We have proposed a mechanism to detect and pro-
tect against Cache side-channel attacks. The pro-
posed mechanism combines dynamic analysis and
static analysis to detect the suspicious behaviour of
the VM and then analyzes the executable files stored
in the disk and RAM of the suspicious VM to rec-
ognize the implicit characteristics of the attacks. Our
proposed mechanism combines the advantages of dy-
namic analysis and static analysis to reduce the load
on a system. The proposed mechanism can detect at-
tacks in the range of 96–99% accuracy and with 0.6–
25% CPU overheads. In future work, we aim to im-
prove and expand the analysis to include the other
microarchitectural attacks to which the shared virtu-
alized environments are exposed. We also plan to in-
tegrate the proposed mechanism with one of the well-
known antiviruses to maintain a shared virtualized en-
vironment guarded against viruses and microarchitec-
tural attacks.
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ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy