or trying to apprehend an issue in the physical sys-
tem. As a result, we propose to complete trendy data-
driven approaches for DT with a flexible and integra-
tive modelling approach.
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types; they are composed by executable models (de-
fined in a static and dynamic ways) that are captured
from a variety of inputs (e.g., different domain exper-
tise, data consolidation, machine learning, etc). Those
executable models allow notably to provide an easy
to use simulation environment. In addition, MDDT
prototypes should be able to evolve, being reinforced,
some part being replace with data-driven ones (e.g.,
machine learning).
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future works to be tackled and implemented to fully
support our vision. Let cite amongst other: ensur-
ing the continuity during MDDT evolution, integra-
tion MDDT with a more data-driven approach (e.g.,
FiWare), multi-language and view for stakeholders in-
volvement, and integration with other DT.
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Towards a Lightweight Model-driven Smart-city Digital Twin