curity level becomes more complicated, the usabil-
ity usually drops. However, any complicated process
might discourage farmers from using such systems,
especially that the security awareness in farms is not
high. Therefore, The system should have simple ex-
pressive policy language such as roles, time, loca-
tion, device, capability etc. In addition, It could be
beneficial to use policy automation to fill the gap be-
tween farmer intuitive policies and the matching de-
tailed technical configurations and rules.
3. Resolving Conflicts: The system should be able to
identify and resolve conflicts of access demands.
4. Access Policies: Policies should at least consist
of the triplet: <Individual’s Role, Device Capability,
Contextual Factors>.
5. Policy Creation, Enforcement & Execution: All
specified access control policies should be enforced
on the system. And access control requests should be
evaluated against the enforced policies.
Smart devices are usually managed through a hub
device. The hub device is used to facilitate the com-
munication between devices and the cloud. Once the
farmer specifies the required access controls, it should
be sent through the hub device to the server on the
cloud. That server then should generate the required
policies and ensure it is enforced over all system re-
sources. Whenever an access control to a system re-
source is requested, it should be automatically for-
warded to the server. The server should check the
request against the created policies. If the request is
valid it should be accepted on the specified resource,
otherwise it should be denied as shown in Figure 4.
Many researches have started looking into the secu-
rity and privacy issues in different IoT domains such
as (Fan et al., 2019) who designed access controls
considering fog computing for providing data confi-
dentiality, variability and attribute based encryption.
However, there have been a limited work explor-
ing specifically the security in smart farming and pre-
cision agriculture despite that the U.S. Department
of Homeland Security issued a report (Aida Boghos-
sian, 2018) identifying the different threats to preci-
sion agriculture and emphasizing the need for more
research regarding this area. Most researches were
focused on blockchain solutions such as (Kamilaris
et al., 2019) who studied the challenges and implica-
tions of using blockchain technology projects in the
agriculture sector and (Ferrag et al., 2020) who pro-
vided the consensus algorithms for the solutions that
are based on blockchain and how can they be adapted
for smart farming. We omit further blockchain work
as its not related to our main focus.
Smart farming is an emerging sector of IoT applica-
tions. It faces many challenges ranging from adoption
of its technologies to the security issues that stems
from applying it inside the farms. Therefor, an exten-
sive research is required in this area. In this paper we
explored different security scenarios that stems form
the diverse nature of smart farms. We identified the
structure of smart farms and the different stakeholders
who are involved in the system. We explored relevant
access control policies that can be particularly applied
to smart farms.
2021 Smart farming: How iot-driven precision agriculture
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ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy