Table 2: Overview on examples for typical scenarios using e-assessment data along the two dimensions of data usage.
Type of data Cases with one-time use Cases with frequent use Cases with continuous
Anonymous or ag-
gregated data
research studies quality assurance feedback
Individual, identifi-
able data
— plagiarism check feedback, adaptivity,
competency measurement
Data merged with
external sources
research studies plagiarism check, predic-
performed for the papers included in the search results
to get even more insights into the dimensions of data
usage as well as possible interconnections within and
between the different contexts of data usage. Second,
the results can be used as a starting point to make con-
nections to the usage of other data than e-assessment
data in similar context. For example, authentication,
privacy and plagiarism may also be relevant topics
in other areas of educational technology and beyond,
even if academic dishonesty may indeed only be a ma-
jor problem in the context of assessments. Third, the
results can be used to identify research gaps that re-
quire further attention. The results so far are surely
not yet detailed enough for that purpose, but the fact
that e. g. papers on data handling appear relatively
rarely in the search results may hint towards the fact
that the technical aspects on how to handle data within
e-assessment systems could possibly need further at-
tention in future research.
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Where Does All the Data Go? A Review of Research on E-Assessment Data