Table 2: Number of different questions associated to each
level and rating data for the levels.
Lvl. No. of
1 66 0.9523 0.9336 0.9976
2 64 0.9193 0.9054 0.9335
3 60 0.8936 0.8818 0.9052
4 57 0.8718 0.8627 0.8817
5 52 0.8515 0.8390 0.8626
6 47 0.8250 0.8138 0.8387
7 42 0.8013 0.7891 0.8134
8 38 0.7781 0.7662 0.7890
9 34 0.7579 0.7509 0.7645
10 30 0.7423 0.7354 0.7508
11 26 0.7271 0.7189 0.7349
12 24 0.7144 0.7068 0.7188
13 21 0.7017 0.6976 0.7068
14 18 0.6948 0.6921 0.6976
15 17 0.6442 0.4285 0.6918
quiz starts per quiz page visit in June 2021. The av-
erage length of a quiz session is about 6.2 answers
and the players use about 0.6 jokers per session on
average. More detailed usage figures are examined in
section 4.3 below.
4.2 Content Data
As mentioned above, the quiz currently contains 596
questions that are distributed over 25 categories. The
question set has not seen much changes in recent
years and only few questions have been added to the
question set. Hence, there are only 6 questions that
have been answered less than 200 times. On average,
each question has been answered about 1107 times.
The most frequently used question has been answered
2506 times.
Table 2 shows the available questions per level
as well as the minimum, maximum and average rat-
ing per level as of February 14th, 2022. Since the
quiz mechanism calculates the available questions
per level directly from the number of actually shown
questions per level, numbers decrease monotonously
similar to figure 2, but softened due to the use of the
square root function.
The first and the last level show the largest dif-
ferences between minimum and maximum rating per
level with values of 0.064 for the first level and 0.26
for the last level. On most levels, the difference is
between 0.01 and 0.03. That implies that questions
will move at most one level up or down when their
difficulty rating is updated. The only exception from
that is level 14, where the difference between mini-
mum and maximum is only 0.0055. A question from
level 13 may thus drop to level 15 directly if answered
wrong. Likewise, a question from level 15 may jump
to level 13 if answered correctly.
Besides that, some ideas for improvements can be
derived from these figures. For example, the average
rating per level decreases by about 0.02 in most cases,
except for levels 11 to 14, where the differences are
close to 0.01. This indicated that there are relatively
much questions that fit on that level, while there might
be a need for some more easy questions for the lower
levels. Adding such questions will also prevent ques-
tions from moving more than one level, because level
14 will than cover a wider range of ratings.
Table 3 shows the 25 topics of the questions, the
number of questions in each pool and their minimum,
maximum and average rating. The ratings show that
there are both easy and hard questions in all pools,
where the minimum rating is 0.78 or lower in all
cases and the maximum rating is 0.92 or higher in all
cases. The easiest topic seems to be “Famous Quotes”
with an average rating of 0.88, while the hardest topic
seems to be “Art and Literature” with an average rat-
ing of 0.76. The latter also contains the hardest ques-
tion of the quiz with a rating of 0.43: “Who wrote the
’Dialogus de oratoribus’?” - (A) Sueton, (B) Ovid,
(C) Pliny the Elder, (D) Tacitus. Notably, that is the
only question with a rating below 0.5.
While data shows that the quiz pool seems to be
quite balanced in general, it can again be used to de-
rive concrete hints for improvements. For example,
the average rating of “Art and Literature” (0.76) is be-
low the minimum rating of “Famous Quotes” (0.78).
This suggests to add some easy questions to the for-
mer one or some harder questions to the latter one.
4.3 Quiz Performance Data
The analysis so far demonstrates that the content
seems to be arranged as expected. A closer inspection
of the usage data is necessary to find out whether the
behaviour of the quiz players is indeed as expected.
For that purpose, all 5842 quiz sessions played during
the year 2021 have been extracted from the server log
files for a detailed analysis.
The bar plot in figure 3 summarizes the length of
each session in terms of given answers. The x-axis in-
cludes a bar for 0, because visitors may end a session
without giving any answer at all. Since the log files do
not reveal whether an answer was correct or wrong, it
cannot be distinguished where a session ends due to a
wrong answer or because a visitor stopped playing or
just started a new session. The notable size of the bar
for level 15 is due to the fact that the quiz ends after
A Self-adaptive Mechanism for Serious Quiz Games