After more than one year of intense work in order to
have the LSU-DS dataset, we can begin to use it in
different fields. The dataset will be useful for psy-
cholinguistic studies and also for the training and test-
ing of automatic segmentation, detection and recogni-
tion algorithms.
This first experience was carried in the controlled
conditions of the lab as other available datasets re-
ported in the literature. In the future we plan to en-
rich the dataset with acquisitions outside the lab with
varying scene conditions. This is a necessary trend
that only recently has begun (a notable example is the
AUTSL dataset (Sincan and Keles, 2020) in 2020).
The dataset will be enriched with new metadata
and temporal markers to identify different linguistic
units. In the future, these new data will include infor-
mation such as oral language translation in English
by sign and sentence, phonological description and
grammar type of each sign as well as the syntactic
function of the signs into sentences. A main challenge
is to include labels referring to non-manual sign pa-
rameters such as body tilt, head motion/position, and
facial expressions of the subjects done when signing.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the contribution
of Mar
ıa E. Rodino with the gloss, Federico Lecum-
berry and Gabriel G
omez for their help in the web site
installation and to the reviewers’ comments, which
improved the article.
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ICPRAM 2022 - 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods