a possibilistic belief base and perform possibilistic in-
ferences by using a classical reasoner at a cost which,
albeit larger than the classical counterpart by a mul-
tiplicative factor proportional to the number of slices,
lies in the same complexity class.
All of our results are valid for the general case of
a decidable fragment of first-order logic and thus they
can be readily transferred to state-of-the-art and popu-
lar knowledge representation languages, like Datalog
and RDF + OWL and their reasoners. This also means
that our suggestion to use gradual metadata about va-
lidity and completeness may be applied to represent-
ing and reasoning with possibilistic uncertainty on top
of the standard infrastructure of the semantic Web,
without requiring any ad hoc extension and at a rea-
sonable cost. In that setting, one way of implement-
ing the notion of a slice might be through RDF named
Future work includes demonstrating how our pro-
posal can be deployed on the semantic Web in-
frastructure to represent and reason about uncertain
knowledge with a proof-of-concept implementation.
This work has been partially supported by the French
government, through the 3IA C
ote d’Azur “Invest-
ments in the Future” project managed by the National
Research Agency (ANR) with the reference number
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