In this paper we reported our investigations into XAI.
We focused on a decision tree for a sample dataset as a
use case to illustrate existing XAI tools/platforms. We
discussed and demonstrated how an explanation can
be constructed at global and local levels, as well as
how such explanations can be further enhanced by us-
ing counterfactural datapoints. Finally, we described
our evaluation methodology and provided an analysis
of participant feedback. Although the work described
here is preliminary, we believe it provides some useful
starting points for researchers who are new to the field
of XAI. Our results show that developing a proper and
easily accessible XAI system and interface is a non-
trivial task. Deep understanding of the AI system be-
ing used, the application domain, and user groups are
all important and may have a significant impact on the
quality and acceptance of research outcomes. There
are several possible avenues for future work:
• Explanation may be more understandable to hu-
mans if they incorporate natural language genera-
tion (NLG) techniques. When implementing XAI
techniques on specific cases, NLG may be used to
improve language in final explanations.
• We only considered counterfactual explanations
in the context of binary classification models. Ad-
ditional methods may be adopted to support multi-
class classification models.
• We only consider explanations for a single (gen-
eral) class of stakeholder. However, explanations
tailored to other specific classes of stakeholder
may be achieved by incorporating preferences or
other background information.
This work received funding from the EPSRC CHAI
project (EP/T026820/1). The authors thank Marco
Tulio Correia Ribeiro for help with LIME.
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