Queueing Model of Circular Demand Responsive Transportation
System: Theoretical Solution and Heuristic Solution
Ayane Nakamura
, Tuan Phung-Duc
1 a
and Hiroyasu Ando
2,3 b
Graduate School of Science and Technology, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577, Japan
Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577, Japan
Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8577, Japan
Queueing Model, Transportation, Ride-sharing, Heuristic Solution.
Sharing mobilities, such as car-sharing and ride-sharing, have been widely spreading recently. In this paper, we
consider Car/Ride-Share (CRS) system, which is one of the demand responsive transportations. We consider
the scenario where CRS is introduced on the circular bus route. We propose its theoretical and heuristic
solutions using queueing theory. We validate the heuristic analysis by comparing with the theoretical result
through some numerical examples.
Sharing mobilities, such as car-sharing and ride-
sharing have been widely spreading recently. Car-
sharing is a system such as car-rental for short period
time and ride-sharing is a system where people ride
cars to their destinations together, e.g., Uber. In this
paper, we study Car/Ride-share (CRS) system (Ando
et al., 2019), where people carry out car-sharing and
ride-sharing simultaneously. We analyzed a queue-
ing model where CRS is introduced between two
points (Nakamura et al., 2020a). As an extension,
we model and analyze the scenario of the introduc-
tion of CRS on a circular bus route. As we will de-
scribe later, the theoretical analysis of the multiple
points model requires a huge amount of computaiton
and memory capacity when conducting numerical ex-
periments. Therefore, we propose a heuristic solution
of the model to facilitate the numerical experiments.
We compare these two solutions, the theoretical and
the heuristic solutions, and discuss the validity of the
heuristic solution.
There are various studies about sharing mobili-
ties. Specifically, , various studies using optimization
method were conducted, e.g., (Agatz et al., 2012),
(Correia and Antunes, 2012). However, almost all of
these studies ignore the uncertainty of customer be-
haviors. In other words, these studies assume that
all customer behavior is perfectly understood. In re-
ality, customer behavior has fluctuation. Naturally
that sometimes there are many customers and some-
times there are few because of external factors such
as other transportations, the road congestion, weather,
and so on. A closely related study (Enzi et al., 2021),
which deals with the scheduling problem of multi-
modal car- and ride- sharing problem, also ignores the
uncertainty of customers.
As research considering the randomness of cus-
tomers, Daganzo et al. (Daganzo and Ouyang, 2019)
discussed a simple stochastic model of demand-
responsive transportations that include ride-sharing.
However, they did not consider the coexistence of
multiple transportations, e.g., buses and ride-sharing.
It is crucial to discuss the coexistence of various mo-
bilities and evaluate the impact on each other from a
practical point of view. Research of queueing mod-
els for transportation services (e.g., (Tao and Pender,
2020)) also did not consider the coexistence of vari-
ous types of mobilities.
Based on the above, the novelties of this paper can
be summarized as follows:
• Modeling transportation systems considering the
uncertainty of customers.
• Modeling the coexistence of multiple transporta-
tions, i.e., Car/Ride-Share.
• Presenting both theoretical and heuristic solutions
for this new model.
Nakamura, A., Phung-Duc, T. and Ando, H.
Queueing Model of Circular Demand Responsive Transportation System: Theoretical Solution and Heuristic Solution.
DOI: 10.5220/0010845300003117
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2022), pages 193-199
ISBN: 978-989-758-548-7; ISSN: 2184-4372
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved