This work introduces a methodology for strategi-
cally identifying and selecting the most informative
2D slices using a percentile-based-position-analysis
method. The impact of the proposed methodology on
the overall performance of CNN-based classification
models is explored experimentally. The slice subsets
contribution to the model performance varies accord-
ing to the position; the 35th percentile reaches the
higher accuracy. Based on the best average results,
the proposed methodology establishes the resize by
cropping technique, the image sizes of (224 × 224)
and (192 × 192) and the axial plane, as suitable to
get the highest model performance for Alzheimer’s
disease classification. The number of slices per sub-
ject greatly influences the model performance, sub-
sets with 32 slices presenting the best results.
The use of 2D slices produces an increased num-
ber of instances and the possibility of using existing
2D CNNs to train a model with transfer learning or
from scratch. The classifications obtained at the slice
level must be fused to obtain a classification at the
subject level. Finally, data leakage can be avoided by
using a subject dataset early split and creating an inde-
pendent test set as proposed in the instance selection
For future work, image metrics will be used to
select the most informative instances. Also, custom
CNNs and model ensembles using the different planes
and cropping regions should be considered to improve
the classification model performance and reliability.
This work is supported by the Smart Data Analy-
sis Systems Group - SDAS Research Group (http:
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ICPRAM 2022 - 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods