directions identified in our lessons learned:
• rely on more specialised methods than the generic
EBIOS method used here, especially investigat-
ing zone and conduit modelling as proposed in the
IEC 62443 or more detailed attack path analysis
as described in the ISO 21434.
• implement our recommendations through more
advanced model-based tooling, assess their ben-
efits and try to minimize possible drawbacks.
The collected feedback will then be compared to the
baseline presented here to assess how effective or
enhancements are w.r.t. qualities such as precision,
relevance, completeness or readability. Additionally,
we also plan to investigate more DevSecOps and in-
cremental techniques through a car platooning case
This work was partly funded by the CYRUS (grant
nr. 8227) and SPARTA projects (grant nr. 830892).
We thank the survey participants for their contribution
to this study and the anonymous reviewers for their
precise comments.
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