Comparing Perception of Disclosure of Different Types of Information
Related to Automated Tools
Vanessa Bracamonte and Takamasa Isohara
KDDI Research, Inc., Saitama, Japan
Algorithmic Transparency, Automated Tools, Personal Data, User Study.
Transparency has been identified as an important influence on users’ perception of algorithm-based automated
tools. Research in algorithmic transparency has mostly focused on two types of information: disclosure related
to the personal data collected from users and explanation of how algorithms work. However, the development
and use of automated tools also involve other types of information that could be the subject of disclosure. In
this study, we compare perception of providing information about data provenance and human involvement,
in addition to personal data processing and algorithm explanation. We conducted a user experiment and
compared the disclosure of these four types of information, for two types of automated apps that process
personal information. The results indicate that disclosure of information about data provenance and human
involvement is perceived to be as important as personal data processing information. In addition, the relative
importance of explanations about the algorithm, compared to other types of information, depended on the type
of app. Finally, perception of the usefulness and accessibility of the information did not vary between types
of information or app, but participants considered they would be able to understand explanations about the
algorithm more than other types of information.
In recent years, there has been increased interest in
the transparency of automated tools. Existing re-
search in technology that processes personal informa-
tion has emphasized the importance of communicat-
ing to users about the collection, storage and process-
ing of their data, and the methods for how to provide
this information in a usable manner have also been
widely investigated (Janic et al., 2013; Schaub et al.,
2015; Murmann and Fischer-H
ubner, 2017). For au-
tomated tools, the use of algorithms has meant that
providing transparency also includes providing expla-
nations of the logic and outcome of machine learn-
ing models (Adadi and Berrada, 2018). Research has
evaluated how to provide explanations in an under-
standable and useful way, and how those explanations
affect user perception (Wang et al., 2016; Mittelstadt
et al., 2019; Kunkel et al., 2019; Nourani et al., 2019).
Although most of the focus has been on data pro-
cessing and algorithm explanation, algorithmic trans-
parency also involves other types of information.
Among these is information about the provenance of
the data used to train those algorithms, and infor-
mation about the role of humans (for example, as
reviewers or evaluators) in the algorithmic process
(Diakopoulos and Koliska, 2017). These aspects of
algorithmic transparency related to automated tools
are often investigated separately, and how users view
the disclosure of these different types of information
compared to each other has not often been consid-
ered. In this paper, we conduct a preliminary study to
compare the perception of importance, usefulness, ac-
cessibility and understanding of the disclosure of dif-
ferent types of information related to algorithm-based
automated tools.
Research has proposed that algorithmic transparency
consists of different dimensions (Diakopoulos and
Koliska, 2017). These dimensions include informa-
tion about personal data processing, algorithm expla-
nation, the data used to train the algorithm and the ex-
tent of human involvement in the process. How users
view the disclosure of each of these types of infor-
mation, and how to provide transparency about it in
a usable and understandable manner has been investi-
gated separately.
Bracamonte, V. and Isohara, T.
Comparing Perception of Disclosure of Different Types of Information Related to Automated Tools.
DOI: 10.5220/0010901200003120
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2022), pages 544-550
ISBN: 978-989-758-553-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Transparency of personal data processing, includ-
ing collection and storage practices, has been re-
searched in the context of the information provided
in privacy policies. Extensive research has been con-
ducted on how to disclose information about data pro-
cessing practices in the privacy notices that providers
give to users (Janic et al., 2013; Schaub et al., 2015;
Murmann and Fischer-H
ubner, 2017; Tesfay et al.,
2018). When using AI-based technology such as
smart assistants, some user demographics such as
older users indicate that they are not aware of the poli-
cies related to the privacy and security of their data
(Bonilla and Martin-Hammond, 2020). These users
report being concerned about this type of information,
but they also indicated that they do not know where to
find it (Bonilla and Martin-Hammond, 2020).
Transparency of the algorithm itself is also con-
sidered important to improve perception of automated
services. When the algorithms are opaque, users can
become frustrated (Eslami et al., 2019). Therefore,
research is being conducted on how to provide expla-
nations of algorithms (Adadi and Berrada, 2018) and
how to improve the usability of these explanations
(Wang et al., 2016; Mittelstadt et al., 2019; Kunkel
et al., 2019; Nourani et al., 2019). On the other hand,
research also indicates that the level of transparency
related to how an algorithm works can have a nega-
tive effect on trust (Kizilcec, 2016).
Although there has been extensive research con-
ducted on the disclosure of personal data processing
and explanations of algorithms, there has been less
focus on other aspects of algorithmic transparency.
With regards to human involvement in algorithmic
processes, this involvement occurs in different stages
of the development and use of automated tools (Bech-
mann and Bowker, 2019; Tubaro et al., 2020), and it
can have an impact on the privacy of users. There-
fore, this is important information for the purposes
of transparency. Users report that they expect hu-
man oversight in the review of decisions of certain
automated tools (Kaushik et al., 2021). However, de-
pending on the context of use, involvement of human
reviewers carries a privacy risk, and therefore trans-
parency in the processes used for this oversight are
required (Kaushik et al., 2021).
With regards to transparency of data provenance,
that is, disclosure of information about the data used
to train algorithms, research has been conducted on
how to provide this information (Gebru et al., 2021).
Although this type of information disclosure is often
aimed at developer users, it can also influence end-
user perception of an automated system (Anik and
Bunt, 2021).
All of these types of information are important to
inform users about algorithm-based tools, but they are
not often considered together. In this work, we eval-
uate how the disclosure of these types of information
is perceived relative to each other.
3.1 Experiment Design
We designed an experiment to compare how disclo-
sure of different types of information about automated
tools is perceived, when those tools process personal
information that may be sensitive or private. The ex-
periment was designed with a between-subjects factor
of type of app, and a within-subjects factor of type of
information disclosed.
For the between-subjects factor of type of app,
we used two hypothetical apps that had an objective
to help the user. We chose to use hypothetical AI-
based apps for privacy and eHealth, as these types
of apps would need to process potentially sensitive
personal information in order to fulfill their objec-
tive. One was an app for determining whether private
or sensitive information was contained in social me-
dia content (PrivApp) and the other was an app for
inferring and reducing the level of stress through a
game (eHealthApp). These hypothetical apps were
based on research proposals for detection of privacy
sensitive information (Tesfay et al., 2018) and stress
(Garcia-Ceja et al., 2016). The choice of using two
different hypothetical apps for the experiment was
done in order to evaluate whether a different level of
sensitivity in the data processed and results of the dif-
ferent apps had an effect on the perception of infor-
mation disclosure.
The within-subjects factor of type of information
disclosed had the following levels: algorithm expla-
nation, data processing, data provenance, and hu-
man involvement. As mentioned, these type of tools
process personal data, infer personal data as output
through the use of an algorithm and are trained by us-
ing data from other users. The first three aspects of
algorithm transparency are present in most AI-based
tools. And for the types of hypothetical apps in the
experiment, the involvement of humans in the process
of improving the algorithm or to debug problems is a
reasonable assumption.
3.2 Questionnaire
The questionnaire was structured as follows. We first
presented participants with a description of the hypo-
thetical apps. For the social media privacy app (Pri-
Comparing Perception of Disclosure of Different Types of Information Related to Automated Tools
vApp), we asked participants to imagine a mobile app
that could automatically analyze the text and images
that they wanted to post on social media. The pur-
pose of the app was described as “to protect (their)
privacy”. We indicated that the app would ask them
for their desired privacy protection level when they
first started, and that they could write text or upload
photos as usual. If the app detected that the content
of the text or images included information that could
be considered private or sensitive, it would show a
message. Finally, the app would remember the user’s
choice and use it for future decisions.
For the stress reduction app (eHealthApp), we de-
scribed the app as able to automatically analyze the
user’s playing style in games, with the purpose of re-
ducing their stress level. We indicated that the app
would ask them for their current stress level and in-
formation such as age, and then they would play some
games as usual. The app would detect whether their
stress level appeared to have been reduced and would
show a message. The app would then remember if the
user stopped or continued playing and use that choice
in the future. Finally, we also described each app as
free, that it did not have ads, and that the use of the
app was voluntary, not obligatory.
After presenting this description, we asked par-
ticipants open-ended questions about the app: “What
is the purpose of the app?”, “What will the app ask
when you first start?”, “What will the app detect?”.
These questions served to check participants’ atten-
tion and to verify that the they had understood the
characteristics of the app that was described. The at-
tention questions were shown in random order. We
also asked participants about whether they would use
the app (“I would use this app in my daily life.) or
thought other people would use it (“I can think of peo-
ple I know who would use this app.).
Next, we again indicated to the participants that
the app worked by analyzing their data and by ap-
plying an algorithm to get results. We explained that
we would ask their opinion on 4 types of information
that could be disclosed, on what happens to their data
and how the app worked. After that, we presented the
participants with a description of each type of infor-
mation, and gave examples of what the disclosure in-
cluded. The description and examples of each type of
information was followed by questions on their opin-
ion of the disclosure of that type of information. Par-
ticipants viewed and answered questions about all 4
types of information, in random order.
For each type of information disclosed we asked
participants about their opinion of its importance (“In
general, it is very important that the app gives this
type of information to users.), its usefulness for de-
ciding whether to use the app (“This type of informa-
tion would be useful for me to decide whether to use
the app.) and their perceived information gathering
capacity in terms of accessibility (“If I wanted to find
this type of information, I would know exactly where
to look.) and understanding (“This type of informa-
tion would be too technical for me to understand.
(Reverse coded)). These last two items were adapted
from (Griffin et al., 2008). The questions were pre-
sented in random order. The responses were measured
on a 7-point Likert scale, ranging from Strongly dis-
agree to Strongly agree. We also asked participants
about where they would expect to find each type of
information (“If you wanted to know this type of in-
formation, where would you first look for it?”.
We asked participants about their perception of
the app in terms of sensitivity of the data collection
(“The data that this app would collect is very sensitive
and/or private.) and sensitivity of its results (“The
results of this app would be very sensitive and/or pri-
vate.). Finally, we asked questions about partici-
pants’ use of automated apps (“AI-based apps”) (“Do
you currently use any AI-based apps that have access
to your data or personal information?”) and asked
them to name the apps, if possible.
3.3 Data Collection
We used Amazon Mechanical Turk to collect re-
sponses. We limited participation to workers from
the USA, with a 99% approval rate, and that had
worked on at least 1000 tasks. We estimated the sur-
vey response time at 10 minutes, and compensated
participants with US$1.7. The actual survey time ob-
tained after collecting the responses was 10.7 min-
utes, which resulted in a compensation rate of $9.5/h.
The survey ran from October 29 to November 1, 2021.
3.4 Limitations
The methodology used for this study has a number
of limitations. First, the study was vignette-based
and the participants were only provided with descrip-
tion of the hypothetical app and the type of infor-
mation that would be disclosed. Second, we survey
participants recruited on Amazon Mechanical Turk,
and these participants can have a higher level concern
about privacy than the general population (Kang et al.,
2014). Finally, we used single items questions which
may not entirely capture the participants’ perception
of transparency aspects.
ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
We initially collected 220 responses. After reject-
ing responses with answers that were unrelated to the
questions, the sample for analysis was 183 responses.
The gender distribution of the sample was 63 female
(34%) and 120 male (66%) participants. The age dis-
tribution was: 20-29 years-old, 31 participants (17%);
30-39 years-old, 83 participants (45%); 40-49 years-
old, 33 participants (18%); 50-59 years-old, 27 par-
ticipants (15%); and 60+ years-old, 9 participants.
The results of two-sample Mann-Whitney U tests
showed a significant difference for the perceived sen-
sitivity of data collection (W = 5424, p <0.001) and
the sensitivity of results (W = 5241, p <0.01) between
the two types of apps. For data collection sensitivity,
the PrivApp had a mean = 5.6, median = 5; and the
eHealthApp had a mean = 4.8, median = 4. For result
sensitivity, the PrivApp had a mean = 5.5, median =
5; and the eHealthApp had a mean = 4.8, median = 4.
The results show that the apps were perceived as hav-
ing a different level of sensitivity. However, we had
expected that the eHealthApp would be perceived as
more sensitive, as it related to the users’ health (stress
level). Instead, the results show that both data collec-
tion and results of the eHealthApp were considered
less sensitive and/or private compared to the PrivApp
(Figure 1).
The results of this app would be very sensitive
and/or private.
The data that this app would collect is very
sensitive and/or private.
100 50 0 50 100
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Figure 1: Distribution of the answers to the question of sen-
sitivity of data collection (top) and results (bottom) for each
type of app.
Separate two-sample Mann-Whitney U tests were
also used to test the differences in whether the partic-
ipant thought they or people they know would use the
app. The results show that there were no significant
differences for either of these variables between the
PrivApp and eHealthApp (p >0.05). For both vari-
ables, the mean was above the neutral point of the
scale, indicating a positive opinion about these type
of apps: mean of use for themselves = 4.8, median =
5; mean of use for others = 5.6, median = 6.
For evaluating the main variables of the survey,
we used a 2x4 repeated measures ANOVA. Specif-
ically, we used the Aligned Rank Transform (ART)
ANOVA (Wobbrock et al., 2011) (R implementation
(Kay et al., 2021)) as a non-parametrical analysis for
the single item variables. For the variable of impor-
tance of providing the information, the results showed
a significant main effect of the type of information
(p = 0.03), as well as a significant interaction effect
(p = 0.04). We conducted a contrast analysis for
the interaction effect, with Tukey correction. How-
ever, none of the individual contrasts were significant,
which may be due to lack of power for the analysis.
As can be visualized in the interaction plot for the
variable (Figure 2), providing information was con-
sidered highly important for all types. The mean of
importance of disclosure for the eHealthApp was con-
sistently higher than for PrivApp, except for informa-
tion about algorithm explanation where the relation-
ship is inverted.
For the variable of usefulness of information dis-
closure, the results show that there were no significant
differences for the main effects or the interaction. We
observe that similarly to importance, participants con-
sider that disclosure of all types of information would
be highly useful for making a decision.
With regards to whether participants expected to
be able to find the information (accessibility), the re-
sults showed no significant differences for the main
effects or the interaction. For the expectation of being
able to understand the information, the results showed
a significant difference in the main effect of type of
information disclosed. The contrast analysis, with
Tukey correction, showed that participants considered
that they would be able to understand the information
about how the algorithm works more than informa-
tion about how their personal data was processed (p =
0.04), data provenance (p= 0.03) and human involve-
ment (p = 0.04). In general, participants were opti-
mistic that they would find and understand these types
of information.
The results in general show that, as expected, there
was a positive perception towards information disclo-
sure. Participants considered that providing informa-
tion of every type was important and that all of these
types of information would be useful for them to de-
cide about the app. Although the perceived sensitivity
level was significantly different, with the data and re-
sults of PrivApp being perceived as more sensitive,
there were no significant results for the main effect
of type of app for any of the variables. However, we
observe that perception of disclosure of information
about the algorithm had an inverted relationship com-
Comparing Perception of Disclosure of Different Types of Information Related to Automated Tools
PrivApp eHealthApp
Mean response
Figure 2: Interaction plots for the mean and standard error for the variables of interest. The response scale is partially
represented in the plots, and ranges from 4: Neither agree nor disagree (neutral point) to 6: Agree.
pared to other types of information, between the two
types of apps. In future research, we will investigate
what aspects of the app affect the perception of algo-
rithm explanation disclosure.
Another observation from these results is that par-
ticipants considered information about data prove-
nance and human involvement as important as infor-
mation about the processing of their personal data.
We hypothesized that there would be an order to the
perceived importance and usefulness of these aspects.
These results indicate that participants consider them
equally, at least in this hypothetical scenario, although
this may be a general effect of a high perceived value
of transparency.
With regards to the question of where participants
would first look for each type of information, the dis-
tribution of responses are shown in Figure 3. The ma-
jority of participants indicated that they would first
look for any type of information in the app’s privacy
policy. Privacy policies are the most well-known no-
tice for users (Reidenberg et al., 2015), and therefore
it follows that it would be their first choice when look-
ing for further information. However, privacy poli-
cies do not often contain disclosure of aspects of al-
gorithm transparency other than data processing. Re-
search on more usable versions or alternatives to pri-
vacy policies includes proposals for how to catego-
rize the information that these privacy policies con-
tain (Wilson et al., 2016; Zaeem et al., 2018; Tes-
fay et al., 2018). The proposed categorizations are
based on privacy research and on regulation such as
the EU’s GDPR, and do not include categories re-
lated to other aspects of algorithm transparency. In
addition, we observe that the second most frequent
choice was the FAQ of the app. This form of informa-
tion disclosure is usually structured as question-and-
answer and, as its name suggest, addresses questions
related to topics that generate users’ interest. Its struc-
ture may be perceived as more accessible to users, in
comparison to the terms and conditions document or
even a user manual. These results give an indication
of where and how participants expect the disclosure of
this information, and also hint at logistical challenges
of providing it.
Figure 3: Distribution of the answers to the question of
where the participants would first look for each type of in-
ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Finally, with regards to the participants use of AI-
based apps, 111 participants (61%) indicated that they
did not use these kind of apps, 38 participants (21%)
indicated that they did and 34 participants (18%) were
unsure. The apps most frequently mentioned by par-
ticipants that indicated they used AI-based apps were
smart assistants such as Google Assistant, Amazon
Alexa and Apple Siri. Participants also mentioned the
names of the devices that include these assistants (e.g
Amazon Echo which includes Amazon Alexa). Other
type of app frequently mentioned were fitness apps
(e.g. Fitbit). Social media websites were also men-
tioned: “facebook, instagram, pretty much anything
nowadays”. Similar answers about AI-apps being per-
ceived as widespread were also reported by other par-
The proportion of participants that indicated that
they were not sure whether they were using an AI-
based app was similar to the proportion of those par-
ticipants that had answered in the affirmative. These
participants mentioned specific apps in their answers,
along with comments that indicated that uncertainty:
“I am unsure if Google maps (and similar apps) are
considered AI-based, but I am relatively certain that
this app has access to some of my private data, such
as location information. Other participants reported
a general assumption, without mentioning specific ex-
amples: “I’m not sure, but I’m assuming that some of
the apps I use do use AI and collect my data. I just
don’t know for sure to name them.”, and “I chose I’m
not sure for a reason; I don’t know if any of the apps
that I have employ some degree of ai that can access
my personal information. The question addressed
AI-based apps that accessed personal information in
particular, but as the comments indicate, some partici-
pants are uncertain of whether the apps were AI-based
and whether the apps made use of their personal infor-
mation. The answers to this question suggest that this
information is not clearly communicated to some par-
ticipants, even for apps from well-known companies.
In this paper, we conducted an experiment to inves-
tigate how the disclosure of four types of informa-
tion related to automated tools is perceived. In the
experiment, we described two hypothetical apps that
have to process personal information in order to help
the user. The results showed that participants consid-
ered information about data provenance and human
involvement as important as information about per-
sonal data processing. The importance of disclosure
of information about how the algorithm works, com-
pared to other types of information, appeared to de-
pend on the type of app. On the other hand, partic-
ipants opinion of their own ability to understand in-
formation was higher for explanations about the algo-
rithm than for other types of information.
In this preliminary work, we have focused on per-
ception related to the type of information that would
be disclosed to the user. Forms of transparency, such
as transparency of final decisions, transparency in ra-
tionale and transparency in process (de Fine Licht and
de Fine Licht, 2020), should also be considered in fu-
ture research. Research indicates that providing infor-
mation about the reason for a decision can improve
the perception of fairness in a process (de Fine Licht
et al., 2011). However, some forms of transparency
can also result in riskier behavior (Acquisti et al.,
2013; Adjerid et al., 2013). Future work will eval-
uate how type of information, forms of transparency
and level of detail interact to affect perception of au-
tomated apps, and investigate how to provide trans-
parency in a way that results in more protection for
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ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy