Faster R-CNN and RetinaNet. Since the purpose of
this paper is to detect phagocytotic images correctly,
YOLOv5 is the most appropriate detector of the pur-
pose. Also, the values of AP50 for non-phagocytotic
images by all the detectors are very small. The rea-
son is that quasi-phagocytotic images is misclassified
to non-phagocytotic images. Nevertheless, if we re-
gard both quasi- and non-phagocytotic images as non-
phagocytotic images, this misclassification can be ig-
nored to detect phagocytotic images correctly. As a
result, YOLOv5 succeeds to detect phagocytotic im-
ages correctly.
Table 6 illustrates the average running time of de-
tectors for detecting objects phagocytotic activity of
Leukocytes in one image.
Table 6: The average running time (msec) for detecting ob-
jects of phagocytotic activity of leukocytes in one image.
detector time
Faster R-CNN 146.0
RetinaNet 69.6
YOLOv5 34.9
Table 6 shows that YOLOv5 is the fastest in the
three detectors, about the half of the average run-
ning time of RetinaNet and about the quarter of that
of Faster R-CNN. By incorporating Table 3 in Sec-
tion 3.1 with Table 6, we can conclude that YOLOv5
is the fastest in the three detectors for not only
Campylobacter bacteria but also phagocytotic activ-
ity of Leukocytes.
Furthermore, the running time of detecting objects
of Camphylobacter bacteria is slightly larger than that
of phagocytotic activity of leukocytes but they are al-
most equal. Hence, the running time of the object
detection in this paper is independent from the object
as the target.
In this paper, we have detected Campylobacter bac-
teria and phagocytotic activity of leukocytes in Gram
stained smear images by using the detectors of Faster
R-CNN, RetinaNet and YOLOv5. Then, RetinaNet
have failed to detect them, and YOLOv5 is more ap-
propriate to detect them than Faster R-CNN.
In particular, for phagocytotic activity of leuko-
cytes, YOLOv5 have succeeded to detect almost
leukocytes with correct classes. On the other hand,
YOLOv5 have succeeded to detect Campylobac-
ter bacteria in many cases, whereas the cases that
Campylobacter bacteria have not detected exist. The
reason is that YOLOv5 does not work well for the im-
ages having many small objects.
Then, it is a future work to improve YOLOv5 to
work well for such images. In particular, we apply
YOLOv5 after decreasing the number of objects by
dividing an image and enlarging the objects.
Whereas YOLOv5 succeed to detect phagocytotic
images at 90% under AP50 in Table 5 as stated
in Section 3.2, there exist some images that non-
phagocytotic images are detected as phagocytotic.
Figure 8 illustrates such images.
Figure 8: The images that non-phagocytotic images are de-
tected as phagocytotic.
The upper-right region labeled by “no” in the left
image in Figure 8 and the lower-left and lower-right
regions labeled by “no” in the right image in Figure 8
are not leukocytes. Even if recall is more important
than precision in the medical data, it is a future work
to solve this misclassification by improving annota-
tions in test images.
Since the number of training images in this paper
is too small to succeed object detection, it is neces-
sary to collect the large number of training images by
the medical technologist. Also since we use Gram
stained smears images photographed under the same
environment, it is necessary to collect the images un-
der the several environment, by using different equip-
ment and differentbrightness. These are future works.
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