(Ansarinia et al., 2012; Salahi and Ansarinia, 2013),
but the existing ontologies formulate only the domain
of the CWE weakness only. It still requires domain
knowledge to understand the target system. Another
approach is the use of program analysis, e.g., Sun
et al. (2014) and Son et al. (2015), but not all entries
contain code examples or resources to perform pro-
gram analysis. Most existing techniques did not take
the domain knowledge of the target into account.
For the proposals for domain-specific models on
security purposes, there are some works that at-
tempted to use DSMLs to capture the security charac-
teristics, e.g., security concerns (Silva Gallino et al.,
2012), security objectives (Saleem et al., 2012), or at-
tack surfaces (Sun et al., 2020). To the best of our
knowledge, none of work has attempted to model the
domain-specific knowledge of the two domains.
This paper proposes two DSMLs for profiling
domain-specific knowledge of the SSI system’s and
the CWE weaknesses. We also propose a method
for detecting common software weaknesses in a tar-
geting implementation of the SSI system. The pro-
posed method compares two system models utilizing
the knowledge graph. We implement a command-line
interface tool to semi-automatically process the pro-
posed method and conduct an experiment for evaluat-
ing its performance. The proposed method achieves a
certain performance that is acceptable.
However, the proposed method obscures some
of the knowledge graph’s inadequacies and seman-
tic continuity. We believe that the domain knowledge
examined and applied in this study might facilitate fu-
ture research aimed at eliminating those issues.
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MODELSWARD 2022 - 10th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development