Figure 14: Spent step results (in the simple maze experi-
This paper proposed a method based on the previous
noncommunicative and cooperative learning method
(PMRL-OM) based on DRL (A3C) in a multiagent
system within an unstable environment in terms of
hetero-transitions using different transitions accord-
ing to the difference between observed and recent sit-
uations. The proposed method inserts an LSTM mod-
ule into the A3C neural network. The experiments
compared the proposed method with A3C and with-
out the LSTM module. The derived results were as
follows: (1) the proposed method performs better than
the A3C algorithm and without the LSTM module. In
particular, the proposed method enables the agents’
learning to converge; (2) LSTM can adapt the time
dimension of the input information.
This paper showed that the proposed method can
not only adapt the hetero-transition of input informa-
tion, but should also adapt the hetero-transition of out-
put information. In particular, the hetero-transition
should be assumed as a partially observable Markov
decision process (POMDP), but the proposed method
performs as a Markov decision process. Therefore,
we will expand the proposed method to POMDP to
adapt the hetero-observations in the future.
This research was supported by JSPS Grant on
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LSTM-based Abstraction of Hetero Observation and Transition in Non-Communicative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning