In this position paper, we outline work in progress
on integrating and supplementing CPS-development
with organizational models of MAS. We argued that
organizational models, as used in MAS development,
facilitate the design of coherent ensembles of sys-
tems. These systems originate from multi-paradigm
modeling, thus a consistent view on their logical inter-
actions and integration is beneficial. Besides the iden-
tification of the benefits of utilizing organizational
modeling in CPS development, the integration in cur-
rent development practices, the main usages and re-
sulting challenges are outlined.
While the outlined lightweight, simulation-based
analysis approach is used to teach the development
of adaptive CPS, the indicated supplements and chal-
lenges are prospects for future work and collabo-
ration. Future work comprises the development of
guidelines and tooling for description of collabora-
tion patterns in CPS, the static analysis of SGAM-
based use cases and the utilization of OCMAS-
models as first class elements for adapting CPS at
run-time. Here we focus on SGAM-based models
which address Smart Grids. Since comparable models
have been derived for other domains as well, a trans-
ferability of our approach can be expected but remains
to be examined in future works.
J.S. would like to thank Wolfgang Renz (Hamburg
University of Applied Sciences) for inspiring discus-
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On Combining Domain Modeling and Organizational Modeling for Developing Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems