of cyber attacks. For example, the attacks can be
social engineering or bruteforcing attacks. These
types of attacks do not exploit vulnerabilities found in
databases. Using measurements, such as, TTC is also
an oversimplification of the problem with estimating
the probability or time taken for an attack since it it
greatly dependent on the type of attack and to some
extent luck. To acknowledge that the TTC is an esti-
mate and we cannot be certain of an exact TTC, we
suggest representing TTC
as a log-normal prob-
ability distribution according to the work by Holm
et. al. (Holm, 2014). By representing the estimated
values for the different skill levels as a log-
normal probability distribution we are able to add un-
certainty to the result instead of representing it as a
fixed value. We choose to consider zero-day attacks
as part of process 3 because even if an attacker for ex-
ample bought a readily available and previously un-
known exploit, the work to create it would still be es-
timated by process 3. In this way, the estimate would
take both the exploit developer and the exploit ex-
ecutor time into consideration. Parameters that could
potentially be added to calculate TTC is number of
open ports, how often the software is patched, does
the engineers have security training et cetera. We do
not take this parameters into consideration in this arti-
cle but consider these additions as part of future work
since they are related to configurations and the envi-
ronment of specific ICS systems.
Since the TTC
is reliant on the ICS vulnerabil-
ity dataset (Thomas and Chothia, 2020), future work
includes creating a tool to automatically include infor-
mation from the dataset so that the estimated TTC
value is dynamic and automatically updates if there
are any changes in the dataset. Regarding the draw-
backs of Metasploit for exploit information, future
work could include a solution to this problem. Some
exploits include the CVE that it exploits, which would
make it possible to match all CVEs in the ICS Vulner-
ability Dataset to all exploits for that CVE and thereby
extracting a list of exploits.
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Smart Grids and Energy Storage (SweGRIDS) and
the centre for Resilient Information and Control Sys-
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ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy