into computational overhead that dynamic analysis
originates (Chang et al., 2008).
Our work puts a spotlight on the problem of discover-
ing malicious and vulnerable browser extensions by
detecting duplication. To address the problem, we
presented DeDup.js, an approach that incorporates
similarity analysis for achieving two goals: detecting
potentially malicious extensions during the approval
process and discovering malicious extensions.
We implemented and deployed an instance of
DeDup.js and analyzed more than 422k browser exten-
sions stored in the Web Store over a year. In summary,
DeDup.js: 1) detected more than 7k extensions that
should not have been published in the Web Store. Also,
we found more than 1k malicious extensions still on-
line that send user’s queries to external servers without
the user’s knowledge, and; 2) detected 53 malicious
extensions of which 36 Google has already taken down
and the rest are investigated. We did so by using as
input 17 already known malicious extensions IDs, thus
demonstrating how DeDup.js can change the game of
malware detection in browser extensions.
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Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF), the Swedish
Research Council (VR), and Facebook.
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DeDup.js: Discovering Malicious and Vulnerable Extensions by Detecting Duplication