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rithm is proposed for selecting the optimal number
of channels which is based on non-linear separabil-
ity measurement. The proposed algorithm is evalu-
ated on both BCI competition IV datasets IIa and IIb.
In this work, an effect of low NLM metric (λ) value
on high accuracy has been investigated by using the
EEG channels that are used to compute such λ. Al-
though, the most effective channels out of the 10 ini-
tial channels have been selected, yet the potential of
all 25 channels has not been explored. Based on pro-
posed NLMCS() algorithm, we are motivated to apply
clustering to compute the λ value for clusters between
two classes. In future, the work will be extended for
all channels and a subject independent model will be
built on features taken from the selected channels de-
sign for use in self evolving neural network for EEG
classification for improved accuracy.
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ICPRAM 2022 - 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods