only one application without multi-user security con-
cerns (Szymanski, 2017). With this assumption, the
leading security flaws happen outside the IoT device.
Therefore, the communication channel can be a secu-
rity concern since most IoT applications are designed
in standard wireless protocols such as 802.11 with
many vulnerabilities (Naru et al., 2017).
Thereby, new IoT devices are designed to avoid
security flaws concerning authentication, such as
Arduino IoT products incorporating a crypto chip
and specific libraries for the cloud services connec-
tion (Sung et al., 2018). The crypto chip is focused
on connecting the device to the cloud. However, in
wireless sensor networks, IoT devices constantly send
information between them, and just one (considered a
central node) is in charge of sending the information
to the cloud (Fotovvat et al., 2021). As a result, the
information sent to the cloud is protected. Neverthe-
less, this process does not ensure if a malicious user
has tampered with the IoT network.
The cryptography application in IoT devices also
brings constraints related to system time response. In
this scenario, it is essential to improve the code with
techniques to run in parallel instructions to use the
entire processor at once. A real-time operative sys-
tem carries on this process, inserting flaws to priori-
tize procedures and time slots to run each instruction.
Thereby, the processor is running the crypto library,
at the same time, is checking the battery, calibrating
sensors, and sending information to other devices.
With the above mentioned, this article presents a
hybrid cryptography algorithm with a real-time oper-
ative system and memory optimization criteria. This
process is carried on to send encrypted information
on a wireless sensor network without exceeding the
computational resources of a traditional IoT device
and leaving memory space to compile other function-
alities. To accomplish this goal, we assumed that the
IoT device and sensors are trusted, and only the wire-
less channel (802.11 n) is not. Also, we define at
first the average of RAM and Flash requirement for
the algorithm AES 128 from the lightweight crypto
library (8 bits) supported by Arduino to measure the
RAM increasing to deploy this stage. Later, we de-
sign the same application with software optimization
techniques and a real-time schedule to improve the
system time-respond. Also, we developed a secure
way to update the key without external messages from
the central node. The top results are the RTOS im-
plementation in the AES encryption/decryption algo-
rithm with only 820 bytes of RAM and 11K bytes of
Flash and the response time around 8 uS.
The rest of the manuscript is structured as fol-
lows: Section II shows representative works related
to cryptographic algorithms implemented in IoT de-
vices and WSN. Section III presents the experimental
setup with the assumptions to determine the RAM and
Flash requirements. Results are illustrated in section
IV with the real-time schedule and optimization cri-
teria. Finally, section VI shows relevant conclusions
and future works.
Lightweight cryptographic algorithms for IoT are an
emergent research field due to their relation to sen-
sitive information collected from human behavior.
However, the benefits of IoT come with many se-
curity challenges, and traditional cryptographic algo-
rithms need to adapt in hostile environments with con-
strained computational resources. Therefore, (Khan
et al., 2021; Fotovvat et al., 2021), present an ex-
tensive comparison of lightweight cryptographic al-
gorithms implemented in several scenarios where the
limitations of the IoT device restrict the possible secu-
rity implementations. Furthermore, (Guo et al., 2019)
designed a complexity reduction of the block encryp-
tion and their benefits in a complex task such as im-
age encryption. (Jalaly Bidgoly and Jalaly Bidgoly,
2019) presents a novel chaining encryption algorithm
for the LPWAN IoT network and the statistical propri-
eties of its method. Also, (Dang et al., 2021) encrypts
the information in LORA communication in a WSN.
Works such as (Naru et al., 2017; Prakash et al., 2019;
Ramesh and Govindarasu, 2020; Prakash et al., 2019;
Hijawi et al., 2021) present novel implementations on
lightweight cryptographic modifying the process of
traditional algorithms. Specifically, in real-time ap-
plications, works like (Gope and Hwang, 2016; Islam
et al., 2019) use robust hardware (FPGA or dual ARM
processors) than the traditional IoT devices. Finally,
(Tsai et al., 2018) presents to AES 128 secure channel
in LORAWAN communication for IoT environments.
In conclusion, all these works have presented so-
lutions for data privacy in IoT environments. How-
ever, this is not seen integrally with the primary objec-
tive of sending information to the Cloud, considering
the IoT device an extension of the trusted Cloud. For
this reason, the same security trends must be adopted
within the IoT environment so that later the integra-
tion of these IoT devices is transparent to more ex-
tensive networks. As a result, there are open issues
like designing a trusted environment in IoT environ-
ments with specific assumptions, optimizing the time
response, and implementing lightweight cryptogra-
phy algorithms on particular scenarios such as WSN
and IoT.
IoTBDS 2022 - 7th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security