consumption are very close, we validated the energy
model implemented in OMNeT++. However, we can
use this modeling for future studies with the aim to
reduce the global energy consumption effectively.
In this paper, we presented the access control system
used to limit the physical access to any secured and
restricted area. The architecture and the internal mod-
ules of the ACS are presented in details. This work
focuses on the energy consumption of the communi-
cation and the computation of hardware devices used
in the studied systems. A simulation environment for
ACS based on OMNeT++ and the INET framework is
described as well. The purpose of this paper is to com-
pare the energy consumption of the studied system and
its simulated model with the same working scenario.
After the implementation and the calibration phases,
both energies were calculated to evaluate the system’s
performance, where we have validated the modeled
system. For future works, we will study and simulate
several configurations in order to achieve better energy
efficiency. We will also take into account their impacts
on the ACS quality of service (QoS). In addition, we
argue that evaluating the energy performance with a
single RN is not enough to assess the network. There-
fore, we will evaluate different scenarios dealing with
multiple interconnected systems.
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Modeling of Energy Consumption for Wired Access Control Systems