product assembly problem and a portfolio selection
problem. They also extend the model to a multi-
stage one. Two decomposition algorithms based on
the cutting-plane method are developed to solve the
models. Finally, they conclude that the proposed
models show a more robust performance compared
to the risk-neutral model. (Noyan, 2012) incorpo-
rates the classical CVaR representation into the ob-
jective function of a two-stage mean-risk stochastic
problem in disaster management where the demand
and the damage level of the transportation network
are uncertain parameters. She develops decomposi-
tion algorithms to deal with the computationally chal-
lenging nature of the problem. In line with this study,
(Elc¸i and Noyan, 2018) consider a chance-constrained
two-stage mean-risk stochastic relief network design
model. They also develop a Benders decomposition-
based algorithm to solve formulations with alterna-
tive representations of the CVaR. (Zhang et al., 2016)
present a risk-averse multi-stage stochastic water al-
location problem. A mean-CVaR objective is consid-
ered in each stage of the problem. Finally, they pro-
pose a nested L-shaped method to solve the problem.
In addition to the aforementioned works that address
single-objective problems, there are also some stud-
ies in the literature that consider multi-objective opti-
mization under uncertainty incorporating CVaR as the
risk measure into two-stage stochastic programming.
(Zheng and Zheng, 2021) consider a bi-objective port-
folio optimization model with a focus on minimiz-
ing CVaR as a risk measure and maximizing the ex-
pected return rate. They also incorporate transaction
costs into the objective functions. A NSGA-II meta-
heuristic method (Deb et al., 2002) based on sparsity
strategy (Zitzler et al., 2001) (SMP-NSGAII) is de-
veloped to deal with the bi-objective model. (Rahimi
et al., 2019) propose a risk-averse sustainable multi-
objective mixed-integer non-linear model to design
a supply chain network under uncertainty by incor-
porating CVaR into their two-stage stochastic model.
The objectives aim at minimizing the design cost and
maximizing the profit. (Nazemi et al., 2021) incor-
porate a risk-neutral, a risk-averse, and the CVaR
measure into a bi-objective two-stage facility loca-
tion model in a disaster management context to an-
alyze a wide range of risk preferences, including risk-
neutral and worst-case approaches. They integrate
different uncertain two-stage models into two well-
known exact multi-objective frameworks, namely the
ε-constraint and the balanced-box methods. Addi-
tionally, they also develop a matheuristic approach
and they analyze and evaluate the combination of dif-
ferent uncertainty representations and multi-objective
frameworks. In most of the aforementioned studies,
the classical representation of CVaR has been em-
ployed to model risk-averseness. However, as men-
tioned earlier, alternative variants of CVaR are also
proposed in the literature. In this paper, we focus on
the existing two-stage bi-objective model presented
in (Nazemi et al., 2021) and extend this work by re-
formulating their two-stage risk-averse model using a
subset-based polyhedral representation of the CVaR.
To address this alternative formulation, we propose
a scenario cutting-plane algorithm. We conduct a
computational analysis on the test instances used by
(Nazemi et al., 2021) to illustrate how the subset-
based variant performs in comparison to the classical
formulation on their model.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. In Section 2, we describe the existing bi-
objective facility location problem under uncertainty
presented by (Nazemi et al., 2021) along with its cor-
responding subset-based polyhedral mathematical re-
formulation. In Section 3, we summarize the devel-
oped solution approach to solve the problem. In Sec-
tion 4 we discuss the computational results. Finally,
we present the conclusion and address potential future
work in Section 5.
The problem addressed in (Nazemi et al., 2021) is a
bi-objective two-stage location-allocation model un-
der demand uncertainty motivated by last-mile net-
work design in a slow-onset disaster context. A fi-
nite discrete set of demand scenarios (s ∈ S, S =
{1, ..., N}) with equal probabilities (
) is used to in-
corporate stochastic information. The problem aims
at finding the best location to position temporary lo-
cal distribution centers (LDC) in the response phase
of a disaster, such that the affected people can walk to
these centers to receive their relief aids. The model
tries to find the trade-off between two conflicting
objectives, i.e., minimization of operational cost on
opening LDCs and maximization of the coverage or
in other words, minimization of the amount of uncov-
ered demand. We use the same notation as introduced
in (Nazemi et al., 2021) to describe the model. The
problem is formulated on a network, where the sets
of nodes representing the demand and potential LDC
locations are denoted by I and J, respectively, assum-
ing that J ⊆ I. The assumption is that the affected
people in each demand node (i ∈ I) will walk only to
an LDC if their distance (d
i j
) from an opened LDC is
less than a certain distance threshold (d
). Uncer-
tainty is assumed on the amount of demand at each
ICORES 2022 - 11th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems