A Self-adaptive Mechanism for Serious Quiz Games
Michael Striewe
University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
Serious Quiz Games, Self-Adaptation, Quiz Difficulty.
Serious quiz games can provide an entertaining way to assess knowledge and promote learning. Motivation of
the players can be increased by presenting quiz questions in the order of increasing difficulty or by presenting
many different quiz questions during subsequent quiz sessions. However, maintaining a question set to adjust
difficulty ratings for the target audience and to avoid early repetitions of questions can be a challenging task
that requires constant effort. The paper presents a self-adaptive mechanism that is able to solve both tasks
without collecting any explicit information about the anonymous target audience. The evaluation demonstrates
that a quiz with about 600 questions on 15 difficulty levels has been maintained successfully over several years
and more than 100’000 quiz sessions with minimal manual intervention.
Serious quiz games can be an entertaining and mo-
tivating tool for self-assessment. They can pro-
mote learning in various educational scenarios or help
teachers and students to track progress. Although em-
pirical results reveal some downsides or limited ef-
fects, a general positive effect can be confirmed in
several studies (Heitmann et al., 2021; Becker-Blease
and Bostwick, 2016; Simon-Campbell and Phelan,
2016; Wang, 2008; Wickline and Spektor, 2011). Se-
rious quiz games are thus also used in informal learn-
ing settings, where the joy of playing the quiz game
is equally important to the learning gain.
A recent survey on using KAHOOT!, a game-
based learning platform, reveals that a particular chal-
lenge for teachers is to get the difficulty level of ques-
tions and answers right (Wang and Tahir, 2020). Neg-
ative effects e. g. on motivation can be expected both
for presenting too easy questions to advanced players
as well as for presenting too hard questions for be-
ginners. Another negative effect on motivation could
possibly be observed if questions are shown repeat-
edly to the same player within a short time frame. If
little is known about the target audience and thus it
cannot be foreseen which difficulty levels will be used
most, constant effort is required to adjust the size of
question pools for each level to the actual demands.
Both aspects are particularly important in informal
settings: A quiz game that is not motivating will not
be used as there is no additional extrinsic motivation
in these settings. In informal settings there may also
be less resources available for maintaining and cali-
brating the question pool. Finally, there may also little
be known about the level of knowledge within the tar-
get audience. Hence, sophisticated methods for gen-
erating quizzes (like e. g. proposed by (Lin, 2020))
are hardly applicable in these contexts.
This paper thus proposes a self-adaptive mecha-
nism to solve these challenges: The mechanism auto-
matically maintains a difficulty rating for each ques-
tion and adjusts the number of questions used per
level based on data from previous quiz sessions. Dif-
ferent to other approaches like IRT or Elo-Ratings
(Mangaroska et al., 2019; Park et al., 2019), it does
not maintain a rating for each player and is hence
suitable for anonymous quiz games in informal set-
tings. The quiz mechanism has been implemented on
a public website and been used in more than 100’000
quiz sessions. Based on these data and a close inspec-
tion of all quiz sessions from the year 2021, the pa-
per evaluates whether both the difficulty rating of the
quiz questions and the behaviour of players in recent
quiz sessions show the expected characteristics. The
evaluation aims to find out whether the mechanism is
indeed able to solve the aforementioned challenges.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 provides a detailed description of the
quiz mechanism and the reasoning for its design. Sec-
tion 3 provides details on how an actual implementa-
tion of the quiz mechanism is used on a public web-
Striewe, M.
A Self-adaptive Mechanism for Serious Quiz Games.
DOI: 10.5220/0010901400003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 1, pages 165-172
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
site. Section 4 provides usage data for the quiz imple-
mentation and discusses whether the behaviour is as
expected. Section 5 concludes the paper.
The quiz mechanism is intended to work with quizzes
that associate a difficulty level and a category or topic
with each quiz question. The assumed main use case
is to serve quiz sessions that present questions of in-
creasing difficulty level as long as questions are an-
swered correctly and the maximum level is not yet
reached. To ensure large coverage of a domain, at
most one question per category or topic is to be used
during one session. Categories can also be used if
there are questions that are mutually exclusive in the
sense that one question text may directly reveal the
answer to another question. Nevertheless, the use
of categories has no further implications for the quiz
mechanism and can thus be considered optional.
The quiz mechanism could also be used for other
forms of quizzes, such as serving sessions of fixed
length, where each correct answer is followed by a
harder question and each wrong answer by an easier
one. Finally, the quiz mechanism is agnostic to the
form of quiz question as long as answers are strictly
considered either right or wrong.
The quiz mechanism operates on a simple infras-
tructure that can be implemented in form of two data
tables: One data table contains the quiz questions and
particularly stores the category or topic for each ques-
tion and a difficulty rating in the range from 0 to 1,
where higher numbers denote easier questions. The
second data table contains an entry for each difficulty
level and stores the number of questions delivered so
far for that level.
2.1 Adapting the Question Rating
New questions can be inserted into the question set
with any initial difficulty rating in the range of 0 to
1. It is advisable to make an educated guess on an
appropriate rating, but it is not crucial to be very pre-
cise. The difficulty rating will be updated each time
the question is answered according to the following
0.99 + 0.01 if correct,
0.99 if wrong
Hence, a question with rating 0.5 will get a new
rating of 0.505 if answered correctly and a new rating
of 0.495 if answered wrong. The formula implies that
a more recent answer has a larger impact on the rating
than an older one. Hence, a question that is first an-
swered wrong and then answered correctly will have
a higher rating than a question that is first answered
correctly and then answered wrong. Consequently,
the impact of the initial difficulty rating will fade out.
Similarly, a question that has been answered wrong
many times will relative quickly adapt its rating if
it suddenly gets answered correctly more often, and
vice versa. The higher influence of recent answers can
be considered specifically important in informal set-
tings, where the actual knowledge of players is based
on random sources and not bound the any well known
learning materials. Hence, changes in the knowledge
sources are not under any control and it may thus be
helpful if the quiz mechanism can adapt quickly to
such changes.
2.2 Adapting the Pool Size per Level
While it is tempting to map difficulty ratings directly
to difficulty levels, doing so can cause serious prob-
lems. In particular, ratings may change in a way that
there is no question for a particular level. Even if there
is a low number of question for a particular level, that
would imply that these are shown very often. To avoid
that problem, the quiz mechanism sorts all questions
by difficulty rating and then divides the question set
into pools, where each pool’s size correlates to the
number of times that level was entered.
First experiments during the design of the quiz
mechanism quickly revealed that a linear mapping
from the number of questions shown to the pool size
for that level leads to dissatisfying results. Lower lev-
els got too much space and thus the span in difficulty
ratings for these levels was quite high. At the same
time, only very few questions were assigned to the
question pools on the most difficult levels. Hence,
the mechanism was altered to use the square root of
the number of questions shown when calculating the
pool sizes. That led to a more satisfying distribution
of difficulty ratings across the pools, although it also
implies that questions on easier levels will be repeated
more often than those on harder levels.
2.3 Populating an Actual Quiz Session
When a player starts a new quiz session, the full se-
quence of questions to be used in that session is cal-
culated in advance. The algorithm for populating the
quiz sessions is designed in a way that at most one
question per category is used in one session (pro-
vided, there are enough categories available). Since
the question pools on higher levels are smaller, they
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
may miss some categories and populating a quiz ses-
sion in the desired way may become harder. Hence,
the algorithm populates the quiz session in the re-
versed order from the hardest to the easiest question.
The algorithms starts by picking a random question
from the pool for the hardest level. It then continues
iteratively to the easier levels and ignores all ques-
tion categories that have been used so far. In the rare
case that the question pool for one level only contains
questions from categories that have been used already,
a question is picked randomly. As mentioned above,
an implication of that mechanism is that there should
be at least as much different categories available as
their are levels in the quiz game.
An implementation of the quiz mechanism has been
created for the website of a living history society from
Germany. The society primarily works together with
museums and schools to create impressions of ancient
Roman life in the first century AD for a general public
audience. To support these activities it has a website
that provides some texts with factual knowledge on
various topics of ancient Roman history.
A first implementation of the quiz has been added
to that website in 2002. It has been updated sev-
eral times to keep up with general changes in the
layout and structure of the website. The latest re-
implementation was deployed in September 2019 (see
Fig. 1 for a sample screenshot). Through all years,
the same database has been used that accumulated the
data from more than 100’000 quiz sessions that way.
The quiz page provides a textual introduction with
instructions on how to play the quiz. Website visitors
need to click explicitly on a start button to see the first
question, which gives a quite clear definition on when
a quiz session starts. The quiz presents its questions in
15 levels and uses multiple-choice questions with four
answer options. Three times per session players may
use a joker that removes two wrong answer options,
thus giving them a 50% chance to answer correctly
by pure guessing. The jokers are thus more generous
than the prune strategy used in GAM-WATA, where
only one of four options is removed (Wang, 2008).
Notably, the quiz mechanism makes no restrictions on
the type of jokers used.
Each quiz session ends immediately after a wrong
answer with an according textual message. Levels
5 and 10 are marked as milestones and a graphical
award is included in the textual message once a player
has reached one of these milestones. While level 5 is
associated with a small award, level 10 is associated
with a medium award. If players answer correctly in
the final question on level 15, they get a large award.
The quiz currently contains 596 questions that are
distributed over 25 categories. Each category is as-
sociated with a particular topic and contains at least
ten questions. Most topics reflect a specific aspect of
ancient Roman history, but there is also a topic about
the society that hosts the quiz to motivate visitors to
browse through the website. More details on the quiz
content will be discussed in section 4.2 below.
The fact that the quiz has seen more than 100’000 quiz
sessions allows for a detailed inspection of data to an-
alyze the performance of the quiz mechanism.
4.1 General Usage Data
Since the adaptive mechanism is based on the num-
ber of questions played for each level, these numbers
are available directly from the quiz database. Figure
2 shows the number of questions shown for each level
as of February 14th, 2022. 105’576 questions for
level 1 have been shown, which is equal to the num-
ber of quiz sessions. The number of questions shown
decreases monotonously for each level to reach 6630
on level 15. Hence, players see the final level in only
about 6.3% of all sessions.
Due to the changes in the implementation in 2019,
more global usage data can be found in the server log
files from that point on. In particular, the number of
visits for the quiz page, the number of quiz starts, the
number of answers and the number of jokers used is
recorded separately. Table 1 provides a summary of
these figures for the full year 2021. Data has been
taken from the aggregated server log summaries.
Website visitors visit the quiz page on average in
about 2.8% of all website visits. The only remarkable
exception could be observed in January and February
2021, when the quiz page was visited in about 4.9%
and 4.7% of all website visits. The likely reason is
that the fact that the quiz had been played 100’000
times had been announced on the society’s Facebook
page in January 2021 and probably attracted some
There is a large variance in how often the quiz is
actually started. The average value is 2.1 quiz starts
per quiz page visit, but the actual values range be-
tween less than 0.7 in April 2021 and more than 5.0
A Self-adaptive Mechanism for Serious Quiz Games
Figure 1: Screenshot from the website presenting the quiz (https://www.roemercohorte.de/de/quiz). The quiz page provides
a textual introduction on how to use the quiz. Below the text, it presents the current level indicated on the bar, the current
question, four answer options (A - D), and two buttons to use a joker and restart the quiz. Although the website also contains
some English texts, the quiz is only available in German.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
# Questions Shown
0 25000 50000 75000 100000
Figure 2: Number of times each level was shown in the quiz.
Table 1: Usage data for the website and the quiz in 2021 taken from the server log summaries.
Month/Year Website
Quiz Page
Jan. 2021 7939 385 885 5955 626
Feb. 2021 7055 333 354 2326 249
Mar. 2021 8597 186 313 1880 178
Apr. 2021 9309 181 123 654 68
May 2021 10065 252 586 4022 367
Jun. 2021 9949 246 1232 5240 509
Jul. 2021 8598 160 339 2574 110
Aug. 2021 8668 178 443 3177 323
Sept. 2021 8046 236 663 1647 220
Oct. 2021 7154 172 351 2688 282
Nov. 2021 7654 197 409 2763 302
Dec. 2021 7035 178 144 1078 87
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 2: Number of different questions associated to each
level and rating data for the levels.
Lvl. No. of
1 66 0.9523 0.9336 0.9976
2 64 0.9193 0.9054 0.9335
3 60 0.8936 0.8818 0.9052
4 57 0.8718 0.8627 0.8817
5 52 0.8515 0.8390 0.8626
6 47 0.8250 0.8138 0.8387
7 42 0.8013 0.7891 0.8134
8 38 0.7781 0.7662 0.7890
9 34 0.7579 0.7509 0.7645
10 30 0.7423 0.7354 0.7508
11 26 0.7271 0.7189 0.7349
12 24 0.7144 0.7068 0.7188
13 21 0.7017 0.6976 0.7068
14 18 0.6948 0.6921 0.6976
15 17 0.6442 0.4285 0.6918
quiz starts per quiz page visit in June 2021. The av-
erage length of a quiz session is about 6.2 answers
and the players use about 0.6 jokers per session on
average. More detailed usage figures are examined in
section 4.3 below.
4.2 Content Data
As mentioned above, the quiz currently contains 596
questions that are distributed over 25 categories. The
question set has not seen much changes in recent
years and only few questions have been added to the
question set. Hence, there are only 6 questions that
have been answered less than 200 times. On average,
each question has been answered about 1107 times.
The most frequently used question has been answered
2506 times.
Table 2 shows the available questions per level
as well as the minimum, maximum and average rat-
ing per level as of February 14th, 2022. Since the
quiz mechanism calculates the available questions
per level directly from the number of actually shown
questions per level, numbers decrease monotonously
similar to figure 2, but softened due to the use of the
square root function.
The first and the last level show the largest dif-
ferences between minimum and maximum rating per
level with values of 0.064 for the first level and 0.26
for the last level. On most levels, the difference is
between 0.01 and 0.03. That implies that questions
will move at most one level up or down when their
difficulty rating is updated. The only exception from
that is level 14, where the difference between mini-
mum and maximum is only 0.0055. A question from
level 13 may thus drop to level 15 directly if answered
wrong. Likewise, a question from level 15 may jump
to level 13 if answered correctly.
Besides that, some ideas for improvements can be
derived from these figures. For example, the average
rating per level decreases by about 0.02 in most cases,
except for levels 11 to 14, where the differences are
close to 0.01. This indicated that there are relatively
much questions that fit on that level, while there might
be a need for some more easy questions for the lower
levels. Adding such questions will also prevent ques-
tions from moving more than one level, because level
14 will than cover a wider range of ratings.
Table 3 shows the 25 topics of the questions, the
number of questions in each pool and their minimum,
maximum and average rating. The ratings show that
there are both easy and hard questions in all pools,
where the minimum rating is 0.78 or lower in all
cases and the maximum rating is 0.92 or higher in all
cases. The easiest topic seems to be “Famous Quotes”
with an average rating of 0.88, while the hardest topic
seems to be Art and Literature” with an average rat-
ing of 0.76. The latter also contains the hardest ques-
tion of the quiz with a rating of 0.43: “Who wrote the
’Dialogus de oratoribus’?” - (A) Sueton, (B) Ovid,
(C) Pliny the Elder, (D) Tacitus. Notably, that is the
only question with a rating below 0.5.
While data shows that the quiz pool seems to be
quite balanced in general, it can again be used to de-
rive concrete hints for improvements. For example,
the average rating of Art and Literature” (0.76) is be-
low the minimum rating of “Famous Quotes” (0.78).
This suggests to add some easy questions to the for-
mer one or some harder questions to the latter one.
4.3 Quiz Performance Data
The analysis so far demonstrates that the content
seems to be arranged as expected. A closer inspection
of the usage data is necessary to find out whether the
behaviour of the quiz players is indeed as expected.
For that purpose, all 5842 quiz sessions played during
the year 2021 have been extracted from the server log
files for a detailed analysis.
The bar plot in figure 3 summarizes the length of
each session in terms of given answers. The x-axis in-
cludes a bar for 0, because visitors may end a session
without giving any answer at all. Since the log files do
not reveal whether an answer was correct or wrong, it
cannot be distinguished where a session ends due to a
wrong answer or because a visitor stopped playing or
just started a new session. The notable size of the bar
for level 15 is due to the fact that the quiz ends after
A Self-adaptive Mechanism for Serious Quiz Games
Table 3: Number of questions and rating data for the 25 question categories used by the quiz.
Topic # Questions Average
Military Equipment 30 0.85 0.70 0.97
Geography 41 0.81 0.65 0.94
Letters and Numbers 12 0.81 0.70 0.97
Politics 23 0.83 0.70 0.96
LEGIO VI VICTRIX 12 0.79 0.71 0.92
Famous Quotes 23 0.88 0.78 0.94
About the Society 11 0.85 0.74 0.92
Abbreviations 10 0.84 0.73 0.94
Roman Provinces 19 0.79 0.69 0.93
Religion 24 0.85 0.64 0.98
Craft and Engineering 22 0.84 0.68 0.97
Military Organization 31 0.81 0.62 0.95
Buildings and Architecture 24 0.87 0.69 0.98
Every-day Life 42 0.87 0.69 1.00
Drinks and Beverages 18 0.86 0.71 0.97
Wars and Battles 24 0.86 0.70 0.95
Famous Persons 39 0.78 0.55 0.94
Calendar and Time 13 0.82 0.70 0.96
Art and Literature 18 0.76 0.43 0.97
Romans Today 22 0.84 0.73 0.98
Cultures and Nations 15 0.86 0.72 0.93
Money and Economy 17 0.80 0.64 0.95
Miscellaneous 12 0.87 0.69 0.96
Latin Vocabulary (Military) 49 0.81 0.68 0.93
Latin Vocabulary (Civilian) 46 0.81 0.70 0.94
15 levels in any case, independent of the correctness
of the given answer.
Section 4.1 already mentioned that the average
session contains 6.2 answers according to global us-
age data. This corresponds to the bar plot, where the
largest bar denotes sessions that end after six answers.
The form of the bar plot roughly follows a Gaussian
distribution and corresponds to the slope of the bars in
figure 2, where there is a stronger decrease per level
from levels 3 to 10 and a lower decrease on the earlier
and later levels.
The box plot in figure 4 provides median values
and quartiles for the time between showing a ques-
tion and getting an answer. The y-axis is cut-off at
80 seconds and thus the plot does not include larger
outliers. The server log files capture timestamps for
events in the granularity of seconds and thus there are
often the same values for two or more adjacent lev-
els. Nevertheless, the plot shows a general trend of
steadily increasing times. Most players seem to spend
less than 20 seconds for an easy question and less than
70 seconds for a difficult one. Many players even an-
swer the easy questions in about ten seconds and the
harder ones in 30 seconds.
The bar plot in figure 5 depicts the probability that
a player uses a joker on a given level. Probability is
calculated by the number of jokers used on a particu-
lar level through the number of sessions that reached
at least that level. There is a clear increase in the prob-
ability with increasing level, indicating that players
tend to use jokers primarily on the difficult levels.
4.4 Discussion
Content data shows that a total amount of slightly less
than 600 question is sufficient to create 25 balanced
question pools. Hence, the quiz mechanism has no
problems in constructing a series of 15 question of
increasing difficulty for each session while using at
most one question per topic. Data shows that the quiz
mechanism has indeed managed to organize questions
into levels as intended. There is a fair increase in the
difficulty rating from one level to another and there
are no obvious gaps that cause an abrupt change in
difficulty from one level to another. Moreover, the
data can be used to derive useful hints on how to im-
prove the question set.
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
# Answers
# Sessions
0 100 200 300 400 500
Figure 3: Number of quiz sessions played in 2021 that have terminated after the given number of answers. Numbers include
sessions that stopped with a wrong answer, a correct answer on level 15 or no answer at all.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 20 40 60 80
Time to Answer (in sec.)
Figure 4: Median and quartile of time between showing a question and getting an answer (in seconds), based on data recorded
for the full year 2021.
Performance data shows that the quiz contents are
not only organized as intended, but that also the be-
havior of the quiz visitors is as expected. The times
for an answer basically increase from one level to an-
other. At the same time, median values for these times
are quite small and thus visitors are likely kept in a
smooth flow of playing one question after another also
for the more difficult levels. Similar to the increase
in times, also the probability to use a joker increases
from one level to another. Since using a joker is an
explicit action, data supports the idea that users also
recognize the increase in difficulty. At the same time,
the average amount of about 0.6 jokers per sessions
indicate that players refrain from using jokers too of-
ten and are motivated to find (or guess) the correct
answer on their own. Notably, the increased usage of
jokers may be caused by other factors as well. For ex-
ample, players may be afraid to loose streak and thus
tend to use jokers primarily on higher levels. How-
ever, this would particularly make it attractive to used
jokers to reach the milestones at level 5 and 10, but
this is apparently not the case.
The overall impression, that the quiz is indeed as
motivating and entertaining as expected is also sup-
ported by the fact that only about 10% of all session
end after less than three answers and a fair amount of
sessions manages to pass successful through about a
half of the levels.
The paper presented and discussed a self-adaptive
mechanism for serious quiz games. Different to re-
lated work, the algorithms does not maintain user
models for individual players and does not try to adapt
quiz difficulty to these models. Instead, it adapts the
characteristics of the item pool and individual items
A Self-adaptive Mechanism for Serious Quiz Games
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Figure 5: Probability that a player uses a joker on a given level, based on data recorded for the full year 2021.
to optimize the quiz flow for all players. Empirical
data demonstrates that the mechanism is indeed able
to adjust difficulty ratings without manual interven-
tion. Similarly, the mechanism is able to populate
quiz sessions in a way that the players seem to experi-
ence a motivating increase in difficulty from one level
to another. This proves that a quiz can be run that way
with very little resources for constant maintaining. At
the same time, data recorded by the quiz mechanism
can also be used to gather hints on what kind of ques-
tions should be added to improve the quiz.
Since the actual quiz implementation is used in an
informal setting, there is no possibility to measure an
explicit learning gain among the players. However,
there is also no reason to assume that the general ben-
efits for serious quiz games should not apply to that
specific instance. A closer inspection of the players
motivation and attitude towards the quiz game by us-
ing a survey associated with the quiz game is subject
to future research.
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CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education