developed to measure, with temperature and humid-
ity measurement characteristics, within the standard-
ized measurement ranges for the stations meteorolog-
ical conditions and with an average error of less than
3%.With the application of the measurement of the
climate carried out by the meteorological stations in-
stalled in strategic points of the urban area of Lata-
cunga, the changes generated by urban development
and the presence of microclimates, due to structural
changes of buildings throughout history, were demon-
strated. of the city since the synergy of new and old
constructions in the environment give way to confirm
this change in the data, with comparisons with his-
torical data of the climate registered in the city espe-
cially using databases of state entities. It can also be
mentioned that the historical information of the cli-
mate in Latacunga that was recorded by the station
was contrasted with the information acquired in real
time through the Data Studio software which gener-
ates reports of the behavior of the climate in the city,
having an appreciation of data taken in urban environ-
The dissemination of the results obtained as a test
has been registered among a limited group of people
who have generated recommendations to improve the
graphic interface of the website, the ways of present-
ing the data, navigation schemes among others, thus
allowing improve interaction with users. In this sec-
tion, the participation of teachers and students of the
participating universities, members of local govern-
ment bodies, citizens in general, among others, who
present a wide spectrum of points of view on the pre-
sentation of the information acquired and processed,
can be noted. Where it was determined that the most
appropriate way for researchers to access this data is
through a web page, due to the versatility of sharing
information regardless of the operating system, which
is used due to the expertise of the developers. Realiz-
ing that it is the most appropriate form of presentation
of data for technical reasons such as: data availabil-
ity, latency, ability to mine data in this type of web
The reports generated from the analyses carried
out present a glimpse of the climate behavior within
the city. This information was obtained through the
analysis of large volumes of data, for which cloud
servers were used where the data generated by the
professional weather station and the weather micro-
stations are stored, the reports are processed and gen-
erated. are presented on the website, which can be
accessed by any citizen to consult the behavior of the
climate in real time of the climatological variables
that affect the microclimate, it should be noted that
all the information contained in the site has been de-
scribed in the previous sections, where the parameters
of time, amount of data, frequency of use as well as
climate variables are clearly identified in detail.
The future lines to follow are the use of artificial intel-
ligence in order to generate algorithms for predicting
climate behavior, adding other types of variables such
as urban maps, urban planning, among others. In the
design of devices, the implementation of spaces con-
nected to the internet with 5G can be considered, im-
proving the capacity of the devices to collect informa-
tion as well as becoming pioneers in the development
of this type of technology. On the other hand, a dis-
semination plan for the project must be carried out at
the level of social networks, citizen groups.
The authors thank the higher education institutions
that contributed to the research with their authors,
such us: Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE,
Instituto Superior Tecnol
ogico Mar
ıa Natalia Vaca,
Universidad Polit
ecnica Salesiana, Cuenca, Univer-
sidad Internacional de Valencia, Colegio Primero de
Abril, Latacunga, Ecuador, Instituto Superior Tec-
ogico Ba
nos, Consorcio de Gobiernos Aut
Provinciales del Ecuador, Red de desarrollo urbano
sostenible Cotopaxi-GIS, and the projects MASHCA-
REDUS 2020, ”Prototype of early warning systems
for frost”, as well as the project number ESPE-008-
007-2017-07-27: “PLATANO – Intelligent Techno-
logical Support Platform for small and medium agri-
cultural producers”, carried out jointly with the Uni-
versidad Politecnica Salesiana collaboration, and the
Wicom Energy Research group.
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SENSORNETS 2022 - 11th International Conference on Sensor Networks