ial examples from new input images with a low com-
putational cost. Their method has the generalization
ability, which is not supported by most of the exist-
ing methods.
DeepCheck (Gopinath et al., 2019) is the first
symbolic execution tool for testing DNNs. This
method translates a DNN into a Java program. From
an input image, the program is instrumented and exe-
cuted to get the execution path. After that, symbolic
execution is applied on this path to obtain path con-
straints. These path constraints are modified by fixing
a set of features. The modified constraints are solved
by using an SMT-Solver such as Z3 (De Moura and
Bjørner, 2008) to get a solution. This method could
generate an adversarial example with a very small L
norm. However, this method consumes a large com-
putational cost due to the symbolic execution and the
usage of SMT-Solvers.
Adversarial Example Improvement. To the best
of our knowledge, most works in this field do not
consider the improvement of adversarial examples as
an independent phase. Instead, they add the objec-
tive of L
-norm minimization to the objective func-
tion such as box-constrained L-BFGS (Szegedy et al.,
2014), Carnili-Wagner (Carlini and Wagner, 2016),
ATN (Baluja and Fischer, 2017), etc. Our method
could be considered as the second phase of the ad-
versarial example generation methods. The proposed
method could be used to enhance the quality of adver-
sarial examples generated by any attack.
We have presented a method to improve the qual-
ity of adversarial examples in terms of L
-norm and
-norm. The proposed method includes two phases
namely the autoencoder training phase and the im-
provement phase. In the autoencoder training phase,
the proposed method trains an autoencoder to learn
how to detect redundantly adversarial features. In
the improvement phase, the autoencoder improves the
quality of a new adversarial example to generate the
first version of the improvement. After that, the first
improvement version is fed into the greedy improve-
ment step to enhance more. The experiments are
conducted on the MNIST dataset and the CIFAR-10
dataset. The proposed method could enhance the L
norm and L
-norm significantly. Additionally, the
proposed method could improve the quality of new
adversarial examples with a low computational cost.
It means that the proposed method could be applied
in practice.
In the future, we would investigate more deeply
the impact of high-quality adversarial examples on
the performance of the adversarial defence. Be-
sides, we would evaluate the effectiveness of the pro-
posed method with different kinds of autoencoder
such as denoising autoencoder, sparse autoencoder,
variational autoencoder, symmetric autoencoder, etc.
Finally, we would investigate the effectiveness of
the proposed method with the adversarial examples
generated by other methods such as Carnili-Wagner,
DeepFool, DeepCheck, etc.
This work has been supported by VNU University
of Engineering and Technology under project number
Duc-Anh Nguyen was funded by Vingroup JSC
and supported by the Master, PhD Scholarship Pro-
gramme of Vingroup Innovation Foundation (VINIF),
Institute of Big Data, code VINIF.2021.TS.105.
Kha Do Minh was funded by Vingroup JSC
and supported by the Master, PhD Scholarship Pro-
gramme of Vingroup Innovation Foundation (VINIF),
Institute of Big Data, code VINIF.2021.ThS.24.
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ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence