This paper has considered the routing and staffing
problems of an administrative agency in an N-design
model that serves two types of customers. Using the
matrix analytic method, we have derived the steady-
state probabilities and the performance measures. We
then have determined the optimal threshold values ac-
cording to the system parameters. We have found
that the threshold policy is highly effective when the
arrival rate of class-1 customers is low and the ar-
rival rate of class-2 customers is high. When λ
proaches the critical value satisfying the stability con-
dition or λ
is relatively small, increasing the num-
ber of servers combined with changing the threshold
policy is the solution to reduce the mean system re-
sponse time. As a result, we have provided a ba-
sis for reallocating resources when the customer ar-
rival rate changes. Our findings could be used in
decision-making, managing resources in administra-
tive services, and related applications. It will be help-
ful to expand the analysis of our model to the case
when both capacities are infinite.
The research of Tuan Phung-Duc was supported in
part by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers 18K18006,
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ICORES 2022 - 11th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems