As a second way towards obstacle avoidance with
stereo cameras, we have – after noting that deep learn-
ing algorithms such as Muller et al. (2004) do not rely
on view disparity – proposed the disparity-sensitive
deep learning network NCC-DISP which has only dis-
parity data as input, and show that it performs as well
as an earlier system using raw stereo camera inputs.
The next generation of ToyCollect robots will ad-
ditionally feature an active sensing depth camera to
generate approximate depth maps which would al-
low a qualitative evaluation of stereo camera algo-
rithms. Adding bumper and acceleration sensors will
furthermore allow to automate the generation of large
amounts of obstacle detection training data, which is
currently still a manual process.
This project was partially funded by the Austrian Re-
search Promotion Agency (FFG) and by the Austrian
Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Tech-
nology (BMVIT) within the Talente internship re-
search program 2014-2019. We would like to thank
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Vladimir T. for answering questions and explaining
his model; and all interns which have worked on this
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ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence