Learning Cross-modal Representations with Multi-relations for Image
Peng Cheng, Tung Le
, Teeradaj Racharak
, Cao Yiming, Kong Weikun and Minh Le Nguyen
School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Ishikawa, Japan
Cross-modality, Multi-relational Semantics, Object Semantics, Vision-and-Language, Pre-training.
Image captioning is a cross-domain study that generates image description sentences based on a given image.
Recently, (Li et al., 2020b) shows that concatenating sentences, object tags, and region features as a unified
representation enables to overcome state-of-the-art works in different vision-and-language-related tasks. Such
results have inspired us to investigate and propose two new learning methods that exploit the relation repre-
sentation in the model and improve the model’s generation results in this paper. To the best of our knowledge,
we are the first that exploit both relations extracted from text and images for image captioning. Our idea is
motivated by the phenomenon that humans can correct other people’s descriptions by knowing the relation-
ship between objects in an image while observing the same image. We conduct experiments based on the MS
COCO dataset (Lin et al., 2014) and show that our method can yield the higher SPICE score than the baseline.
Image captioning is the task of generating a natural
language sentence describing the content of an im-
age, placing itself in the intersection of two impor-
tant AI areas: natural language processing (NLP) and
computer vision (CV). As NLP and CV are highly
active in research and development, especially vari-
ous available pre-trained models, recent advancement
on image captioning can be highly expected from the
results of these two fields. Apropos to the CV side,
recent state-of-the-art object detection architectures,
e.g., Faster R-CNN (Ren et al., 2015), have shown to
improve the performance of image captioning. Sim-
ilarly, sophisticated Transformer-based architectures
in NLP have shown to enhance caption’s generation
(Vaswani et al., 2017).
Inspired by neural machine translation, most im-
age captioning systems (cf. (Vinyals et al., 2015;
Anderson et al., 2018)) employ an encoder-decoder
architecture, i.e., an input image is encoded into an
intermediate representation of the information con-
tained in an image and is subsequently decoded
into a descriptive sentence as an output of the sys-
tems. More recently, studies on vision-language
   
 
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   
 
   
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 
Figure 1: Examples of the image descriptions that exploit
the relations extracted from both image (object tags) and
text (relational labels); Objects tags and relational label
are highlighted by yellow and blue, respectively.
pre-training (VLP) (cf. (Lu et al., 2019; Tan and
Bansal, 2019; Li et al., 2019; Li et al., 2020a;
Zhou et al., 2020)) revealed that vision-language pre-
training model can effectively lead to generic repre-
sentations from massive image-text pairs and is able
to fine-tune with task-specific data, such as image
captioning, with state-of-the-art results.
Object-semantics aligned pre-training for vision-
language tasks (Oscar) (Li et al., 2020b) is one of the
VLP approaches that improve learning of cross-modal
representations by utilizing object tags detected in
images as anchor points to better learn the semantic
alignments between images and texts. However, cur-
rent VLP approaches do not utilize well the semantic
relationship between objects in both images and texts,
causing the generation of unnatural sentences as re-
lations between objects are not considered (cf. the
baseline’s captions in Figure 1).
Cheng, P., Le, T., Racharak, T., Yiming, C., Weikun, K. and Nguyen, M.
Learning Cross-modal Representations with Multi-relations for Image Captioning.
DOI: 10.5220/0010915100003122
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2022), pages 346-353
ISBN: 978-989-758-549-4; ISSN: 2184-4313
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
To overcome this challenge, we demonstrate that
learning of cross-modal representations can be fur-
ther improved from the baseline by utilizing the re-
lationship between semantics of visual and linguistic
perspectives. Our motivation comes from an observa-
tion that when humans look at an image, they usually
pay attention to the identification of the relationship
between the objects in the image before they give a
description on them. Following the motivation, we
propose a novel framework extended from Oscar that
enables the utilization of potential relational labels be-
tween objects in an image. In our work, objects in an
image are indicated by the object detector (e.g. Faster
R-CNN) and the relation labels between them (e.g.
verb, preposition, and conjunction) are indicated by
the ground-truth sentences.
Figure 1 shows an intuitive comparison between
the proposed framework and the baseline. In the first
example, it shows that the baseline (Oscar) outputs ‘a
small train on a city street with people nearby’. While
this sentence looks natural and reasonable, it will be
better if the model can utilize well possible relations
(‘running’ and ‘standing’) between objects (‘train’
and ‘people’) and generate a sentence: ‘a small train
running on a city street with people standing nearby’.
This example shows that an image’s caption can be
enhanced by adding more information related to the
objects, particularly their relations.
To the best of our knowledge, we are the first time
that exploits relational information of objects in the
VLP architecture. We have analyzed the state-of-the-
art models and found that they only consider image
regions, object tags, and captions in the training; thus,
they omit information describing the relationship be-
tween objects from both visual and linguistic perspec-
tives. We fill this gap by proposing to incorporate this
information for training the image captioning.
Furthermore, we extend the original MS COCO
dataset (Lin et al., 2014) to include linguistic and po-
sitional relations for training our proposed model. For
this purpose, our modified COCO dataset contains
two forms of linguistic relational data: NLTK POS
tagging and OpenNRE; both are extracted from the
captions in the original COCO. Also, our modified
dataset contains one form of positional data that cap-
tures potential links between objects in an image.
In sum, the contributions of this work are twofold:
(i) we develop a new dataset by extending MS COCO
to include linguistic and positional features and (ii)
we propose novel training and inference methods that
utilize well semantic relations on the image-text pairs.
The experimental results on our extended dataset
show that the proposed methods can improve SPICE
score based on Oscar’s pre-training and also improve
SPICE 1.00 in CIDEr optimization (Rennie et al.,
2017). Indeed, the results show that our methods do
not only outperform the baseline but also become the
state-of-the-art under the same experimental setting.
The training data for image captioning generally con-
sists of image-text pairs. Notationally, a training
dataset of size N is denoted by D
= {(I
image I
I and text sequence s
s. The goal of such model
architectures is to train a caption generation for each
image in a self-supervised manner.
Most VLP architectures including Oscar (Li et al.,
2020b) employ multi-layer self-attention Transform-
ers to learn cross-modal contextualized representa-
tions. The success of these model architectures is ba-
sically based on the quality of each modality’s em-
bedding. Notationally, for each input pair, an image
I is represented by region features v
v = {v
,... ,v
and a sequence s
s is represented by word embeddings
w = {w
,. .. ,w
}. Unlike traditional VLP architec-
tures, Oscar additionally use object tags q
q to improve
semantic alignments between images and texts. Since
our proposed model is extended from Oscar, the fol-
lowing briefly provides its detail for self-containment.
Figure 2 (left) illustrates the input form of Oscar,
showing that each image-text pair is represented as a
word-tag-image triple (w
v). Here, w
w is a vector
representing word embeddings of a text sequence, q
is a vector representing word embeddings of the ob-
ject tags detected on an image, and v
v is a vector rep-
resenting a set of image regions detected on an im-
age. Regarding the initialization, each image-text pair
proceeds with the following steps as suggested in (Li
et al., 2020b):
1. A pre-trained BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) is used
to initialize w
2. A Faster R-CNN (Ren et al., 2015) is applied on
each image to indicate semantic regions as (v
in which v
represents region features and
z R
denotes region positions. The values of S
and T are the same as in (Li et al., 2020b);
3. We concatenate v
and z to form a position-
sensitive region feature vector and transform into
v with a linear projection using matrix W
W in order
to ensure that the dimension of v
v is the same as
the dimension of w
4. The same Faster R-CNN is used to detect a set
of high precision object tags and the pre-trained
BERT is used to yield a sequence q
q of word em-
beddings for that tags.
Learning Cross-modal Representations with Multi-relations for Image Captioning
 
Figure 2: A comparison between the baseline modality rep-
resentation and the proposed modality representation.
Motivated by an observation that humans usually pay
attention on objects in an image and the relationship
between them simultaneously to describe any images,
we originally introduce to use linguistic features l
l and
positional features f
f for image captioning. Formally,
each training input i in D is defined as follows:
| {z }
, f
) (1)
The above equation shows that our proposed input
form is conservatively extended from the Oscar input
(cf. Section 2). The main objective of our proposed
input is to integrate the pre-trained BERT models with
relational linguistic features and positional features to
achieve better performance on image captioning. We
aim to address three research questions as follows:
1. What kinds of relations can enhance image cap-
2. How can we train the proposed input form for im-
age captioning?
3. Given an image and its relation features, how can
we perform inference to yield a caption?
We provide the answers to all of the above ques-
tions in the following subsections sequentially.
3.1 Relational Linguistic Label and
Positional Feature Extraction
We investigate two kinds of linguistic features: NLTK
POS tagging and OpenNRE’s relations, and one kind
of image-based features using positional dimensions.
NLTK POS Tagging
We use word tokens directly from the image’s caption
in the dataset by adapting NLTK POS tagging. NLTK
An example of real test dataset:
A cat eating a banana from someone's
NLTK POS tagging:
Object tags: ('cat', 'NN') ('banana', NN)
Relational label: ('eating', 'VBG ')
OpenNRE relation extraction:
Relational label: ('part of ')
Figure 3: An image-caption example pair from our test
dataset. Objects tags and relational labels are listed.
provides easy-to-use interfaces to over 50 corpora and
lexical resources such as WordNet, as well as text
processing libraries for classification, tokenization,
stemming, tagging, parsing, and semantic reasoning,
wrappers for industrial-strength NLP libraries, and an
active discussion forum.
We implement BERT tokenizer to tokenize a sen-
tence of each caption into tokens. Then, the NLTK li-
brary is used for part-of-speech (POS) tagging to an-
alyze tokens and labels from the MS-COCO image
captioning dataset, as well as to find out those sen-
tences containing the labels in POS’s noun phrases.
We filter out verb tokens or POS’s preposition phrases
from those sentences to make relational labels.
To illustrate the above method, let us consider a
sentence taken from a test set (shown in Figure 3):
A cat eating a banana from someone’s hand.
Here, the NLTK object tags (‘cat’, ‘NN’) and (‘ba-
nana’, ‘NN’) are POS’s noun phrase (namely, ‘NN’,
‘NNS’, ‘NNP’, ‘NNPS’, ‘PRP’, ‘PRP$’), while (‘eat-
ing’, ‘VBG’) is a relational word corresponding to the
verb phrase (namely, ‘VBG’, ‘VBZ’, ‘VB’, ‘VBN’,
‘VBD’, ‘VBP’). Thus, we take the word ‘eating’ from
the dataset and annotate it as a relational label.
OpenNRE on Relational Label Extraction
Next, we consider the OpenNRE (Han et al., 2019) re-
lation extraction. Note that OpenNRE is an Open and
Extensible Toolkit for Neural Relation Extraction.
To illustrate OpenNRE’s relations, let us consider
the following sentence taken from OpenNRE:
He was the son of M
ael D
uin mac M
Fithrich, and grandson of the high king
Uaridnach (died 612).
Here, the sentence has two entities ‘M
ael D
uin mac
aele Fithrich’ and ‘
Aed Uaridnach’, as well as a re-
lationship (‘directed by’). In other words, with Open-
NRE, one can a triple of (entity, relation, entity) from
any sentence to obtain structured information.
We apply OpenNRE’s wiki80-based relationship
extraction to analyze the relationship between noun
ICPRAM 2022 - 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
phrase label, and used the analyzed data as a relational
label. The OpenNRE is an open-source and extensible
toolkit, which provides a standard API to inference
existing models for Relation Extraction (RE).
Consider the same sentence of the test data:
A cat eating a banana from someone’s hand.
Here, the object tags (‘cat’, ‘NN’) and (‘banana’, NN)
are still POS’s noun phrase. Using the OpenNRE’s
wiki80-based relationship extraction model, the re-
lationship (‘part of’) can be inferred and is thus re-
garded as a relational label in our proposed method.
Note that the relational labels may not contain appro-
priate meaning literally while analyzing the COCO
dataset image caption as they are inferred by the
OpenNRE model. However, we hypothesize that the
OpenNRE’s relational labels can still represent the re-
lationship of a sentence, which also reflects from our
experimental results.
Relational Features Extraction
Finally, we investigate the positional dimension on
images to define relational features. While relational
labels (NLTK/OpenNRE-based labels) are extracted
to express relationships from text, relational features
are extracted to express positional relationships be-
tween objects in an image. We design a relational
features’ extraction simply but efficiently, which con-
sider an angle ratio, an area ratio, a center point con-
nection divided by the length of the area. The param-
eter setting is illustrated in Figure 4.
To efficiently represent the relational positions be-
tween objects, we introduce three relational posi-
tion parameters (P
) to describe the relation
on bounding box i which is generated by object de-
tection from an image. For each bounding box, the
width boxw
, the height boxh
, the starting coordinates
) are indicated. The three parameters can
be defined as follows.
Firstly, P
represents a relative position between
two objects using an angle. It is defined as a gradi-
ent between two centered points (cenx
) and
), where i denotes a bounding box.
= boxx
+ (boxw
/2) (2)
= boxy
+ (boxh
/2) (3)
= sigmoid
Secondly, P
represents how big a bounding box
is relative to another based on the ratio of an area be-
tween two bounding boxes.
分区 2020.12.17 的第 1
Figure 4: Two bounding boxes from object detection in an
image with their intersections. P
indicates the angle of the
two bounding boxes, P
indicates the relative distance of the
two bounding boxes.
= boxw
× boxh
+ area
Lastly, P
computes the relative distance between
two bounding boxes. This distance is defined as the
ratio between two centered points and re-scaled with
respect to the relative area (the green line in Figure 4).
+ (ceny
+ area
After calculation above, all the parameter
expand to the range between 0 to 10 due to
data scale of region feature.
3.2 Proposed Training: Multi-relations
Aligned Vision-language
To train the proposed multi-relations aligned vision-
language model, we introduce a training scheme as
shown in Figure 5. Firstly, we adapt relational labels
and relational features as relational data into the em-
beddings of the baseline model. Then, we adapt the
baseline method using relational data embedding as
an extension, relational labels are input as extra text
sequence into BERT, while relational features are in-
put as extra visual sequence into Transformer.
The goal of training has two parts. The first part
Masked Token Loss is to calculated the cross entropy
of output probability of discrete token sequence h
which defined as [
], based on their surround-
ing tokens sequence h
and image features v
v and re-
lational features f
f by minimizing the negative log-
= E
,v, f ) (8)
Learning Cross-modal Representations with Multi-relations for Image Captioning
The second part is Contrastive Loss, which is for
image representation and relational data representa-
tion, as shown in Equation 9. The discrete input se-
quence h
is define as [
, f
f ]
]. A set of ‘polluted’
images is created, then replacing q with probability
50% with a different tag sequence randomly sampled
from the dataset D. We apply a fully-connected (FC)
layer on the top of it as a binary classifier f
(.) to
predict whether the pair contains the original image
representation (y = 1) or any polluted ones (y = 0).
