In this paper, we have presented a new method of us-
ing relational data based on relation extraction to en-
hance image captioning. This method uses two differ-
ent relational labels and the relational features, align-
ing the image and language modalities to enhance the
shared semantic space. We validate the schema by
pre-training Oscar models with relation extraction on
a public corpus with 6.5 million text-image pairs. The
VLP models based on our proposed method archive
new results on image captioning.
In the future, the sequence of visual region fea-
tures will be a breakthrough, due to the more accurate
semantic representation of image could lead to more
accurate alignment for image and text representation.
The lasted research Oscar+(Zhang et al., 2021) could
also bring more potential improvement. In the rela-
tion extraction perspective, more standard relation ex-
traction for image caption will be needed, which may
influence key components proposed in this paper.
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Learning Cross-modal Representations with Multi-relations for Image Captioning