Modelling Influence of Motivation on Efficient Tasks Distribution
for Given Team-project Correspondence
Valentina Y. Guleva
, Egor N. Shikov
and Klavdia O. Bochenina
National Center for Cognitive Research, ITMO University, Kronverkskii Prospect 49, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
Mathematical Model, Agent-based Model, Personal Productivity, Motivation, Competence, Simulation, Task
Assignment, Project Management.
The mathematical model of project execution, considering motivation effects on personal productivity is sug-
gested in the paper. The main supposed application of the model is the task allocation problem during project
management, which is restricted by the parameters of correspondence between tasks and team competence
and interests, and execution deadline restrictions. In this way, motivation is considered an influential factor,
and we explore how it affects team productivity and how can it be managed by task allocation strategies on the
basis of personal motivation control. Namely, we explore the effects of personal motivation factors on overall
project success. For this purpose, we consider motivation and competence factors in the model at the agent
level, and take into account the initial abilities of a team, with given competence and motivation, to implement
a project requiring a number of skills. To measure the effect of motivation and its role in project management,
we perform a set of experiments showing (i) optimistic project execution times on the basis of team abilities
against project requirements, (ii) possible effects of motivation on project execution and possibilities of its
management, and (iii) effects of managerial approaches on team productivity (competence and motivational
growth and their effects on tasks execution). The results show that poor correspondence between team and
project competencies and interests can tenfold decrease team productivity, which can be partly eliminated by
task assignment strategies, aimed at motivation control.
AI is actively being introduced into everyday life,
in particular, in project management. Personal as-
sistance for professional deals meets dualism in per-
sonal and firm interests, which criticality is increas-
ing for artificial professions and science. Motiva-
tion factors may significantly decrease personal pro-
ductivity (Vansteenkiste and Ryan, 2013), affect pro-
fessional burnout (Scott, 2020), and overall project
success. In this way, building managerial systems
for tasks distribution, aiming at satisfying both, or-
ganisation and employee interests, is of great impor-
tance. In this case, personal assistants are neces-
sary for employee needs identification, and macro-
level algorithms are required for a system of assistants
configuration, dependent on team-project correspon-
dents, firm deadlines, and other requirements. De-
spite major interest in managerial approaches in en-
terprise and great number of experiments, the existing
conclusions about possible effects on personal pro-
ductivity are weak formalised, in particular, the for-
mal mathematical model of these processes are ab-
sent, for the best of our knowledge. Therefore, the
one is suggested in the current article.
The current study prepares material, which can
be useful for enterprise task management and for the
corresponding systems of personal assistance config-
uration (Guleva et al., 2020). It provides a minimal
model, reflecting 1) effect of motivation and com-
petencies on personal productivity, related to a task
assigned, 2) effects of tasks assigned on personal
competence growth and motivation by measuring the
correspondence between competencies, necessary for
task execution and personal ability, 3) personal contri-
bution to system state variables at the macrolevel, and
4) allows to distribute tasks aiming at personal moti-
vation increase or at quicker project execution. This
dynamics at microlevel allows for exploration of mo-
tivation influence on project success under different
initial conditions, like firm deadlines and correspon-
Guleva, V., Shikov, E. and Bochenina, K.
Modelling Influence of Motivation on Efficient Tasks Distribution for Given Team-project Correspondence.
DOI: 10.5220/0010839400003117
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2022), pages 185-192
ISBN: 978-989-758-548-7; ISSN: 2184-4372
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
dence between project requirements and team abili-
ties, which restricts possible best cases in team pro-
The project model contains tasks with a certain
level of necessary competence for their implementa-
tion and a team with their interests and competencies
in various topics. During the simulation, accompa-
nied by the task allocation process, personal motiva-
tion can increase or decrease if the task is interesting
or not, and personal competencies increase depending
on the correspondence between the complexity of the
task and personal abilities. On the other hand, the task
assignment management process affects the dynamics
of the system by taking into account changes in per-
sonal motivation, which affects the task completion
Further, we construct an experimental stand and
investigate the dynamics of the project described by
the mathematical model above, which allows us to ex-
plore possible options for task assignment based on
competencies, as well as more complex cases with
motivational effects.
2.1 Competence and Motivation
Growth Mathematical Models
The vast majority of competence and motivation stud-
ies are difficult to formalise, therefore they content
observations from the learning process and are based
on questionaries to small sets of users, allowing for
manual analysis. Mathematical models are few and
concern narrow applied scenarios. This results in the
necessity of model development for competence and
motivation growth for our particular case of project
management scenario and its further calibration and
verification. Therefore, we make some observations
from the studies below and incorporate them into our
model for further exploration.
Motivation changes due to task assignments are
explored in a model of educational activity at the
teacher-group level, which is focused on the task of
filling the “knowledge repository” with tasks of var-
ious topics and complexity (Kusztina et al., 2010).
The motivation function of the teacher and the stu-
dent depends on the complexity of the task and its
similarity on the topic. Similar model is explored for
student projects scheduling aiming at maximising the
number of project teams to perform complex project
tasks (Bakhtadze et al., 2020).(Koeppen et al., 2008)
reviews current issues in competence modelling and
assessment, including an overview of competence ac-
quisition models, where competence is a composition
of cognitive, psychometric, and domain-specific abil-
ities.Similar decomposition is suggested in other re-
view (Salman et al., 2020), concluding competence
influence on work visual progress and its quality. The
studies about domain-specific competence measure-
ment (Chung et al., 2008; Van Der Linden, 2005),
observed in the review (Koeppen et al., 2008), aim
at automated knowledge evaluation like in teaching-
learning process.
Our model for task assignment and project evo-
lution also requires microlevel dynamics of compe-
tence growth, which should reflect effects of task
scope and complexity on its execution time, time re-
quired for competence growth, and measure of com-
petence growth. MacGrath et al. (McGrath et al.,
1995) understand a competence in the context of firms
development as a resource for reaching objectives,
and competence growth as a new source of compet-
itive advantage. They analyse team productivity on
the base of their responses and explore correlations
between comprehension, competence, deftness, cul-
ture, and sector, which a firm belongs to. Search
for competence growth measurement also results in
sports study (Fransen et al., 2018), where authors
explore personal and team performance dependence
on a leader competence-thwarting or supporting be-
haviour. Performance is measured as a time of task
evaluation for single persons as well as for team.
2.2 Task Assignment
Task assignment (TA) problems are usually formu-
lated in terms of fixed execution times for a pair
(worker, task) given by a cost matrix (detailed ty-
pology of such problems may be found in (Pentico,
2007)). The goal of TA is to find a correspondence
between tasks and workers to minimize a total cost.
Although, there are TA problems accounting for agent
qualification (by placing additional restrictions) and
allowing for multiple task assignment for the same
agent, a cost is assumed to be static and known in ad-
vance. This assumption is reasonable for highly pre-
dictable environments (job scheduling for a static set
of computing units (Topcuoglu et al., 2002) or in a
multi-robot setting (Luo et al., 2011)), but is not nec-
essarily to be true for human-centric systems. The un-
certainty and the variability of worker’s productivity
bring an additional level of complexity to TA prob-
lems; however, studies of TA in this context are less
There are several factors of uncertainty in a
worker’s outcome for a task that are investigated in
ICORES 2022 - 11th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
human resource allocation problems (Bouajaja and
Dridi, 2017). Performance may be influenced by the
personal features of a worker (e. g. competencies ef-
fecting on productivity for the industrial performance
optimization (Boucher et al., 2007)). Authors stress
the performance is influenced by the level of com-
petencies of workers and competence trajectories, as
well as the ability to allocate and coordinate compe-
tencies along with business processes. Workers may
operate collaboratively, increasing or reducing each
other’s productivity (Younas et al., 2011), which may
contribute to team result as a non-linear function of
its members. R&D process is characterized by a high
level of uncertainty of executions times (Su et al.,
2020), which are predicted as a step of a three-step TA
model by a neural network, which uses estimated sat-
isfactory degree of knowledge for a given team and a
task as an input. In turn, these values are provided by
an additional Task-Knowledge-Team (TKT) graph.
