CycleGAN-based Approach for Masked Face Classification
Tomoya Matsubara and Ahmed Moustafa
Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan
Machine Learning, Image, Pattern Recognition.
In this paper, we propose a learning model for not only distinguishing whether a person is wearing masks
but also classifying the position of the worn masks (mask on my chin, mask on my chin and mouth). First,
the synthesized face masks image dataset used for training the model is generated closer to the real world
data by CycleGAN. Then, the presence / absence and position of masks are classified using a machine learn-
ing model. Experimental results show that this approach provides excellent performance in classifying the
presence/ absence and the position of masks.
WHO considers wearing a mask to be one of the
solutions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and
keep oneself and others safe. In addition, a recent
study by researchers at the University of Edinburgh
to understand (Bandiera et al., 2020) the measures to
tackle the COVID-19 pandemic revealed the follow-
ing: Wearing a face mask or other cover that covers
the nose and mouth reduces the risk of coronavirus
infection. In this regard, an efficient system is much
needed that can recognize whether or not people’s
faces are masked in regulated areas and the position
of those masks. Therefore, a large dataset of masked
faces is required to detect the presence or absence of
masks and the position of the masks and to train deep
learning models. In this sense, several large datasets
of facial images with virus-related protective masks
are available in the literature such as the MAsked
FAces dataset (MAFA) (Ge et al., 2017), the Real-
World Masked Face Dataset (RMFD2) and a com-
prehensive masked face recognition dataset (Wang
et al., 2020) composed of Masked Face Detection
Dataset (MFDD), Real -world Masked Face Recogni-
tion Dataset (RMFRD) and Simulated Masked Face
Recognition Dataset (SMFRD).
Besides, many people have never worn masks or
are not wearing them properly due to bad habits or be-
havior. We then use the following dataset consisting
of images with individual or multiple masked faces to
create a detection model that takes into account im-
properly masked faces. A combination of them for
correctly masked face datasets (CMFD), incorrectly
masked face datasets (IMFD), and global masked face
detection (MaskedFace-Net) (Cabani et al., 2021).
In addition, there are three types of incorrectly face
datasets (IMFD): nose and mouth masks, mouth and
chin only masks, and chin only masks:
However, this is a dataset created by synthesizing
fake masks. Therefore, we use CycleGAN (Zhu et al.,
2017) to take an approach that brings the mask of this
dataset closer to the mask of the real world. In ad-
dition, since the data set that can be used to detect a
human face mask is relatively small, transfer learning
is used to classify the presence or absence of a mask
and its position.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 introduces the background and preliminaries of
the proposed approach. Section 3 presents the pro-
posed approach. Section 4 presents the data, models,
settings and results used in the experiment. Section 5
concludes the paper and points out the future work.
2.1 GAN(Generative Adversarial
The Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) (Good-
fellow et al., 2014) consists of a generative model
G and a discriminative model D as shown in Figure
1, and learns the generation of data in which G is
indistinguishable from the original data x based on
the input noise z. do. The loss function of GAN
proposed by Goodfellow et al. is called Adversar-
ial Loss as proposed by Zhu et al., and is expressed
by Eq.(1)(Zhu et al., 2017) . The first term of Eq.(1)
teaches D to correctly identify the original data x, and
Matsubara, T. and Moustafa, A.
CycleGAN-based Approach for Masked Face Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0010844100003116
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022) - Volume 3, pages 476-483
ISBN: 978-989-758-547-0; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: GAN data transition.
the second term teaches D to identify the data gener-
ated by G as not the original data. The relationship
between G and D here is often expressed by the re-
lationship between the currency counterfeiter and the
police who distinguish between the counterfeit cur-
rency and the real currency, so that the counterfeiter
can produce a counterfeit currency that can deceive
the police. Strive, the police will try to distinguish be-
tween the fake currency and the real currency. In this
way, the counterfeiter and the police compete against
each other, and the counterfeiter learns how to make a
fake currency that is close to the real thing. Similarly,
in GAN, G and D are hostile to each other, allowing
G to generate data similar to the original data x. In
recent years, models such as CycleGAN and SRGAN
that perform super-resolution have been proposed by
applying GAN.
L (G, D) = E
[1log(D(z))] (1)
2.2 CycleGAN
Pix2pix performs so-called Image-to-Image transfor-
mations that generate realistic objects from handwrit-
ten edges by acquiring transformation rules for each
image pair and unique loss functions between each
domain (Isola et al., 2017). Also propose the Cycle-
GAN to perform the Image-to- Image in the frame-
work of unsupervised learning by removing the pair
constraint of training data from this pix2pix (Zhu
et al., 2017).
CycleGAN (Zhu et al., 2017) is an advanced
model of GAN, and is composed of four models,
the generative model G
, G
and the discriminative
model D
, D
, which correspond to the two datasets
X and Y, as shown in Fig.2. Learn the mutual con-
version between X and Y, G
:Y X, G
: X Y.
Since the mutual conversion here is performed by un-
supervised learning, there is no need for pairs between
datasets, and the constraints of datasets are relaxed.
The transformation obtained by solving this with the
following mini-max equation is G
, G
of Eq.(3) In
the work of Zhu et al., the loss function of his Cy-
cleGAN is expressed by Eq.(2), L
used in two
term in Eq.(2) is expressed by Eq.(4), and L
in three term is expressed by Eq.(5). Eq.(4) is the
GAN loss function, ”Adversarial Loss”, which two
of the Adversarial Loss learn to convert datasets to
each other. Eq.(5) is the ”Cycle Consistency Loss”
for making the transformations consistent, and Eq.(5)
teaches it to reduce the difference between the orig-
inal image and the reconstructed image when recon-
structed in two transformations. Fig.2 shows the data
transition when trying mutual conversion with a two-
dimensional image of apples and mikan as an exam-
ple of data transition in the CycleGAN, and the image
with a hat on the variable shows the converted image.
The image with the double hat represents the recon-
structed image. Fig.2 shows that Adversarial Loss is
used to learn mutual conversion, and Cycle Consis-
tency Loss is used to ensure consistent conversion by
and G
so that images can be reconstructed.
The expected value of the difference from the
original data when G
and G
are similarly applied to
the images in both the X and Y domains is recorded
as the restoration loss (Zhu et al., 2017). In recent
years, applications for information hiding (Chu et al.,
2017) and proposals for successfully exchanging hu-
man faces (Jin et al., 2017) have also been reported,
which is impressive for style conversion between do-
mains under non-pair constraint conditions.
L (G
, G
, D
, D
) = L
, D
, X, Y)
, D
, Y, X)
, G
) (2)
, G
= arg min
L (G
, G
, D
, D
) (3)
, D
, X, Y) = E
(1 (G
(y)))] (4)
, G
) = E
(x)) x||
(y)) y||
2.3 MaskedFace-Net
Correctly masked face datasets (CMFD), incorrectly
masked face datasets (IMFD), and their combination
are being used for masked face detection (Masked
Face-Net) (Cabani et al., 2021). A realistic masked
face dataset is proposed for two purposes: i) detect
people whose face is masked or unmasked, ii) the
CycleGAN-based Approach for Masked Face Classification
Figure 2: CycleGAN data transition.
mask is properly worn, or Detects incorrectly worn
faces (such as airport portals and crowds).
The original facial image dataset is Flickr-Faces-
HQ (FFHQ) (Karras et al., 2019), which has been se-
lected as the basis for enhancing the MaskedFace net.
In fact, FFHQ contains 70,000 high quality images of
human faces in PNG file format. It is published as
1024 x 1024 resolution. The FFHQ dataset offers a
variety of things in terms of age, ethnicity, perspec-
tive, lighting, and image background. That is, FFHQ
contains facial images of all ages, so it also applies to
MaskedFace-Net masked facial images.
Such datasets can also be used to detect children
in crowds wearing masks below the recommended
age limit. MaskedFace-Net composite mask images
are created using facial landmarks. For each type of
mask-to-face mapping (CMFD, IMFD1, IMFD2, or
IMFD3), a subset of 12 face keypoints out of 68 au-
tomatically detected landmarks is retained. Then it
matches the 12 mask key points. In this way, the mask
can fit into a specific area of the face in each case of
interest. Therefore, a mask-to-face deformable model
was created to generate MaskedFace-Net. In addition,
each case of interest can contain up to two keypoints
in the mask (out of twelve keypoints), and their po-
sitions move randomly around a limited area. In par-
ticular, this margin of error can affect the height of
the facial mask and bring realism to the generated
dataset. Therefore, MaskedFace-Net also includes
various placement masks, as shown in Fig3.
Figure 3: Examples of images included in MaskedFace-Net.
Therefore, the resulting Masked Face-Net dataset
contains 137,016 masked face images. The proposed
Masked Face-Net dataset consists of 49% of prop-
erly masked faces (67,193 images) and 51% of incor-
rectly masked faces (69,823 images). In this latter set,
about 80% represent a face with only the mouth and
chin masked, 10% with a face with only the nose and
mouth masked, and 10% with a face with only the
chin masked.
2.4 ResNet
Residual Networks (ResNet) (He et al., 2016) is the
2015 ILSVRC winning model. Deepening the net-
work improves expressiveness and recognition accu-
racy, but too deep a network makes efficient learning
difficult. ResNet does not simply pass the conversion
F(x) by some processing block to the next layer like a
normal network, but shortcuts the input x to that pro-
cessing block, and H(x) = F(x) + x is passed to the
next layer. The processing unit including this short-
cut is called the residual module. In ResNet, the gra-
dient is directly transmitted to the lower layer during
backpropagation through the shortcut, and it has be-
come possible to learn efficiently even in a very deep
network.It is also used in Highway Networks (Srivas-
tava et al., 2015a)(Srivastava et al., 2015b), but has
not improved accuracy in very deep networks.
Fig.4 shows the structure of the Residual module.
Fig.4(a) shows the abstract structure of the residual
module, and Fig.4(b) shows an example of the resid-
ual module actually used, with two 3x3 convolution
layers with 64 output channels. It is arranged. To be
precise, in addition to the convolutional layer, batch
normalization and ReLU, which will be described
later, are arranged, and ResNet uses a residual module
with the following structure
conv bn relu conv bn add relu
Here add shows the sum of F(x) and x. Fig.4(c)
shows the bottleneck version of the residual mod-
ule, which is a 1 × 1 convolution that reduces di-
mensions, then 3 × 3 convolutions, and then 1 × 1
to restore dimensions. By taking the form, a deeper
model can be constructed while maintaining the same
amount of calculation as in Fig.4(b). In fact, the ac-
curacy of ResNet-50 using the module of Fig.4(c),
which has the same number of parameters, is greatly
improved compared to ResNet-34 using the residual
module of Fig.4(b). Has been reported. Identity func-
tion f(x) = x is basically used as a shortcut for the
Residual module, but if the number of input chan-
nels and the number of output channels are different,
zero-padding is used to fill the missing channels with
0. Two patterns of shortcuts, projection, which ad-
just the number of channels by convolution of , 1 × 1,
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 4: Residual module structure.
are available as options. From these, the zero-padding
approach is better because it does not increase the pa-
rameters, but projection, which is easy to implement,
is often used.
In deep networks, updating the parameters of one
layer causes an internal covariate shift in which the
distribution of inputs to the next layer changes sig-
nificantly from batch to batch, resulting in inefficient
learning. was there. Batchnormalization (Ioffe and
Szegedy, 2015) is a method to stabilize and speed up
learning by normalizing this internal covariate shift
and allowing each layer to learn independently as
much as possible. In ResNet, efficient learning of
deep networks is realized by incorporating this batch-
normalization in the residual module, and batchnor-
malization has come to be used as standard in the
models after ResNet.
It is said that differences can be identified with
high accuracy by using CNN, and attempts have
been made to identify gender differences using Grad-
CAM, which identifies regions that contribute to dis-
crimination using the weights after learning CNN
(Jiang et al., 2020). However, it has not been pos-
sible to identify a meaningful area, and the reason for
the identification has hardly been explained.
One way to know what shape or pattern the CNN
is looking at is to find out what features the CNN fil-
ter is looking at. However, since CNN learns to ex-
tract more complex features by combining simple fea-
tures extracted in the shallow layer in the deep layer,
it is necessary to express complex features in order to
know what CNN itself is looking at. It is necessary to
know the multiple simple features used in the above
and to consider what kind of features are expressed
from them. In addition, since many filters are used in
each layer of CNN, it is necessary to think about mul-
tiple filters in the same way in multiple layers, and it is
not realistic to actually explain the identification pro-
cess from the filters. In addition, in order to explain
the difference between images, it is necessary to know
not only the area but also the difference in shape and
pattern within the area, and it is not enough to specify
the area. Therefore, in order to explain fake masks
and real masks, there is a need for a method that can
identify the areas involved in their identification and
obtain differences in shapes and patterns within the
Therefore, in this study, we propose a method us-
ing the hostile generation network (GAN) as a method
to know the shape and pattern related to the identifi-
cation of CNN from the result instead of the process.
In order to analyze fake masks and real masks using
GAN, it is necessary to use a model that can learn
the difference between fake masks and real masks.
Therefore, as a model that can learn the difference,
there is CycleGAN, which is a model that applies
GAN. Since CycleGAN learns mutual conversion be-
tween datasets by unsupervised learning, there is no
need for data pairs between datasets, and it is pos-
sible to learn transformations that have no solution
in reality, such as mutual conversion between fake
masks and real masks.Specifically, the MaskedFace-
Net dataset is used as the ”fake mask” domain and
the MAsked FAces dataset (MAFA) (Ge et al., 2017)
is used as the ”real mask” domain to create a Cycle-
GAN. Use to perform mask transformation training
between domains. Fig.5 shows a schematic diagram.
When training data is given with the ”fake mask” do-
main as X and the ”real mask” domain Y as train-
ing data, it is equivalent to optimizing G
: X Y
and G
: Y X by CycleGAN. In addition, since
each domain plays the role of a teacher domain with
each other, it should be considered that it exerts a
probabilistic learning effect on a data group such as
MaskedFace-Net that is not given clear teacher label
data.However, since CycleGAN converts the entire
image, the area related to the mask cannot be spec-
ified from the difference.
Therefore, in this study, we introduced the follow-
ing additional loss function into CycleGAN to limit
the conversion area.
, G
) = E
(y) y||
(x) x||
] (5)
In other words, the L1 norm is used to set the loss
function so that the distributions of the ”input” and the
”generated image” are close to each other. In other
words, by using this ”identity loss”, GAN works to
learn the conversion between each domain. Then, we
thoughtthat we could change the color and style of the
area we wanted to convert and keep the color and style
of the area we didn’t want to convert. In addition, the
following three points were implemented to improve
the accuracy of images by CycleGAN.
CycleGAN-based Approach for Masked Face Classification
Figure 5: Schematic diagram of mask conversion learning between domains by CycleGAN Relationship between “fake
mask” domain X and “real mask” domain Y extracted from MaskedFace-Net G
: X Y and G
: Learn Y X using
an unsupervised method with no pair constraints.
Figure 6: Three types of training data sets. From left i)
MaskedFace-Net (original data), ii) Image converted by Cy-
cleGAN iii) Image converted by CycleGAN + Proposed
Changed Discriminator loss function to ”MSE”
instead of ”BCE”
Changed cyclerate from ”10” to ”1”
Learn BatchSize with ”1”
Figure 7: An example of test data.
4.1 Training Data
The following three types of training data sets
have been prepared this time. i) Dataset that uses
MaskedFace-Net as it is, which is the original data.
ii) Dataset that Converts MaskedFace-Net to match
the real world using only CycleGAN. iii) Dataset that
Converts MaskedFace-Net to match the real world us-
ing CycleGAN + Proposed Approach.
The images in Fig.6 are (i), (ii), and (iii) explained
earlier from the left. The original data on the left is a
fake made by compositing the mask, so it feels strange
compared to the data in the real world. Also, compar-
ing the center and right images, we think the proposed
method is less likely to darken and is applied to more
realistic data.
In addition, there are four types of these datasets:
Mask, MaskChin, MaskMouthChin, and NoMask.
”Mask” is a mask that covers the entire face,
”MaskChin” is a mask that covers only the chin,
”MaskMouthChin” is a mask that covers only the
mouth and chin, and ”NoMask” is a face without a
4.2 Test Data
For the test data, we use the pictures we actually took
and the images we searched for on the Internet and
SNS. In addition, these test data include a wide vari-
ety of masks such as various colored masks and cloth
masks. And, there are masked face images at vari-
ous angles such as facing front and facing sideways,
facing up. Fig.7 is an example of such test data.
In addition, there are four types of this dataset:
Mask, MaskChin, MaskMouthChin, and NoMask.
Figure 8: Fine-tuning of ResNet50.
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
4.3 Fine-tuning Model
Face mask detection is achieved using deep neural
networks. However, training deep neural networks
is time consuming and expensive due to the high
computational power required. To solve these prob-
lems, we will use deep learning-based transfer learn-
ing here. Transfer learning can transfer the trained
knowledge of neural networks to new models. So
even if one are training on a small dataset, one can
improve the performance of one’s new model. There
are several pre-trained models such as AlexNet, Mo-
bileNet, and ResNet50 trained with 14 million images
from the ImageNet dataset (Chowdary et al., 2020).
And Fig.8 is a simplified version of the model used
this time. ResNet50 has been selected as the pre-
trained model for face mask classification. In addi-
tion to the Pre-trained Model ResNet50, the last layer
has been tweaked by adding five new layers. Newly
added layers include a 5x5 pool size average pooling
layer, a flattering layer, a 128 neuron ReLU layer, a
0.5 dropout, and a decision layer with a softmax acti-
vation function for binary classification.
4.4 Experiment Setting
Three types of training datasets are used. i)
MaskedFace-Net (original data), ii) Image converted
by CycleGAN, iii) Image converted by CycleGAN +
Proposed approach. In addition, each of these three
types has the following settings.
Number of images: 3825
Number of types: 4
Image size: 256×256
Learning: 20 epochs
Also, for the test data, we used the real world data
by ourselves, and the settings are as follows.
Number of images: 1285
Number of types: 4
Image size: 256×256
Then, using the deep learning model shown in
Fig.5, four classifications are performed: Mask,
MaskChin, MaskMouthChin, and NoMask. In addi-
tion, use k-fold cross-validation to divide the data into
k pieces, use one of them as test data and all the rest
as validation data. This time, using ResNet, the eval-
uation result is obtained by averaging the results of K
times. In this experiment, k = 5.
Figure 9: Mixed matrix classified using i)MaskedFace-Net
(original data) as training data.
Figure 10: Mixed matrix classified using ii)Image converted
by CycleGAN as training data.
4.5 Experiment Result
Here we show that the training dataset varies in classi-
fication accuracy. Therefore, a mixed matrix of clas-
sification results by each training dataset, Fig.9 to 11
have been created.
In addition, Precision, Recall, and F1 scores for
each training data and classification were calculated.
Based on these evaluations, we evaluated the classi-
fication performance of each case classification. The
results are shown in Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3.
From Tables 1-3, Precision, Recall, and F1 scores
were the highest in all classifications of the pro-
posed method. From this result, it is considered that
the mask training data created by synthesis can be
adapted to the real-world data by using CycleGAN.
Furthermore, we believe that the color space can be
stabilized by letting GAN learn the conversion be-
CycleGAN-based Approach for Masked Face Classification
Table 1: Precision of each training data and classification.
Training Data Mask MaskChin MaskMouthChin NoMask
i)MaskedFace-Net (original data) 0.607 0.864 0.686 0.459
ii)Image converted by CycleGAN 0.722 0.867 0.690 0.553
iii)Image converted by CycleGAN + Proposed 0.920 0.881 0.888 0.655
Table 2: Recall of each training data and classification.
Training Data Mask MaskChin MaskMouthChin NoMask
i)MaskedFace-Net (original data) 0.754 0.259 0.178 0.996
ii)Image converted by CycleGAN 0.770 0.328 0.460 0.993
iii)Image converted by CycleGAN + Proposed 0.879 0.645 0.695 0.996
Table 3: F1-score of each training data and classification.
Training Data Mask MaskChin MaskMouthChin NoMask
i)MaskedFace-Net (original data) 0.673 0.399 0.247 0.628
ii)Image converted by CycleGAN 0.748 0.476 0.552 0.694
iii)Image converted by CycleGAN + Proposed 0.899 0.745 0.787 0.790
Figure 11: Mixed matrix classified using iii)Image con-
verted by CycleGAN + Proposed as training data.
tween domains using ”identity loss”. As a result, we
found that it is possible to classify the presence or ab-
sence of masks and their positions by CNN even with
composite images.
We suggested using CycleGAN and ”identity loss”
and three points to classify the presence and location
of masks. Experimental results have shown that the
proposed approach is very accurate in all classifica-
tions. In other words, from this result, it is consid-
ered that the fake mask data created by synthesis can
be brought closer to the actual mask by using Cycle-
GAN. We also believe that even now that the coron-
avirus is widespread, we can still collect data without
having to meet people in person.
However, the classification accuracy of ”Mask
Chin” and ”Mask Mouth Chin was not very good,
so it is necessary to work on improving the accuracy
by improving each model, verifying with more data,
and verifying the reliability of the result with differ-
ent data. We also want to develop a system that can
detect the presence and position of multiple people’s
masks at once by combining it with object detection
for multiple purposes.
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CycleGAN-based Approach for Masked Face Classification