distance between 2 phones is based on the RSSI, this
information can be affected by multiple factors as the
multipath signal propagation, interference, or simply
different power levels of the Bluetooth signal of the
different smartphones, resulting in imprecise and in-
consistent measurements (Ahmed et al., 2020).
In this study, we present a different approach to in-
door location that solves the problems involving RSSI
based distance estimation for both contact tracing as
well as for indoor localization. For this, BLE beacons
were attached to each desk and used as anchors, there-
fore, with no need to rely on trilateration / multilater-
ation methods using the RSSI information from mul-
tiple beacons to locate. By filtering the environmental
noise with Kalman Filters (KFs) and discretizing the
location task, it allows to achieve better metrics, as
well as more efficient contact tracing, all comprised
in a single phase with no need for calibration, saving
a considerable amount of time.
The developed solution also allows automatic
checkup of Covid vaccination or previous infection
certificates, user identification and exam registration
with no need of the user’s interaction.
Section 2 shows the related work; Section 3
presents the motivations and the goals of this study;
Section 4 reports the description of the hardware; Sec-
tion 5 presents the architecture of the system and the
software stack. Section 6 shows the accuracy of the
system, section 7 the conclusion and further studies.
In recent years, wireless systems especially so-called
low-power or even ultra-low-power wireless systems
become more and more popular. In the theoretical
area (Schindelhauer et al., 2007; Lukovszki et al.,
2006; Meyer auf der Heide et al., 2004) as well as in
practice, with applications like smart metering, smart
submetering, and/or smart grid (Kenner et al., 2017).
Concerning indoor localization, recent studies
have shown that it is possible to achieve sub-meter
precision in indoor scenarios using various techniques
and technologies.
Klipp et al. reported that it is possible to achieve
sub-meter precision localization by using magnetic
signatures in combination with Inertial Measurement
Unit (IMU) data. The results, however, depend on
an unambiguous magnetic disturbance pattern and a
known initial position (Klipp et al., 2018).
Neges et al. have presented a solution combin-
ing IMU information with natural visual markers,
not requiring investments in additional infrastructure
(Neges et al., 2017). Gong et al., presented a sim-
ilar method, using Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNNs) to perform image recognition and enable lo-
calization, achieving an error rate of 2.3 meters (Gong
et al., 2021). These methods still require a calibration
phase to collect the natural markers and a high degree
of user interaction to work.
Despite early claims of the unreliability of RSSI-
based methods (Dong and Dargie, 2012), many de-
veloped solutions are based on these methods due to
its ease of use and implementation and the wide hard-
ware availability (El-Sheimy and Li, 2021).
The RSSI value, measured in dBm, is given by the
following equation (Dong and Dargie, 2012):
RSSI = −10 ·n · log
(d) − A (1)
In Equation 1, n is the signal propagation constant
in the environment, d is the distance between the stu-
dent’s smartphone and the BLE beacon attached to the
desk and A is a reference received signal strength in
dBm. It represents the value measured when the dis-
tance between the smartphone and the BLE beacon
is one meter. RSSI Values closer to zero indicate a
stronger signal.
RSSI-based methods are highly subjected to insta-
bilities (Xiao et al., 2013) which may alter the signal
map collected before an exam. This is due to errors
such as multipath signal propagation, Non-Line-of-
Sight (NLoS) conditions, and signal interference.
To mitigate the signal instabilities, KFs can be ap-
plied to reduce the impact of noise in the environment
(Bulten et al., 2016). Mackey et al. has shown an im-
provement in the localization accuracy of up to 78.9%
in a four beacon setup (Mackey et al., 2018).
Many works apply a fingerprinting approach to
perform indoor localization using the RSSI and chan-
nel state information (CSI) based information (Al-
homayani and Mahoor, 2020). Luo and Gao have
shown improved localization accuracy when employ-
ing Deep Belief Networks for fingerprinting on Ul-
tra Wide Band (UWB) signals (Luo and Gao, 2016)
and Ayyalasomayajula et al. introduced a two-step
process applying CNNs on WiFi CSI data (Ayyalaso-
mayajula et al., 2020). These methods, however, lack
of support in consumer devices and require a higher
energy consumption (on the client-side) when com-
pared to BLE, respectively. Another problem involv-
ing fingerprinting approaches emerges by the fact that
it is subjected to inconsistencies between the data col-
lected during the ”offline” phase and the data being
presented during the ”online” phase. Fingerprinting
in an empty room would generate a different signal
map than when done in a room full of students.
This paper describes a simple approach to indoor
localization that uses BLE beacons as anchors, there-
fore, avoiding weaknesses and extra complexity in-
SENSORNETS 2022 - 11th International Conference on Sensor Networks