ling method was evaluated to be beneficial at a work-
shop. It can be concluded that the modelling method
is suitable to model one of the core processes in uni-
versities, schools and similar institutions. While this
is a positive result, a more detailed analysis of the
understandability of such process models is surely
possible. Since understandability of conceptual mod-
els can be measured in several dimensions, empirical
studies with quantitative results can be used to enrich
the existing qualitative results.
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cess models for quality assurance. On the one hand,
the process models may help to eliminate weaknesses
within the processes. On the other hand, process mod-
els can help to evaluate tools by the degree of process
coverage they offer. That can help to find aspect that
are not covered by any tool, but also conflicts when
two tools are used within the same process with over-
lapping duties.
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CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education