Exploring Contextualized Tag-based Embeddings for Neural
Collaborative Filtering
Tahar-Rafik Boudiba and Taoufiq Dkaki
IRIT, UMR 5505 CNRS, 118 Route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse Cedex 9, France
Folksonomies, Deep Learning, Tag-based Embedding, Social Tagging, Recommendation
Neural collaborative filtering approaches are mainly based on learning user-item interactions. Since in collab-
orative systems, there are several contents surrounding users and items, essentially user reviews or user tags
these personal contents are valuable information that can be leveraged with collaborative filtering approaches.
In this context, we address the problem of integrating such content into a neural collaborative filtering model
for rating prediction. Such content often represented using the bag of words paradigm is subject to ambiguity.
Recent approaches suggest the use of deep neuronal architectures as they attempt to learn semantic and con-
textual word representations. In this paper, we extended several neural collaborative filtering models for rating
prediction that were initially intended to learn user-item interaction by adding textual content. We describe an
empirical study that evaluates the impact of using static or contextualized word embeddings with a neural col-
laborative filtering strategy. The presented models use dense tag-based user and item representations extracted
from pre-trained static Word2vec and contextual BERT. The Models were adapted using MLP and Autoen-
coder architecture and evaluated on several MovieLens datasets. The results showed good improvements when
integrating contextual tag embeddings into such neural collaborative filtering architectures.
Effective recommendation systems require the abil-
ity to predict how a user would rate a given item.
To this end, several classes of recommendation ap-
proaches are commonly used, Content-Based Filter-
ing (CBF), Collaborative Filtering (CF), and hybrid
approaches (Zhang et al., 2019). Classical CF ap-
proaches are based either on Matrix Factorization
(MF) techniques or on simple user-item vector simi-
larity methods. However, these models have the com-
mon property of being essentially linear models, i.e
they linearly combine user and item latent factors.
Since deep learning approaches have shown potential
in representation learning, they improved the perfor-
mance of traditional recommender systems (RS) by
enabling neural models to include content informa-
tion from various sources. New neural collaborative
filtering approaches capture more complex user-item
interactions and achieve a high abstract level of con-
tent description. The use of content information is
a way to advance understanding of items and users
in order to provide a better recommendation (Zhang
et al., 2019). Such content is often presented as tex-
tual data such as user’s reviews or user’s tags and it is
commonly used to describe items and users’ profiles
using the bag of words representation. Although such
representations commonly known as one-hot vectors
are efficient for computing user-item similarity, many
problems such as ambiguity and vocabulary mismatch
have been raised (Hassan et al., 2018). To overcome
such issues, word embedding representations (Rücklé
et al., 2018) have been proposed to better capture se-
mantic. Some approaches make use of semantic vec-
tors extracted from pre-trained Word2vec neural lan-
guage model instead (Nguyen et al., 2020). Such
models achieve quality recommendations with their
ability to extract high-level representations from raw
data. Precisely, much attention was paid in order to
establish which kind of user and item dense represen-
tations to use at the top layer of the neural network.
Works have discussed text-based aggregation tech-
niques (Wu et al., 2019), some others suggest the con-
catenation of mean Word Embedding (Rücklé et al.,
2018) since they compute word average embedding
In this paper, we have considered tag embeddings
as semantically rich tag-based representations and we
exploit them into effective CF models for rating pre-
diction. We have built several hybrid models mixing
Boudiba, T. and Dkaki, T.
Exploring Contextualized Tag-based Embeddings for Neural Collaborative Filtering.
DOI: 10.5220/0010793300003116
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022) - Volume 3, pages 158-166
ISBN: 978-989-758-547-0; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
neural CF with tagging information integrated into a
training process. For this purpose, we handled word
vector representation to include more valuable tag’
semantic and so to enhance existing neural CF mod-
els. We compared different tag embedding represen-
tations from pre-trained static (Word2vec) and con-
textual BERT models. Furthermore, We evaluated the
impact of using tag embeddings through two neuronal
model’s architecture (MLP and autoencoder). We
provided empirical results from MovieLens Dataset
(10 M, 20M et 25M).
The main contributions of this paper are summa-
rized as follows:
Integrate efficiently tag-embedding representa-
tions into neural CF models.
Evaluate the impact of static and contextual em-
bedding representations and comparing model ar-
Extensive series of experiments on real data from
several MovieLens data sets.
The remaining of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. The next section reviews recent research works
that are related to tag-based personalized recommen-
dation using neuronal networks and word vector rep-
resentation. We gathered works that describe neu-
ral approaches from a collaborative filtering point of
view, specifying the most used neural architectures.
Section 2 presents some background. Section 3 high-
lights the basis of our proposed models. Section 4
details datasets, evaluation metrics, and experimen-
tal settings. Section 5 gives the evaluation results
and discusses performance comparison with base-
lines. Section 6 is the final section of this paper.
Using multi-layer perceptron (MLP) for feature rep-
resentation is highly efficient, even though it might
not be as expressive as autoencoders (Zhang et al.,
2019). MLP-based RS considers user and item rep-
resentations in the context of CF as input features or
as sparse vectors using one-hot encoding (He et al.,
2017). The embedding layer is a fully connected layer
that projects a sparse representation to a dense vector.
The obtained user (item) embedding is the latent vec-
tor for a user (item). User and item embeddings are
then jointly fed into neural CF layers to map the latent
vectors with prediction scores. Autoencoder-based
recommender systems are on the other hand used ei-
ther to learn lower-dimensional feature representa-
tions at the bottleneck layer (Ouyang et al., 2014) or
to fill the blanks of an interaction matrix in the recon-
struction layer (Sedhain et al., 2015). Autoencoder-
Based CF is a meaningful illustration of this method.
It consists of interpreting the CF paradigm from the
autoencoder perspective. Since deep learning net-
works have made breakthroughs in data represen-
tation learning from various data sources, effective
content-aware hybrid neural recommendation mod-
els have been able to handle learning representations
of user preferences, item features and textual interac-
tions (Liu et al., 2020; Hassan et al., 2018). Yet, neu-
ral recommendation models attempt to introduce in
addition, tag semantics-aware representations based
on distributional semantic used as features (Liu et al.,
2020). Musto et al., (Musto et al., 2015) exploit
Word2vec approach to learn a low dimensional vec-
tor space word representation and exploited it to rep-
resent both items and user profiles in a recommen-
dation scenario. Zhang et al., (Zhang et al., 2016)
proposed to integrate traditional matrix factorization
with Word2vec for user profiling and rating predic-
tion. Liang et al., (Liang et al., 2018) exploited pre-
trained word embeddings from Word2vec to represent
user tags and construct item and user profiles based
on the items’ tags set and users’ tagging behaviors.
They use deep neural networks (DNNs) and recur-
rent neural networks (RNNs) to extract the latent fea-
tures of items and users to predict ratings. Moreover,
TagEmbedSVD (Vijaikumar et al., 2019) uses pre-
trained word embedding from Word2vec for tags to
enhance personalized recommendations that are in-
tegrated to an SVD model in the context of cross-
domain CF. Other works (Hassan et al., 2018) take
advantage of network embedding techniques to pro-
pose embedding-based recommendation models that
exploit CF approaches. Exploiting rating patterns of-
ten require the use of a neural network-based em-
bedding model that is first pre-trained. Features are
extracted and integrated into a CF model by fusing
those features with latent factors thanks to non-linear
transformations that better leverage abstract content
representations and so perform higher quality rec-
ommendations. Since pre-training word embedding
from large-scale corpus became widely used in differ-
ent information retrieval tasks, it was also exploited
to generate recommendations by ranking user-item
matrix from users’ similar tags vocabulary. Mod-
els such as Word2vec (Le and Mikolov, 2014) or
GloVe (Pennington et al., 2014) for instance learned
meaningful user tag representations by modeling tag
co-occurrences. However, these methods don’t con-
sider the deep contextual information that some single
word tags may suffer. Moreover, they do not handle
unknown tags. In contrast, contextualized word rep-
Exploring Contextualized Tag-based Embeddings for Neural Collaborative Filtering
resentations such as BERT (Devlin et al., 2018), have
been proposed to overcome the lack of static word
embeddings, since it was shown that such contextual
neural language model improves the performance of
many downstream tasks.
2.1 Related Work
In the following, we introduce some recommenda-
tion models of the literature that have handled neural
CF approaches (Ouyang et al., 2014; Sedhain et al.,
2015; Chen et al., 2019). Those models resolved user
rating prediction. Some of them have been adapted
to include tagging content (Zheng et al., 2017), they
are mostly composite through which multiple neural
building modules compose a single distinguishable
function that is trained end-to-end. Here, we intro-
duce some summary definitions related to tagging that
will allow us to address later most common architec-
tures and topologies giving recommendation strate-
gies for each of them. A folksonomy F can be defined
as a 4-tuple F = (U, T, I, A), where U is the set of
users annotating the set of items I, U = {u
, u
, ...u
where each u
is a user. T is the set of tags that in-
cludes the vocabulary expressed by the folksonomy.
I is the set of tagged items by user I = {i
, i
A = {u
, t
, i
} U × T × I is the set of annotations
of each tag t
to an item i
by user u
. We have also
considered R as the set of user ratings r
2.1.1 MLP-based Neural CF for
Approaches of neural collaborative filtering (NCF)
for rating prediction often involves dealing with bi-
nary property of implicit data. Some works (He et al.,
2017; Chen et al., 2019) have in addition discussed
the choice of the neural architecture to be imple-
mented. A possible instance of the neural CF ap-
proach can be formulated using a multi-layer percep-
tron (MLP). As addressed in (He et al., 2017) the in-
put layer (the embedding layer) is a fully connected
layer that maps the sparse representations to dense
feature vectors. It consists of two feature vectors v
and v
that describe user v
and item v
sented initially through one-hot encoding. The ob-
tained user (item) embedding can be seen as the latent
vector for user (item). The user embedding and item
embedding are then fed into neural CF layers to map
the latent vectors to prediction scores. Final output
layer is the predicted score ˆr
, and training is per-
formed by minimizing the point wise loss between ˆr
and its target value r
. NCF predictive model can be
formulated as:
. v
, Q
. v
, Q
, Γ
) (1)
and Q
are latent factor matrix
for users and items respectively. Γ
denotes the
model parameters of the interaction function that is
defined as a multi-layer neural network.
2.1.2 Autoencoder-based CF for
Another way to consider neural CF is to approach
user-item rating as a matrix X R
with partially
observable row vectors that form a user u the set
of users U = {1...m} given by the set of user ratings
= {X
} R and column vectors from the
set of items i I = {1...n} also given by their corre-
sponding ratings r
= {X
}. An efficient neu-
ral method to encode each partially observed vector
into law-dimensional latent space is to handle an au-
toencoder architecture as suggested in (Sedhain et al.,
2015) that will reconstruct the output space to predict
missing ratings for recommendation (Sedhain et al.,
2015; Huang et al., 2020; Ouyang et al., 2014). Given
a set of rating vectors r
and r
, the autoen-
coder solves:
= ||r h(r; θ)||
Where h(r; θ) is the reconstruction of input r R
that is defined as:
h(r; θ) = f (W.g(V r + µ) +b) (3)
f (.) and g(.) are activation functions associated
to the encoder and decoder respectively and θ gather
model parameters; W R
and V R
weight matrices and µ R
, b R
biases. In an
item-based recommendation perspective, the autoen-
coder applies r
as the set of input vectors. Weights
associated to those vectors are updating during back-
In this section, we introduce our tag-aware neural
models for recommendation. More explicitly, we in-
tegrate tag-based embeddings into two CF neural ar-
chitectures, namely a Multilayer perceptron and an
autoencoder. More explicitly, to integrate side in-
formation into predictive neural models a naive ap-
proach consists of appending additional user/item
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
bias to the rating prediction. We estimate that com-
puting those biases can be handled either by hand-
crafted engineering or by implementing an appro-
priate CF strategy. A simple Neural collaborating
filtering framework architecture implies considering
the input layer(embedding layer) as a fully connected
layer that projects sparse representation of users and
items to dense vectors. To integrate explicitly tags vo-
cabulary in a neural model for rating prediction, we
have made use of feature vectors that we have consid-
ered as tag vector representations sharing a common
embedding space using projection matrices. The ob-
tained user (item) embedding can be seen as the la-
tent vector for the user (item) in the tag latent space.
Feature vectors v
and v
are reconsidered since we
have projected tag representations into lower dimen-
sion using projected matrices E and F. Consequently,
tag-based vector representation is expressed as a user
feature vector v
( ˜u)
( ˜u)
) (4)
Such as t
is the embedding vector associated
with tag k, and c denotes the embedding dimension. E
denotes the projection matrix with E R
Similarly, if F denotes the projection matrix with
, then the item feature vector v
is ex-
pressed as:
) (5)
We denoted T
the set of tags of a user u and T
as the set of related tags describing a particular item.
Moreover, we have obtained embeddings for tags
from Word2vec and BERT pre-trained neural model
by handling projection matrices E and F R
3.1 CF-based MLP Model
Extended tag-based NCF predictive model can be re-
formulated relying on the previous NCF model that
has been described in section 3.1 equation (1) as:
= MLP( v
( ˜u)
, v
, θ
) (6)
The user and item embeddings can be fed into a
multi-layer neural model. Where, ˆr(u, i) is the rat-
ing score for a user on an item. Figure 1 details an
instance of the model. Prediction Pipeline exploits
user and item vectors extracted from dense space rep-
resentation (Figure 1
), hidden layers are added to
learn interactions between user and item latent fea-
tures, a regressor at the last hidden layer is set to pro-
duce the final rating. (Figure 1
(C )
) is a static module
in which dense representations are computed through
inner product of user and items embedding’ repre-
sentations. Tag embedding representations are ex-
tracted from neural pre-trained language model (Fig-
ure 1
(E )
3.2 CF-based Autoencoder Model
Following the autoencoder paradigm, instead of en-
coding user vectors containing user ratings to be pre-
dicted like in Autorec (Sedhain et al., 2015), we
have extended a multilayered autoencoder architec-
ture to integrate element wise product of pre-trained
tag-based embeddings. Such embeddings are con-
catenated with the user rating representations and are
projected on a dimensional latent (hidden) space. As
such, user’ rating r(u
, i
) of a particular user is re-
constructed using an objective function θ that mini-
, i
) (v
( ˜u)
) h(r(u
, i
) (v
( ˜u)
Where (r(u
, i
), θ) is the reconstruction of the in-
put r(u
, i
) R
. The operator denotes element-
wise multiplication between user and item feature
vectors. The operator denotes a concatenation op-
erator. tanh is the selected activation function. Fig-
ure 1
presents a detailed instance of the model.
Prediction Pipeline exploits user and item vectors ex-
tracted from dense space representation. Such repre-
sentations are concatenated with user rating and fed
as input of the autoencoder model. Layers are added
to learn interactions between user and item latent fea-
tures to be compressed in a dense space. User’s rat-
ings reconstruction from the dense space produce the
final rating.
In this section, we have conducted experiments in-
tending to answer the following research questions:
RQ1: Are tag-based contextual embeddings efficient
representations to be used in a neural CF model com-
pared to static tag-based embedding representations?
RQ2: Which extended neural collaborative archi-
tecture perform significant improvement and ranking
quality for a rating prediction task?
4.1 Experimental Settings
1. Datasets: The data sets describe 5-stars ratings
and free-text tagging from MovieLens, a movie
Exploring Contextualized Tag-based Embeddings for Neural Collaborative Filtering
Figure 1: Extended NCF based on an MLP (on the right) and an Autoencoder (on the left).
recommendation service. We extracted user an-
notations from the ML-10M, ML-20M, and ML-
25M data sets. Only users that have annotated
and rated at least 20 movies were selected. We
observed from Table 1 an unequal distribution of
user rating classes, because of users trend scoring
items with good rating values. This can lose mod-
els capacity to generalize. To overcome, we over-
sample minority classes (Chawla et al., 2002) by
duplicating samples from the minority class and
adding them to the training data.
2. Hyper-parameters:
After splitting the data in each dataset into
random 90%, 10% training and testing sets,
we hold 10% of the training set for hyper-
parameters tuning. Then, we conducted 5 cross-
fold validation strategy in each dataset and av-
eraged RMSE measure. We have applied a
grid search for hyper-parameters tuning such as
the learning rate that we tuned among values
{0.0001, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.005}, latent dimensions
{100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 1000} for both autoen-
coder and MLP architecture. We handled the Neu-
ral Collaborative Autoencoder with a default rat-
ing of 2.5 for testing set without training observa-
tions. The models were optimized thanks to the
well known Adam optimizer.
3. Evaluation Metrics: We have evaluated rating
prediction using two metrics: Mean Absolute Er-
ror (MAE) and Root Mean Square Error(RMSE).
Both of them are widely used for rating prediction
in recommended systems. Given a predicted rat-
ing ˆr
and a ground-truth rating r
from the user
u for item i, the RMSE is computed as:
Where N indicates the number of ratings between
users and items.
MAE is computed as follows:
| (9)
Indeed, we have also evaluated ranking accuracy
using NDCG (Normalized Discounted Cumula-
tive Gain (Järvelin and Kekäläinen, 2002)) at 10.
For this purpose, we assumed rating values at 5
as being a good appreciation of a user regarding a
movie. In contrast, rating values under 3 are con-
sidered as bad. Hence, the rating value of each
movie is used as a gained value for its ranked po-
sition in the result. The gain is summed from the
ranked position from 1 to n. To compute NDCG,
relevance scores are set to six(5) points scale from
1 to 5 and denotes the relevance score from low to
strong relevance. We set the Ideal DCG for user
movies ranked in decreasing order of their ratings.
NDCG values presented further are averaged over
user testing set.
4.2 Tag-based Embedding
We have considered tag-based embeddings thanks
to word vector representations. We have extracted
such tag-based embedding representations from pre-
trained neural language models. Owing to the users’
writing discrepancy, users’ tags semantic meaning is
often ambiguous. Tags can be composed of several
words and may contain subjective expressions. They
can also be unique words which can occasionally lead
to a lack of context. That makes it difficult to integrate
tags explicitly in an effective neural CF architecture.
Our main objective is to map users, items and their
tags’ interaction in the same latent space. Rather to
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
exploit straightly dimensional latent space represen-
tations of users and items like in most neural collabo-
rative approaches (He et al., 2017; He et al., 2018), we
propose to project first both users’ and items’ repre-
sentations into a dense tag space representation. Both
previous neural approaches are somehow representa-
tive of our objective since they are from CF. We as-
sume that users and items are represented by their
corresponding tags. Particularly, they are represented
from the aggregate average of their tag embedding
4.2.1 Static Word2vec Tag-based Embeddings
We have handled static tag-based embedding vectors
from Word2vec. We have exploited pre-trained vec-
tors trained on part of Google News dataset (about
100 billion words) and have extracted user’s tags em-
bedding by associating them to a vector of a well
known fixed size for each tag. However, we found that
some tags were out of tag vocabulary, since those user
tags represent respectively 8%, 5%, 5% of our Movie-
lens Datasets 10M, 20M and 25 millions ratings. We
fixed this issue by initiate those samples with random
vector values. The inability to handle unknown or
out-of-vocabulary words is one of limitation encoun-
tered when using such pre-trained model. Finally,
each set of tags per user is represented through a mul-
tidimensional vector of dim = 300.
4.2.2 Contextualized BERT Tag-based
We have addressed extracting contextualised embed-
dings from BERT neural language model. For this
purpose, we have assumed that the fist token which
is ’[CLS]’ that captures the context is treated as sen-
tence embeddings (Reimers and Gurevych, 2019).
The word embedding sequence corresponding to each
set of tags is entered into the pre-trained model. We
have then handled the activation from the last layers
of BERT model since the features associated with the
activation in these layers are far more complex and
include more contextual information. These contex-
tual embeddings are used as input to our proposed
models. Thus, each set of tags per user is repre-
sented through a multidimensional embedding vec-
tor of dim = 768. We have implemented the pre-
trained bert-base model
(12 blocks of hidden dimen-
sion 768, 12 heads for attention) and defining the
’[CLS]’ which indicates the beginning of a sequence
BERT was pre-trained on a corpus composed of 11,038
unpublished books belonging to 16 different domains and
2,500 million words from English Wikipedia text passages
Figure 2: Frequency of user ratings per tagged item for each
data set.
Table 1: Statistics of 10M, 20M and 25M extracted from
MovieLens 10-M 20-M 25-M
Users 71567 138000 162541
Movies 10681 27000 62423
Tags 95580 465000 1093360
Ratings 10000054 2000000 25000095
as well as the ’[SEP]’ that we used as a separation
between two tags of a same sequence.
To solve the RQ1, we extended neural models (He
et al., 2017; Sedhain et al., 2015) by handling static
and contextual tag-based embedding representations.
We compared those models with recent neural mod-
els from CF that we set as baselines. We evalu-
ated rating score accuracy using RMSE (Root Mean
Square Error) and MAE (Mean Absolut Error). To
address RQ2, we have implemented an MLP and
an autoencoder-based CF architecture then, we com-
pared the performance of each neural model ac-
cording to tag-based embedding representations with
which such models were integrated. Moreover, rank-
ing accuracy metric was carried out among the dif-
ferent neural models using NDCG (Normalized Dis-
count Cumulative Gain) at 10. We detailed models
that have been compared hereafter:
Neural CF-MLP(He et al., 2017): Is a neural CF
approach that exploits a multi-layer perceptron
(MLP) to learn the user–item interaction func-
tion. The bottom input layer consists of two vec-
tors that describe user u and item i in a binarized
sparse vector (one-hot encoding), such model em-
ploy only the identity of a user and an item as in-
put feature.
Exploring Contextualized Tag-based Embeddings for Neural Collaborative Filtering
Table 2: A synthesis of RMSE and MAE values for each model including ndcg@10 scores.
Evaluation measures
ML-10M ML-20M ML-25M
MAE RMSE ndcg@10 MAE RMSE ndcg@10 MAE RMSE ndcg@10
Neural CF-MLP
W 2v
0.77 0.98 0.43 0.88 0.96 0.381 0.84 1.01 0.42
Neural CF-MLP
0.72 0.93 0.46 0.791 0.86 0.42 0.791 0.83 0.46
W 2v
0.83 1.1 0.411 0.85 0.97 0.39 0.80 1.02 0.42
0.76 0.96 0.42 0.811 0.89 0.44 0.798 0.865 0.445
U-Autorec (Sedhain et al., 2015) 0.82 1.09 0.38 0.84 1.07 0.37 0.81 1.01 0.40
Neural CF-MLP(He et al., 2017) 0.73 0.98 0.44 0.89 1.025 0.39 0.87 0.92 0.43
Neural CF-MLP
: Is an extension of Neural
CF-MLPn, the model integrates in the bottom in-
put layer two feature vectors that are described
as tag embedding features of users and items.
These features are extracted from word vector
representation. User and item feature vectors
are extracted from tag-based embeddings, with
300-dimensional word vectors from pre-trained
Word2vec model Neural CF-MLP
Neural CF-MLP
that exploits a 768-
dimensional word vectors from pre-trained BERT
U-Autorec (Sedhain et al., 2015): U-AutoRec is
a neural CF framework for rating prediction that
exploits an autoencoder architecture. It takes user
vectors as input and reconstructs them in the out-
put layer. The values in the reconstructed vectors
are the predicted value of the corresponding posi-
: Our autoencoder-based
neural collaborative approach that integrates as
input tag embedding features by performing
element-wise multiplication on their word vec-
tor representations and do concatenate such rep-
resentations with user/item rating vectors to get
the reconstructed ratings. We have termed the
autoencoder-based model using static tag vec-
tor representations as CF-Autoencoder
meanwhile CF-Autoencoder
stands for
autoencoder-based model using contextual tag
Results of our experiments are synthesized in Ta-
ble 2. Firstly, as regards to ML-10M dataset, top
RMSE and MAE scores are valued from Neural CF-
model with RMSE = 0.93 and MAE = 0.72.
Our proposed model has achieved good quality rank-
ing to reach NDCG@10 = 0.46. We have also noticed
that the static tag-based embedding extension of this
model CF-MLP
W 2v
has achieved well results outper-
forming the U-Autorec baseline (Sedhain et al., 2015)
with MAE = 0.77, RMSE = 0.98 and has reached
good quality ranking with NDCG@10 = 0.43. How-
ever, the baseline model Neural CF-MLP (He et al.,
2017) has not been fully achieved. Secondly, in ML-
20M dataset, the same model Neural CF-MLP
shown top RMSE and MAE score with MAE = 0.79
and RMSE = 0.86. We observed that neural static
tag-based embedding models perform acceptable re-
sults compared with baselines. However, top qual-
ity ranking has been achieved from the Autoencoder-
based model extension CF-Autoencoder++
NDCG@10 = 0.44 since this model performed well
with MAE = 0.811 and RMSE = 089. Finally, in
ML-25M dataset, impact of tag-based embeddings
is established since RMSE score has shown signif-
icant improvement compared to baselines to reach
RMSE = 0.83 for Neural CF-MLP
and quality
ranking to ndcg@10 = 0.46. Moreover, we have
also confirmed the effectiveness of such embeddings
for CF-Autoencoder++
model that has performed
MAE = 0.79 and RMSE = 0.86. We argue that these
results can further be improved by increasing the vol-
ume of training data from tagging.
Figure 3: Overview of error distribution by frequency for
each CF neural model.
The impact of exploiting contextualized tag-based
embedding representations is also perceptible through
studying error distribution when predicting user rat-
ings. Such impact is summarized in Figure 3. Er-
ror distribution values have been gathered among test-
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
ing sets from the whole collection, including the data
sets ML-10M, ML-20M and ML-25M. This is to pro-
pose an overall overview of the error distributions
resulted from baselines compared with models that
integrate tag-based static or contextualized embed-
ding representations. We observe that global error
distribution values from the models CF-MLP
are most located in the interval
[1, 1] compared to the error distribution values
of either the baselines or the models that integrate
static-based embedding representations. As instance,
the model CF-MLP
obtains a number of 8150
accurate predictions, which outperform Neural CF-
MLP (He et al., 2017) with 4500 accurate predictions
or U-Autorec (Sedhain et al., 2015) with less then
5000 accurate predictions. Moreover, CF-MLP
and CF-Autoencoder
exceed the performance of
the models integrating static embedding representa-
tions with less then 4000 accurate predictions for both
W 2V
and CF-Autoencoder
W 2V
models. From
these results, we confirm the effectiveness of tag-
based embedding representations to be used with a
neural CF approach for a rating prediction task.
Learning representations for recommendation repre-
sent a major challenge for the application of artifi-
cial intelligence along with its efficient role in rec-
ommendation applied to the massive amount of data
extracted from users’ folksonomies. Following the
experiments, we come to the conclusion that neural
networks models exploiting folksonomies using neu-
ral CF approaches, in particular, those using contex-
tual tag-based embedding as user-item features pro-
vide more accurate models to rating prediction tasks.
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based embeddings as features remains an effective
way to include tags semantics into a recommenda-
tion process. We demonstrate that such embeddings
can lead to quality models in the context of predicting
user ratings. Tag-based embedding aggregation has
been a promising way of improvement since, in the
natural language embedding process, extracted repre-
sentations can be described as semantic relationships.
An interesting direction for forthcoming works is to
investigate tag-based neighbor embedding represen-
tations into a neural collaborative filtering model for
recommendation purposes.
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