2.3 Validation Possibilities – Data Sets
The formulation considered in this article is similar
to one used in various issue tracking systems such
as Jira, Redmine, and others. There are a number of
open repositories collected from data based on these
programs (Ortu et al., 2015; Rahim et al., 2017;
Lenarduzzi et al., 2019; Claes and M
a, 2020).
They contain a large number of issue reports and
comments, as well as task assignment and resolution
timestamps. However, there are some difficulties in
validating the model on these datasets. For instance, it
is often quite difficult to determine interests of users,
as well as their competencies, especially considering
that the latter may change. This can be achieved only
by using additional data sources and competence ac-
quisition methods. Also, text descriptions of tasks are
usually written using task-specific terms,which makes
it difficult to identify the real values of task compe-
tence vectors.
2.4 Discussion
The goal of current review was to find appropriate
mathematical or simulation models, showing compe-
tence and motivation dynamics during project execu-
tion. Despite we have note found actual models, ap-
propriate for our exploration of task assignment pro-
cess and possibilities of digital assistance,one can re-
sume the main patterns, determining personal produc-
tivity, on the base of literature review. They are:
1. task complexity and similarity of a topic affects
personal productivity (Kusztina et al., 2010);
2. competence affect productivity (Koeppen et al.,
2008; McGrath et al., 1995);
3. competence frustration as barrier to motivation
and performance (Fransen et al., 2018);
4. task understanding affects productivity (McGrath
et al., 1995);
5. feeling of competence increase intrinsic motiva-
tion (Fransen et al., 2018);
6. performance is measured as time for a
task (Fransen et al., 2018).
Therefore, personal productivity is measured as time
for a task execution by a user; the time is inversely
proportional to competence and motivation, and mo-
tivation is related to similarity between task topic and
personal interests.
These patterns are reflected below in the proposed
mathematical model of project evolution with motiva-
tion changes due to properties of tasks assigned. Nev-
ertheless, we suggest additional parameters, making
model a bit more flexible and personalised to capture
possibilities of validation by means of available data,
and for possibility of exploration with personal assis-
Let consider a project Π as a set of tasks E =
, M N, and each task is characterised by
competencies in a topic space, necessary for its per-
formance. Then, each user u U has their interests
and competencies u
, where Z in the
number of topics forming the interest space, which is
Hilbert space with Euclidean norm. The introduction
of both interests and competence for users allows dis-
tinguishing things they are able to do from ones they
would like to.
3.1 Dynamics
Motivation to do a single task is supposed to be
while global user motivation
accumulates their satisfaction of previous assigned
tasks, which results in formulae 1, 2.
m(e, u) = cos
, u
(t +1) = (1 ε) ·u
(t) + ε· m(e, u) (2)
For arbitrary number of factors, affecting motivation, a
general form is: m(e, u) =
· f
(e, u), where f
is attrac-
tiveness from the viewpoint of k value, and {γ
} is personal
values vector.
Modelling Influence of Motivation on Efficient Tasks Distribution for Given Team-project Correspondence
Since user satisfaction of tasks assigned is supposed
to reflect the vectors collinearity, and we would like
them to be normalised for different time stamps (for
Eq. 2), the cosine function fits these restrictions well.
Here (Eq. 2) we meet the first parameter for cal-
ibration, which is related to personal “patience”
the ability to do routine with minimal motivation de-
crease – the ε-parameter regulates contribution of re-
cent events in contrast to the newest, which can also
be captured by a width of time window, affecting mo-
In this way, each task assignment affects motiva-
tion and may increase project efficiency by influenc-
ing task completion time (Eq. 3):
τ(e, u) =
m(e, u)
||c(u)|| ·cos
c(e), c(u)
. (3)
This implies time decrease with increase in motiva-
tion and user competence. The correspondence of
user competence to task difficulty is evaluated as user
competence vector projection on the task competence
vector, after which their norms are compared, which
is reflected by the second multiplier in Eq. 3.
Changes in competence are also involved in per-
sonal dynamics evaluation, and proportional to the
difference between personal and task competence
(Eq. 4). The γ multiplier provides restriction on com-
petence increase for similar tasks evaluation, and it is
the second parameter for calibration, which reflects
speeds of obtaining and forgetting knowledge. The γ
can also be interpreted as / related to “adaptability”.
(t +1) u
(t) =
c(e) c(u)
. (4)
In this way, the model contains two drivers of em-
ployee activity, two kinds of feedback links, and re-
sult of tasks assignment at task level as completion
time, which is observed at system state variable after
aggregation over project.
Therefore, task attractiveness for a user, to be con-
sidered by a personal assistant and for project man-
agement, should be based on the balance between firm
and employee satisfaction, which is implemented as
the dependence on current motivation level:
Φ(u, e) = u
· cos(u
, e
) +(1 u
)· cos(u
, e
), (5)
where cos(u
, e
) = m(e, u) generally. In this way,
higher motivation corresponds to more energy to do
any task, therefore, a task, appropriate for firm neces-
sity can be assigned as attractive enough. At the same
time, low motivation is a sign of burnout and a reason
to increase it by an interesting task, which is captured
by Eq. 5.
3.2 Personal Assistance and Project
Each person demonstrates different critical values of
patience, after which low motivation does not allow
for efficient project execution. Personal efficiency for
project goals can be managed by a personal assistant.
On the other side, a project may have strict deadlines,
which restricts number of possible managerial scenar-
ios, or it may contain time gaps to increase people
competence and motivation for more efficient further
work, which also can be managed by a project assis-
tant to contribute to further firm development. The
third side is restrictions in project implementation,
arising from the correspondence of its topic and dif-
ficulty to team’s abilities and interests. This restricts
the range of project states for any quality of manage-
Maintaining constant productivity of employee is
more efficient for project execution performance than
sprint-strategy with longer recovery time intervals
(e. g. there are time limits, required for recovery, ob-
tained for sport competitions (Moxnes and Moxnes,
2014)). Therefore, digital personal assistants aim
at maximisation of user satisfaction, control project
state, and at minimization personal productivity fluc-
tuations at the same time. Therefore, a personal as-
sistant is supposed to monitor motivation changes in
order to minimise fluctuations in productivity. In con-
trast, urgency of project execution requires minimal
consideration of motivation, which is captured by spe-
cial α parameter. Eq. 5 is adapted by scalar α, s. t.
zero-alpha focuses on motivation, α = 1 uses com-
petencies for task assignment, and α = 0.5 uses opti-
mal task preferences depending on current motivation
Φ(u, e) = α · u
· cos(u
, e
) + (1 α) · (1 u
) · cos(u
, e
α should be tuned by a personal assistant depending
on current requirements for project evaluation and an
observed user state. This modifies task attractiveness
function by potentially optimal parameter of personal
efficiency α
From the global viewpoint, short- and long-term
planning restricts α-s at system level. Planning
restrictions are combined with people’s ability to
project execution. Therefore, the global α averages
personal α-s, and its minimal and maximal values of
motivation consideration should be stated on the basis
of requirements and system configuration restrictions.
ICORES 2022 - 11th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
3.3 Global State Variable
Project success is estimated as a number of tasks com-
pleted (Eq. 8), or as time for all tasks completion
(Eq. 9). In this way, the main managerial goal is to
distribute tasks between users to minimize project re-
alization time and maximize users’ satisfaction and
competence increase to provide further firm develop-
s(e,t) =
1, complete
0, otherwise
s(Π,t) =
e|s(e,t) = 1
#E (Π)
T (Π) = max
k j
, u
, (9)
where s(e, t) determines a task state at time t, {b
k j
} =
B is a task assignment matrix, having ones, if task is
assigned to a user, and zeros – otherwise.
The system explored and project success are re-
stricted by the correspondence a between tasks top-
ics and team competence (from one side) and by the
correspondence b between user interests and task top-
ics at the system level. In this way, we will observe
project success s(Π, t) and T (Π) in the connection to
restrictions like a and b, and show, how much project
execution times can be regulated by means of em-
ployee motivation control for different configurations
of these parameters.