= E
logp(y | f
,w)) (9)
The full objective of proposed method is:
= L
+ L
We use the cross-entropy as the loss function. The
sequence length of discrete tokens h and region fea-
tures v are 35 and 50, respectively. The length of re-
lational labels l and relational features f are 10 and
10, respectively. We pre-train model variants, lin-
ear project relational labels and relational features se-
quence dimension to the BERT hidden size of 768 as
word tokens, Object Tags & region features dimen-
sion. In sentence generation, we apply Beam search
and set the number of output sequence to 5.
3.3 Proposed Inference
Since our model extends from the baseline (Oscar) by
exploiting both relation labels and relational features
for image captioning, this work also introduces a new
inference scheme consisting of the following steps:
1. Given an image, we first predict a caption from
the baseline model. Although Oscar is used in this
work, it can be changed. We also plan to investi-
gate and experiment with other models in future,
2. The relational labels of the predicted caption will
be extracted based on our proposed method,
3. The relational features are extracted from the
bounding boxes of the image, generated by the
object detection system (Faster R-CNN),
4. We apply the extracted relational labels, the ex-
tracted relational features, object tags, relational
features for inferring the image’s caption.
The overall process of the proposed inference is
shown in Figure 6.
3.4 Fine-tuning: CIDEr Optimization
based on SCST
SCST is a reinforce learning algorithm for solving
the exposure bias problem in mainstream MLE train-
Embedding for
[l, f]
[w, q, v]
Embedding for
Relational Data
Figure 5: The proposed training process, where a square
box represents model’s process, a diamond box represents
data, and [w
v] denotes the baseline input of word tokens
w, object tags q
q and region features v
v. Also, [l
, f
f ] repre-
sents the relational labels l
l and relational features f
f .
Output of
[w’] & [q]
Relational Labels
New Image
Embedding for
Embedding for
Relational Data
[l’, f]
[w] &
Test [v, q]
Figure 6: The proposed inference process, where a square
box represents model’s process, a diamond box represents
data, and [l
, f
f ] denotes the relational labels l
from baseline model prediction w
. Also, q
q, f
f denote object
tags and relational features extracted from object detection
bounding box, respectively.
ing methods. It is an improvement of the rein-
forcement learning-based method called Mixed Incre-
mental Cross-Entropy Reinforce (MIXER) (Ranzato
et al., 2015). Using SCST, attempting to estimate the
reward signal, as actor-critic methods must do, and es-
timating normalization, as REINFORCE algorithms
must do, is avoided, while at the same time harmo-
nizing the model with respect to its test-time infer-
ence procedure. We further fine-tune Oscar with self-
critical sequence training (SCST) using CIDEr Opti-
mization to improve sequence-level learning.
4.1 Dataset
We evaluate our approach on Image Captioning us-
ing the MS-COCO Image Caption dataset (Lin et al.,
2014), which provides resources for training, valida-
tion, and testing. The dataset’s statistical information
is shown on Table 1. Currently, the MS COCO 2014
dataset contains six million captions and over 160,000
images. Each set contains an image with at least five
sentences. The ratios that an image and its paired text
is shared at least one, two, three objects are 49.7%,
22.2%, 12.9%, respectively. Each image is encoded to
region feature with 2054 dimension by Faster-RCNN.
ICPRAM 2022 - 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 1: The quantity of Image Captions, Relational Data
(R. Data), average Data per captions of training set (Train),
validation set (Val), and test set (Test) in NLTK relational
label, OpenNRE relational label and relational feature (per
one feature is shown in parenthesis).
Captions R. Data Data Per Captions
NLTK Relational Label
Train 566732 311419 0.45
Val 102604 62285 0.60
Test 102550 84125 0.82
Open-NRE Relational Label
Train 566732 791238 1.40
Val 102604 142310 0.72
Test 102550 182280 1.81
Relational Feature
Train 566732 3105670 5.49 (1.83)
Val 102604 573806 5.58 (1.86)
Test 102550 719050 7.02 (2.34)
4.2 Evaluation Metrics & Baseline
In this study, we implement four evaluation metrics in
total, and focus on two main evaluation metrics:
SPICE measures how effectively image captions
recover objects, attributes, and the relations be-
tween them, by comparing consistency using a
parse tree constructed with a ground truth sen-
BLEU is a popular machine translation metric that
analyzes the co-occurrences of n-grams between
the candidate and reference sentences, comparing
consistency by each ground truth sentence. This
work uses n = 4 (a.k.a. BLEU-4).
The SPICE and BLEU-4 describe the consistency of
one sentence in ground truth sentences based on parse
tree and n-gram, Thus SPICE and BLEU-4 are se-
lected as this study’s main evaluation metrics.
The CIDEr enables an objective comparison
of machine generation approaches based on their
“human-likeness”, without having to make arbitrary
calls on weighing content, grammar, saliency, etc.
with respect to each other. The METEOR is calcu-
lated by generating an alignment between the words
in the candidate and reference sentences, with an aim
of 1:1 correspondence. The CIDEr and METEOR
evaluation are reference evaluation metrics to provide
the auxiliary result verification.
The baseline is set to the output result of the orig-
inal Oscar model. However, the baseline score of pre-
training is set to the baseline model executed from our
environment, and the baseline score of CIDEr Opti-
mization is set to the output result of the original Os-
car model.
4.3 Experimental Setting
The relational labels consist of two forms of data:
NLTK and OpenNRE labels. The statistical informa-
tion of each label is as shown on Table 1. In total,
there are 0.45 NLTK relational labels per each caption
sentences extracted from the training dataset, while
there are on average 1.40 OpenNRE relational labels
extracted. A potential reason is that not many captions
contain POS’s verb phrase. The table also shows that
on average 5.49 relational features are extracted from
training dataset and each proposed parameter of P
1.83 features on average per sentence.
The quantity of relational features are more than
the quantity of relational labels. This is because we
can extract positional relational features as long as the
object tags pair is found in captions, and also because
there are multiple bounding boxes (e.g. objects) for
one object tags in an image. However, when using
predicted captions of baseline, we adapt the generated
top-5 captions to achieve the same standard of ground
truth test set.
We compare our method against the best perfor-
mance of baseline models of similar size to the BERT
base. We train our method for at least 900k steps, with
learning rate of 1e
and a batch size of 64 samples
from the baseline work. The AdamW Optimizer is
We conducted two experiments, including pre-
training and CIDEr Optimization. To verify the im-
pact of the two different relational labels and rela-
tional features, we firstly compare the relational la-
bel by NLTK with relational features and the rela-
tional label by OpenNRE with relational features,
compared to baseline respectively. After adapting the
pre-training, we choose the best pre-training result of
the relational label by OpenNRE to conduct CIDEr
Optimization fine-tuning based on SCST.
4.4 Experimental Results & Analysis
The experimental results on pre-training are presented
in upper part of Table 2, while the lower part also
summarizes the experiment results of fine-tuning,
which conducts CIDEr Optimization by adapting re-
lational label by OpenNRE, compared to the baseline.
As shown in Table 2, there are two main find-
ings. The better SPICE score is achieved by the rep-
resentation of OpenNRE relational labels during pre-
training. However, in fine-tuning of SCST, a great
impact is made on SPICE score during CIDEr Op-
timization. The representation of relational features
affects differently in BLEU-4 score on different rela-
tional labels.
Learning Cross-modal Representations with Multi-relations for Image Captioning
Table 2: A summary of all compared with the baseline. The upper part and lower part show the results of pre-training and
CIDEr optimization, respectively. In this table, there are four experimental setting of relational labels and relational features
are implemented, and one experimental settings of relational labels are adapted.
represents the difference between the best
performance and the baseline’s result.
Baseline 23.04 35.97 30.1 122.26
Proposed relational labels (NLTK) 22.90 35.11 29.80 120.03
Proposed relational labels (NLTK) & relational feature 22.31 34.39 28.93 115.80
Proposed relational labels (OpenNRE) 23.09 35.68 30.06 121.75
Proposed relational labels (OpenNRE) & relational feature 23.01 35.92 30.02 121.88
(Pre-training process) 0.05 0.29 0.04 0.51
Baseline 22.8 40.5 29.7 137.6
Proposed relational labels by OpenNRE 23.8 39.2 29.8 132.1
(CIDEr Optimization process) 1.0 1.3 0.1 5.5
OpenNRE relational labels improve SPICE score
rather than BLEU-4 score, indicating that OpenNRE
relational labels can influence the model in the ac-
curate single caption rather than imitating validation
dataset. Comparing to the NLTK relational labels,
OpenNRE relational labels can represent the rela-
tion more accurately between entities than a single
keyword in captions. However, the great increasing
SPICE score in CIDEr Optimization reveals the im-
portance of the proposed OpenNRE relational labels,
which influence the limit by our objective function but
also influence greatly by the objective function of the
CIDEr Optimization based on SCST.
Relational features affect differently on the results
of relational labels of NLTK and OpenNRE, demon-
strating that the relational features have potential aux-
iliary effectiveness on positional relation due to dif-
ferent relational labels.
Figure 7: Analyzing the influence of relational label and re-
lational feature on the proposed method, while pre-training
relational label and relational feature separately.
4.5 Ablation Study
For further studying on relational features, we also
implement ablation study about the single effect of
relational features on our proposed method. We im-
plement single relational features on our proposed
method, which is shown in Figure 7. We find that,
even though the SPICE score of NLTK labels falls
in the training process, the relational features cause
increasing SPICE score in the first 10 epochs. This
may mean that more accurate relational features on
positional relation will have a chance to make an im-
provement to the results.
The usage of pre-training generic models which solve
a variety of V+L problems is becoming significant,
such as visual question answering (VQA), image-
text retrieval and image captioning etc. The ex-
isting methods (Sun et al., 2019; Tan and Bansal,
2019; Lu et al., 2019; Chen et al., 2020; Zhou
et al., 2020; Su et al., 2019; Li et al., 2020a;
Hao et al., 2020) employ BERT-series model (De-
vlin et al., 2018) to adapt cross-domain representa-
tions from a concatenated-embedding of image fea-
tures and sentence tokens. For example, a two-stream
and three-stream Transformer-based framework with
co-attention to fuse the two modalities are proposed
by early research (Tan and Bansal, 2019; Lu et al.,
2019). Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2020) conduct
comprehensive studies on the effects of different pre-
training objectives for the learned generic representa-
tions. Zhou et al. (Zhou et al., 2020) propose the first
unified model to deal with both understanding and
generation tasks, using only VQA and image caption-
ing as the downstream tasks. The Oscar models have
been applied to a wider range of downstream tasks,
including both understanding and generation tasks.
Comparing with existing VLP methods, the most
salient difference of this research is the use of rela-
tional data for revealing the relationship between ob-
jects in image, and adapt different inference process.
ICPRAM 2022 - 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
In this paper, we have presented a new method of us-
ing relational data based on relation extraction to en-
hance image captioning. This method uses two differ-
ent relational labels and the relational features, align-
ing the image and language modalities to enhance the
shared semantic space. We validate the schema by
pre-training Oscar models with relation extraction on
a public corpus with 6.5 million text-image pairs. The
VLP models based on our proposed method archive
new results on image captioning.
In the future, the sequence of visual region fea-
tures will be a breakthrough, due to the more accurate
semantic representation of image could lead to more
accurate alignment for image and text representation.
The lasted research Oscar+(Zhang et al., 2021) could
also bring more potential improvement. In the rela-
tion extraction perspective, more standard relation ex-
traction for image caption will be needed, which may
influence key components proposed in this paper.
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Learning Cross-modal Representations with Multi-relations for Image Captioning