sors set including temperature, humidity, light, accel-
eration and presence by using IR sensor. In this sys-
tem, a Raspberry Pi gateway establishes the connec-
tion among the nodes and the server through Wi-Fi.
The results show that the lifetime is approximately 9.8
days with the use of three 600 mAh batteries since the
use of a high-power system like Raspberry. The sys-
tems in (Shah and Mishra, 2016; Peralta et al., 2010)
works with a local server where the data is saved con-
tinuously. This implementation difficult to achieve a
timely conservation work. The works in (Al-Habal
and Khattab, 2019; Eltresy et al., 2019; Zhang and
Ye, 2011; Viani et al., 2014) shows the use of WSN
by using IEEE 802.15.4 standard communication like
ZigBee or ISM bands. These implementations were
performed until a first stage of prototyping, so if these
systems were used in real places for a long time, they
would not work properly.
Therefore, the proposal of this work is based on
the basic requirements that monitoring devices must
have in the context of heritage conservation. These
requirements include long autonomy for low main-
tenance; Wide set of sensors and remote data avail-
ability that do not depend on the physical and tech-
nological infrastructure of the place. Thus, this work
presents the design and implementation of a wireless
sensor network based on peripheral and central nodes.
In addition, to improve usability, we proposed the de-
velopment of modular hardware and an easy-to-use
online platform.
This paper is divided as follows: in Section II we
described some considerations that were made dur-
ing the design process; in Section III we describe the
methods and tools used to accomplish the objectives
of this work; in Section IV is focus on the results and
finally, we present the conclusions in Section V.
In order to develop the whole proposed system (hard-
ware and software), in this Section we describe the
considerations used to achieve the objectives of this
2.1 Long Autonomy
In order to achieve low maintenance on the hardware,
it is necessary for it to remain operational for a long
time depending on the sample rate of the environmen-
tal parameter measurements. Since the devices are
battery powered, this consideration is the most impor-
2.2 Wide Sensors Set
Given the huge diversity of the heritage, it implies the
need to use different sensors that allow measuring dif-
ferent environmental parameters corresponding to the
most relevant for each type of material. The most rel-
evant environmental parameters are temperature, rela-
tive humidity, illuminance, irradiance and particulate
matter. So the devices should be capable of measure
all these parameters.
2.3 Remote Data Availability
This consideration implies the use of Internet connec-
tivity. Due to the geography location and the infras-
tructure of the building where the heritage is found,
the Internet connectivity must remain constant or at
least, it must be available when data needs to be up-
loaded. Due to this consideration, it is important to
the develop a system capable of guaranteeing the In-
ternet connection in the devices.
The project starts from the recognition of the needs of
a group of museums and archaeological sites, from
which the most relevant parameters are known ac-
cording to the researchers or those responsible for
maintaining a collection. Then, the required sensors
are acquired and it is decided to build networks of
environmental monitoring systems (nodes) capable of
working with a specific type of connectivity. Each
network has a central node and several peripheral
nodes; the peripheral nodes send information to the
central node through a local wireless network (BLE or
ZigBee). The central node is responsible for sending
it to a online platform using WiFi or GPRS. The nodes
can include sensors for temperature, relative humid-
ity, iluminance, irradiance and particulate matter. The
hardware of the proposed system allows the coupling
and decoupling of various sensors, as well as wire-
less communication modules, in such a way that the
monitoring systems developed can be adapted to dif-
ferent needs and realities. We divided the methodol-
ogy in hardware and software development and it is
described following the schematic shown in Figure 1.
3.1 Hardware Development
In this section we will describe the design and imple-
mentation of the system’s hardware. The hardware
includes electrical, mechanical, electronics compo-
nents, sensors ICs, wireless modules and batteries.
SENSORNETS 2022 - 11th International Conference on Sensor Networks