The experiment is aimed to explore effects of moti-
vation consideration (α) during tasks assignments B
to a team, according to their interests u
and compe-
tence u
, in order to decrease projects execution time
T (Π) and increase team ability and motivation poten-
tial for further projects. Possible project success is
restricted by the correspondence between task topics
and difficulty and team interests and competence, de-
termined by a and b parameters (Table 1).
In this way, we consider three sets of experiments,
aimed at determining (i) optimistic project execution
times, (ii) possible effects of motivation on project
execution and possibilities of its management, and
(iii) effects of managerial approaches on team produc-
tivity (competence and motivational growth and their
effects on tasks execution).
Table 1: Motivation-sensitive project model parameters
at global scale.
Restrictions Parameters Observations
a corres-
and em-
α motivational
(from task
vs. further
s(Π,t)number of
tasks com-
T (Π) project
b correspondence
and em-
per time
4.1 Optimistic Project Execution Times
Since initial correspondence between team abilities
and suggested tasks restricts the best execution times,
we firstly explore them for fixed motivation and as-
sign task according to competencies only. That
is task execution time τ(e, u) (Eq. 3) is evaluated
with m(e, u) = 1, and task attractiveness Φ(u, e) =
, e
) (Eq. 5), since u
= 1, α = 1. In this way,
we vary a and obtain average times and deviations
of project completion for the cases of correspondence
between tasks and team competence (a = 1) and for
the opposite case (a = 0).
4.2 Effects of Motivation
When certain values of project execution times are
known for the case of the highest motivation (u
= 1),
we explore the effect of motivation-sensitive dynam-
ics on project success. For this case, the initial mo-
tivation values are fixed for all users and then they
are changed during simulations depending on tasks
assigned. Tasks are assigned a) according to compe-
tencies (u
= 1, α = 1 in Eq. 5), b) in order to in-
crease motivation if it is low (u
(t) 6≡ 1, α = 1, Eq. 5).
For both cases we explore how the correspondence
between tasks and user interests affect project execu-
tion times. The resulting times are compared to times,
obtained from the first experiment.
Modelling Influence of Motivation on Efficient Tasks Distribution for Given Team-project Correspondence
4.3 Effects of Managerial Approaches
on Team Productivity and Growth
The goal of this experiment is to understand how
quickly the project can be evaluated and how it can
affect further team efficiency. In this way, we vary α
for task attractiveness evaluation and measure project
execution time, motivation increase and competence
change. Generally, the efficiency notion should be in-
troduced in order to measure current team state and
its ability to execute tasks. This issue also leads to
question of optimal “efficiency” level determination.
Algorithm 1: Task assignment method with motivation ef-
fects on execution time and task attractiveness and user
states dynamics.
1 U - set of users
2 E
E - set of tasks
E - set of not completed tasks
4 t = 0
5 while
E is not empty do
6 for u in U do
7 for e in
E do
8 Φ(u, e) = α · u
· cos(u
, e
) +
(1 α) · (1 u
) · cos(u
, e
9 end
10 e
= argmax(Φ(u, e))
11 u
(t +1) = (1ε)·u
, u)
12 u
(t +1) u
(t) =
13 τ(e
, u) =
14 busy
= busy
+ τ(e
, u)
15 if busy
< 0 then
E =
E \ {e
17 end
18 t = t + 1
19 end
5.1 Optimistic Project Execution Times
Project and team are initialised with different corre-
spondence of their competence (a change). At the
same time, different concentration values of Dirichlet
distribution results in uniform or peak values in vec-
tors, which affects difference between task and user
competence vectors for low a values. In this way,
high concentration (conc = 1.00) demonstrates sim-
ilar project states for various a (Fig. 1). At the same
time, low concentration values results in T(Π) 500
Figure 1: Dependence of project execution times on the cor-
respondence between task and user competencies. T(Π)(a)
shows certain values of execution times (for 90 % of all
project tasks) and deviations for a [0; 1]. Concentration
values of Dirichlet distribution reflect difference between
peak and the lowest values of competence in user and task
distributions (low conc. for high difference and majority
of equal values for conc. = 1). Equal values of task and
user competencies (conc. = 1) correspond to their better fit,
therefore, for a = 1, conc = 1 gives the best execution times.
for completely different competence of project and
team and to T (Π) = 30 for similar competencies.
This states the restrictions for project success, de-
pending on initial conditions of competence for a con-
sidered system configuration.
5.2 Effects of Motivation
Let initialise motivation for all users as u
(0) = 0.5.
This will increase tasks execution time, but will al-
low for implementation of different task assignment
strategies. The motivation is changed depending on
tasks assignment, and task attractiveness uses moti-
vation changes by a) α = 1 (Fig. 2a) or b) α = 0.5
(Fig. 2b). The resulting execution times are greater
for all a values, in contrast to the first experiment,
since motivation affects execution time, but it is not
used during tasks assignment process. As a conse-
quence, the consideration of motivation during task
assignment decrease execution times (Fig. 2b).
In this way, if motivation affects project success
it can be managed. At the same time, correspon-
dence between interests and project affects more in
the case of skill-oriented tasks assignment for high
competence correspondence, while it affects more for
low competence correspondence.
In addition, one can see significant difference in
project execution times for combinations of a and b.
This demonstrates at global scale, that lack of corre-
spondence between interests and skills may ten times
decrease team productivity, while changes in man-
agerial approaches increase productivity less signifi-
ICORES 2022 - 11th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
(a) Competence-based tasks assign-
ment, urgent case, α = 1.
(b) Motivation increase during tasks
assignment, α = 0.5 .
Figure 2: Effects of motivation changes due to tasks assign-
ment on project execution times.
5.3 Effects of Managerial Approaches
on Team Productivity and Growth
In order to analyse influence of managerial ap-
proaches (during project implementation) on team
productivity we observe competence increase de-
pending on tasks assignment approach (α variation).
Figure 3 shows average competence increase is higher
for the cases of planning controlling motivation, while
urgent task assignment, based on competence corre-
spondence, demonstrate the lowest competence in-
crease. This is accompanied by time dynamics, show-
ing better performance for middle values of motiva-
tion share (α {0.55; 0.78}), while the worst results
are for competence-centered and motivation-centered
Motivation is an important factor for project success,
which may compensate lack of competence in a pos-
itive case, or may contribute negatively in the case of
demotivation. This complicates a problem of tasks
assignments by additional feedback links in a project
organization system, affecting project state dynamics
(a) Competence increase.
(b) Times for motivation-sensitive task assignment.
Figure 3: Motivation-sensitive tasks assignment influence
on team competence growth and motivation.
by microlevel effects. In order to manage motivation
at personal scale, we develop a model, incorporat-
ing motivation and competence feedback links at mi-
croscale of user-task interaction, which is connected
to macrolevel by task execution times, inversely pro-
portional to user motivation and competencies, based
on theoretical results from psychological and man-
agement studies.
The analysis of project execution process model is
performed for different team-project correspondence
in competences and interests. Results demonstrate
how much team productivity depends on this corre-
spondence and how can it be managed by task assign-
ment strategies, which take motivation factors into ac-
The results can be applied to create digital per-
sonal assistant systems and to select effective task as-
signment strategies for this correspondence between
the team and the project.
The developed models can be used for project evo-
lution simulation or employee behaviour after ε and γ
tuning. In addition, the model is well suited for de-
scribing the issue tracking task in software develop-
Modelling Influence of Motivation on Efficient Tasks Distribution for Given Team-project Correspondence
ment, therefore it can be adapted for corresponding
tasks. Nevertheless, absolute fit requires additional
methods of data preprocessing, to extract motivation
and competence information.
The authors are grateful to Alexander V.
Boukhanovsky for criticism and discussion of
the proposed model. This work was supported by the
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russian
Federation, Goszadanie no. 2019-1339.
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ICORES 2022 - 11th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems