tect new and unknown side-channels. We are also
interested in exploring IL detection when the gener-
ated dataset yields a multi-class classification prob-
lem with ≥ 3 classes. This necessitates extending the
presented FET approach to account for multi-class
classification problems. Finally, we would like to
provide appropriate theoretical backing for our ap-
proaches using information theory.
We would like to thank Bj
orn Haddenhorst, Karlson
Pfanschmidt, Vitalik Melnikov, and the anonymous
reviewers for their valuable and helpful suggestions.
This work is supported by the Bundesministerium f
Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) under the project
16KIS1190 (AutoSCA) and funded by European Re-
search Council (ERC)-802823.
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