Both, the methodology and the gathered data were
enabled by closer collaboration with several players
and coaches from local table tennis associations. The
best result, with the overall dataset D5, was clearly
obtained by the ConvLSTM model, with a maximum
performance of 97.33% F1 score, among the best re-
sults published in the literature.
6.1 Future Work
Currently, the trained ConvLSTM model, together
with the SDA algorithm, is in the process of being in-
corporated into a WatchOS app to be used in real-time
classification experiments involving a limited number
of volunteer table tennis players. In the medium term
commercial use and widespread acceptance among
table tennis players, tested classifiers should be sub-
ject to a broad number of sensor datasets, preferably
from players with different levels of competition.
This work was partially funded by: AppGenera-
tion Software Technologies Lda; by Base Funding -
UIDB/00027/2020 of the Artificial Intelligence and
Computer Science Laboratory - LIACC - funded by
national funds through the FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC);
and by Fundac¸
ao Ensino e Cultura Fernando Pessoa.
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