tion, inside the app’s exclusive internal storage. This
storage location is restricted to the respective app, but
it is not necessarily encrypted. In general, we don’t
claim that the app developers did something wrong or
could do better. However, our future goal is to pub-
lish which types of sensitive data apps store, such that
privacy concerned users can choose between equiva-
lent apps. For some users, the information stored on
their device is relevant, which could be revealed and
used against them through a malware infection or a
forensic analysis.
In this work, we presented a dynamic app analysis
environment, which is capable of stimulating the app
(UI input & system broadcasts) and observe the app’s
file system API interactions. The presented results of
our concept’s implemented dynamic analysis of 1000
apps shows the benefit compared to manual investiga-
tions and will be used for further large scale dynamic
app analysis.
The presented concept successfully managed to
reveal non-standard conform behavior as well as pri-
vacy and security critical behavior in the analyzed
apps. Thus, the concept is able to automatically judge
apps based on their interaction with storage locations.
In summary, the evaluation showed that enforced
scoped storage together with app exclusive and media
specific folders on external storage really increases
the privacy and security and thus is necessary. The
analysis results for accessed system files revealed
apps accessing resources one would not typically ex-
pect. Even though, our automated analysis doesn’t
yet collect enough information for a deeper insight, it
very well delivers suspicious interactions as starting
points for a deeper manual inspection. The written
files analysis revealed that still many apps store app
related files in shared folders which harm user’s pri-
vacy and might even be usable to (maliciously) influ-
ence the app’s behavior.
We are certain that many more interesting statis-
tics and peculiarities could be revealed from the col-
lected API interactions. Due to time and page limi-
tations, we must postpone these to future work. Fur-
thermore, our goal is to apply our observation capabil-
ities to other Android APIs. Due to necessary logins
in many apps, we see a huge potential by supporting
more login capabilities besides Login with Google.
This step will increase the UI interaction coverage in
many apps, an aspect which must definitely be evalu-
ated in future work.
The project underlying this report was funded by the
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
under grant number 16SV8520. The author is respon-
sible for the content of this publication.
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Android Data Storage Locations and What App Developers Do with It from a Security and Privacy Perspective