARD 2022 - 10th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development