on the bi-objectives instances, the difference is statis-
tically insignificant. On instances with 3 and 4 objec-
tives, the table clearly highlight the performance of
This paper presented a new hybrid method for solv-
ing the MOMKP based on ACO and local search.
The objective space was explored through the use of
a multi-directional ant colony optimization approach
to search for a promising path in the region consid-
ered as well as the contribution of the local search
procedure to drive the search toward the Pareto opti-
mal front. From the viewpoints of both the compu-
tational expenses and solution quality, the proposed
hybrid multi-directional ant colony optimization ap-
proach is efficient for MOMKP and performs consis-
tently well especially for high-dimensional problems
such as those frequently encountered in real-world
applications. An interesting direction of future re-
search would be to investigate a self-adapting version
of MD-HACO. In particular, at the level of the opti-
mization part by ant colony, it will be interesting to
adopt a self-configuration mechanism where the pa-
rameters related to diversification and intensification
are automatically configured during the construction
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