A Many-valued Semantics for Multi-agent System
Yang Song and Satoshi Tojo
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Weak Kleene Logic, Strong Kleene Logic, Many-valued Logic, Multi-agent System, Agent Communication.
We often employ epistemic logic to express the epistemic states of agents. However, it is often too complicated
to build a Kripke model because we should consider all possibilities of the knowledge between agents. In this
paper, we employ a many-valued logic to express the epistemic states of agents. Thus far, the representations
usually show the epistemic state of a single agent, however, we apply the logic to the multi-agent system.
Here, we consider that there exist three kinds of epistemic states of known, truth-value unknown, and content
unknown. Furthermore, we introduce two kinds of agent communication in our semantics, i.e., teaching and
asking, and show how the epistemic states of agents will change.
We often employ epistemic logic to express the epis-
temic states of agents, e.g.,
A stands for agent
a knows that A is true and ¬
B stands for that a
doesn’t know that B is true. Actually, if we build the
Kripke model perfectly and consider that every agent
has the common sense which is shown in the model,
the representation of epistemic states and the simula-
tion of agent communication usually work very well.
However, it is often too complicated to show the epis-
temic states of multi-agent system in the modal logic
because we should consider all possibilities of knowl-
edge between agents, e.g., agent a knows that b knows
p while agent b doesn’t know that agent a knows that
agent b knows p.
Instead of epistemic logic, in this research, we
consider employing many-valued logic to avoid those
notational complications. In the 3-valued logic,
we can use the third value, which can be read
as “unknown” or “unknown whether true or
false”(Kleene, 1952) to show such a state. (Ciucci
and Dubois, 2012) provided a translation from the
strong Kleene logic to epistemic logic. (Szmuc, 2019)
considered the third value in the paraconsistent weak
Kleene logic as an epistemic interpretation. In the 4-
valued logic, the four values are usually called true,
false, neither and both. Belnap considered the val-
ued as follows(Belnap, 1977):
• The value of p is true(T) means that the computer
is told that p is true.
• The value of p is false(F) means that the computer
is told that p is false.
• The value of p is neither(N) means that the com-
puter is not told anything about p.
• The value of p is both(B) means that the computer
is told that p is both true and false (perhaps from
different sources, or so on).
If we consider the computer as an agent, the 4 val-
ues can be seen as the epistemic states of the agent,
i.e., true(T) and false(f) mean that p is known to the
agent, while neither(N) and both(B) mean that p is
unknown to the agent.
However, both of the representations only show
the epistemic state of a single agent, while it can be
the case that a certain proposition is known to some
agents while unknown to others in a multi-agent sys-
tem. In this paper, we give a new many-valued logic
semantics to express the epistemic states in the multi-
agent system. Here, we consider that each proposition
is either true or false as the classical logic, while we
add several additional values to show the epistemic
states of agents. Therefore, all of the propositions
have the same classical values for each agent, while
the epistemic states is different between the agents.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section
2, we show a fundamental of many-valued seman-
tic consequence relation and introduce some many-
valued logics. In Section 3, we give two pair seman-
tics for two readings of knowledge. In Section 4, we
combine the two semantics and extend it to express
the epistemic states of multi-agent system. In Section
5, we introduce two kinds of agent communication in
our semantics. Finally in Section 6, we conclude.
Song, Y. and Tojo, S.
A Many-valued Semantics for Multi-agent System.
DOI: 10.5220/0010918300003116
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022) - Volume 3, pages 863-870
ISBN: 978-989-758-547-0; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved