Facilitating the Decentralisation of Software Development Projects
from a Project Management Perspective: A Literature Review
Sven Timmermann, Daniel Staegemann
, Matthias Volk
, Matthias Pohl
, Christian Haertel,
Johannes Hintsch and Klaus Turowski
MRCC VLBA, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Universitaetsplatz 2, 39106 Magdeburg, Germany
{sven.timmermann, daniel.staegemann, matthias.volk, matthias.pohl, christian.haertel, johannes.hintsch,
Keywords: Decentralisation, Software Development, Project Management, Literature Review, Guidelines.
Abstract: With the increasing relevance of decentralisation for the software development process, being aware of the
possible challenges and corresponding solutions has become more relevant than ever. The scientific body of
knowledge is currently containing many publications about specific aspects of decentralisation, but is lacking
in collections that cover more than one area. In this work, the challenges of different forms of decentralisation
are examined by means of a literature review. Subsequently, the findings are evaluated and summarised into
guidelines that can be applied by project managers and development teams to increase the success of
decentralisation of the software development process.
From a project management perspective, two trends
are characteristic of software development projects in
recent years: the turn to agile methodologies (Jamous
et al. 2021) and the increasing decentralization. While
many firms in the field now decentralise their projects
by working in teams that are distributed across long
distances (Casey and Richardson 2006), other forms
of decentralisation are becoming more frequent as
well. Both, the organisational structure and the ways
of communication are affected by this trend. Several
reasons led to an increase in decentralisation. For
example, lower costs of development resulted in an
increase of offshoring endeavours (Aspray et al.
2006). The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic
starting in 2020 further increased the prevalence of
decentralisation (Contreras et al. 2020; Pakos et al.
2021). The subsequent trend of working from home
being encouraged or even made mandatory increased
distribution and its challenges in many projects, not
only in the software development field.
Decentralising different parts of the process strongly
differs in impact. Decentralising communication or
knowledge may only include a change in
management of that aspect (Hellström et al. 2001),
while decentralising the location often involves
different cultures, which can affect all parts of the
project landscape as discussed in (Krishna et al. 2004).
As any changes of methods with such a wide range of
affected processes and areas, decentralisation results
in both benefits and challenges. With the relevancy of
decentralisation as a concept, knowing common
challenges and ways to face or avoid them becomes a
crucial factor. Without appropriate awareness of these
challenges and solutions for them, the benefits of
decentralisation can often be overshadowed by the
negative consequences of unsolved problems (Lanaj
et al. 2013).
The current scientific body of knowledge already
provides increasingly large amounts of studies related
to this topic (Jiménez et al. 2009; Da Silva et al. 2010),
yet there are very little studies that collect the
challenges of different areas and offer methods and
approaches for all aspects of decentralisation in one
concentrated place. A collection of such guidelines
that can be applied to real-life contexts can be a
substantial contribution, as it allows its use outside or
without the execution of studies prior to the
application to development projects.
Timmermann, S., Staegemann, D., Volk, M., Pohl, M., Haertel, C., Hintsch, J. and Turowski, K.
Facilitating the Decentralisation of Software Development Projects from a Project Management Perspective: A Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0010938200003206
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business (FEMIB 2022), pages 22-34
ISBN: 978-989-758-567-8; ISSN: 2184-5891
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
To find these working guidelines, the following
research question (RQ) will be answered by means of
a literature review:
RQ: What guidelines can be used to facilitate
decentralisation of software development projects
and successfully overcome its challenges?
To provide an answer to the overarching RQ, the
following two sub research questions (SRQ) are
SRQ1.1: What are the challenges that are
commonly faced in decentralised software
development projects?
SRQ1.2: What are approaches and solutions for
the identified challenges?
After this introduction into the relevance and
motivation behind the topic examined as well as the
researched questions, the used methodology is
explained. In the third section, the findings of the
literature review are presented and the research
questions are answered in form of guidelines. Finally,
a conclusion is given and possible directions for
future studies are presented.
To establish a knowledge base for the research while
simultaneously gauging the current state of the art in
the field, a review process largely based on the
approach of Levy and Ellis (2006) was used. The
authors describe a structured review process that was
altered slightly to fit the scope and context of this
The search process consisted of three steps that
would be iteratively repeated as necessary.
Step 1: An initial keyword search that served as the
starting point for the other two steps.
Step 2: A backwards reference search of the
articles uncovered in step one.
Step 3: A forward reference search of articles
found in both previous steps.
The keywords were used in different
combinations and comprised the initial words used in
the first search, as well as those found in previously
identified research articles. The resulting list of
keywords and phrases used is as follows:
decentralisation, work, communication, organisation,
software development, project management, self-
management, knowledge, flat organisation, hierarchy,
success factors, agile software development.
Both backwards and forwards searches were
conducted across multiple levels, meaning that
references found in identified articles were also
considered. The backwards search was aimed at
uncovering high quality foundational literature, that
other high quality articles were based on, while the
forward search was used to find “[...]follow-up
studies or newer developments related to the
phenomenon under study.” (Levy and Ellis 2006,
p. 191)
Given the purpose and context of the review as
the basis for a future case study (see Turnbull et al.
2021 for guidelines), the scope of the review process
naturally had to be limited in comparison to the pure
literature review articles. Because of this, the
coverage as categorized by Cooper (1988) in his
taxonomy, was only representative. An exhaustive
coverage of the topic would warrant its own separate
endeavour. A large number of articles had to be
excluded from consideration during the search, which
results in the need to systematically evaluate the
relevancy of articles (vom Brocke et al. 2009). For
this evaluation, mainly the titles and abstracts of
articles in question were analysed. In some cases,
however, the text of the articles was also examined,
when the abstracts were not sufficient to reasonably
exclude or include them. To increase overall quality
of the literature used, journal articles were prioritised.
The concepts used to structure the review have been
established after an initial scan of a portion of the
chosen literature, to allow for a clear meaningful
synthesis. For the literature review the concepts were
derived partly from frequently mentioned keywords
such as for example “Hierarchy” or “Knowledge
Distribution”. In the other cases, concept names were
manually formulated to encompass all included topics.
Among others, this includes “Staffing Decentralised
Teams” and “Communication Tools”. The results will
be discussed by concept and within them in
challenge-solution pairs, rather than presenting every
challenge of one concept before moving on to
approaches. However, if multiple problems with the
same solution or multiple approaches to the same
problem are mentioned across the articles, they are
still presented together.
The found and reviewed literature covers the topic
of decentralisation in a very general manner. Many
articles that were found using the stated methods
Facilitating the Decentralisation of Software Development Projects from a Project Management Perspective: A Literature Review
cover forms of decentralisation that are unrelated to
software development or any kind of development
environments for that matter. When only examining
decentralisation that is related to organisations or
projects, there are also a large number of publications
addressing other fields. Because of the applicability
to the present study, the latter were considered for the
review. To provide a better structure and
comprehensibility, the concept of decentralisation as
a whole is in the following divided into three sub-
concepts, namely organisational structure,
communication, location and the process of
3.1 Organisational Structure
Decentralisation of an organisational structure means
to move towards a network of (self-managed) teams
rather than a single team controlled by one leader,
which brings, however, several challenges
3.1.1 Team Belonging
Any form of workplace regardless of field is affected
by social influences. The social structure the
workplace provides is equally important to
employees as functional socialisation of team
members is to projects. Especially in team-focused
work such as software development, the concept of
belonging to one or more teams is increasingly
relevant. Various benefits of proper socialisation and
feeling of belonging to a certain group are presented
by different articles. Beehr et al. (2000) describe how
positive group membership can decrease work stress,
as the feeling of available support by co-workers
reduces anxiety regarding problems. Additionally,
they state that in such situations, the support can
increase productivity as well as facilitate achieving
company goals. Adler et al. (2008) name the
increased trust between employees as a reason for
improvements in cooperation. Lastly, in (Adler 2001)
it is stated that a sense of community can lead to better
performance regarding knowledge creation, which
faces an increasing demand according to them.
As the literature shows, belonging to multiple
teams as well as being spatially separated from team
members can negatively impact the socialisation and
therefore remove the named benefits. In (Marshall et
al. 2007), a study of workplace isolation is provided,
describing different factors and causes for the
problem, many of which can be caused or amplified
by decentralisation. According to them, workplace
isolation is caused mostly by a perceived lack of
essential positive factors. While this does not
necessarily mean they are actually missing, this
includes availability of support by both co-workers
and supervisor, opportunities for meaningful social
interactions, inclusion in groups and its activities as
well as recognition for performance and
achievements. Especially the high number of actors
described in “Multi-Team Systems” as well as the
operation from co-workers caused by decentralisation
of location as discussed in “Virtual Teams” can
severely decrease perception of these factors, and this
provoke workplace isolation. Especially with the
introduction of physical distance and other drawbacks
of decentralisation, the feeling of isolation is named
as a challenge by articles such as (Mann et al. 2000)
and (Pinsonneault and Boisvert 2001). Lastly, the
positive effects of team belonging do not always
translate to all aspects of decentralisation. As (Tajfel
1982) describes, positive team belonging and the
consequent identification with the team’s goals and
values can introduce a high level of competition and
rivalry between teams, which in turn negatively
influences multi-team systems through decreased
cooperation and increased conflicts between teams
according to (Lanaj et al. 2013).
Guideline 1: Employees should be assigned to only
one team at a time whenever possible. Team building
efforts should be performed to increase the benefits of
team belonging for the team members that cooperate
with each other in reality rather than in theory.
3.1.2 Multi-Team Systems
This concept, exclusive to the literature about
decentralisation, covers the challenges in cooperating
across multiple separate teams that work on the same
project. This can but does not have to include
different component teams, shared leaders between
teams, and distribution across sites. The trend of
splitting larger projects into smaller teams as part of
decentralising organisational structures is covered.
The most prevalent of the challenges associated with
cooperation between multiple teams is the dramatic
increase in coordination requirements for such
systems. Many articles including (Leavitt 2005),
(Magee and Galinsky 2008) and (Lundberg and
Thompson 1967) mention coordination failures
caused by decentralisation, especially regarding large
scale organisations. A number of possible reasons
causing these failures are described by (Lanaj et al.
2013). According to them, the high number of actors
involved in such large-scale systems can directly
hinder communication between all the different team
members. Additionally, they state that the
coordination of teams themselves can be impacted
because of two reasons.
FEMIB 2022 - 4th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
Firstly, if the same leaders are coordinating
multiple teams of the same system, they cannot do so
simultaneously, but are forced to coordinate one team
first. This of course can mean that important
information from a later team can be missing from the
previous team’s coordination.
Secondly, increasing flexibility inside of one team
makes the coordination more difficult as the other
teams consequently have more uncertainty regarding
that teams’ actions.
Smaller teams and organisational decentralisation
can also lead to higher risk in development projects
because these smaller teams tend to set higher, more
difficult goals, which involve higher risks (Lanaj et
al. 2013). This effect is even further increased in
multi-team systems, as the need for high team
performance can lead to a sense of rivalry between
teams of the same system, resulting in even more risk
seeking (Kilduff et al. 2010). This is especially
problematic, since in multi-team systems risk is
amplified according to a productive function rather
than an additive one (Tversky and Kahneman 1983),
increasing negative effects of the risk itself.
Lastly, all challenges to multi-team systems
should be considered carefully, since according to
(Lanaj et al. 2013) the failures of one team can lead
to the failure of the whole system.
Guideline 2: When managing project risk in multi-
team systems, the impact of the approach should be
considered as to not underestimate the real risk that is
3.1.3 Hierarchy
The decentralisation of hierarchy is mainly discussed
in two forms, reducing the number of hierarchical
levels and effectively bringing all employees closer to
the same level or alternatively handing control
downwards in the hierarchy (Lee and Edmondson
2017). The resulting challenges are presented in a
more general manner, grouping both perspectives
together. Decentralising hierarchy in any form is
associated with improvements in employee
satisfaction and engagement regarding their work
(Cohen and Ledford 1994). Still, (Lee and
Edmondson 2017) warn that these benefits or overly
positive reports can be misleading, as there is also
evidence such as presented in (Barker 1993), where it
is argued that prolonged work in a decentralised
hierarchy, specifically under self-management, can
lead to increased stress and may cause burnout. Lanaj
et al. (2013) describe an increase in risk seeking
behaviour that is based on the possibly exaggerated
positive expectations self-managed teams develop,
which results in increased project risk. According to
(Lee and Edmondson 2017), management efforts do
not disappear together with the role of managers
during decentralisation as the needed managerial
tasks are distributed between team members. This can
be problematic given that not every employee is
properly trained or prepared to perform them. In
(Bernstein et al. 2016) it is further described that not
all people are equally drawn to or compatible with the
self-managed organisational design, further
complicating the process of decentralising hierarchy.
Lastly, other project characteristics may influence the
compatibility with a decentralised hierarchical
approach. According to (Vallon et al. 2013), self-
management is very difficult if the team is distributed
or virtual, leading to the assumption that flattening
hierarchy is better suited for co-located teams.
3.2 Communication
The decentralisation of communication is geared
towards communicating via a network instead of one
central point that redistributes information. This
poses on the hand the question of tooling and on the
other hand necessitates an effective way of
distributing knowledge.
3.2.1 Communication Tools
As is the case with any tool usage, the choice of
communication tooling has to be adjusted to the needs
of any given project. Since communication is critical
in decentralised and especially distributed projects
and organisations, the most common discussion
regarding tools involves those that are meant to
facilitate it. They are often listed alongside of other
tools used to improve cooperation, which will be
partly presented here if they are not more relevant to
another concept.
Firstly, Daft and Lengel (1986) already argued for
care in one’s choice of communication channel. They
describe that well understood information should be
communicated over a less formal channel, while
ambiguous information should be transferred using
standardised and rich channels. This also applies to
tools that provide these communication channels. For
example, Mäki et al. (2004) discuss the different use
cases of e-mail and voice calls. According to them, e-
mails are better suited for reaching multiple people,
addressing more complex topics or sharing
documents, while directly calling a colleague is the
better option in cases where less complex topics have
to be discussed immediately. They also present
drawbacks of e-mail communication such as e-mails
Facilitating the Decentralisation of Software Development Projects from a Project Management Perspective: A Literature Review
not reaching the correct people, or the overload high
amounts of e-mails can cause. Therefore, other tools
should be used to compliment this communication
channel. Jiménez et al. (2009) describe the need for
cooperative tooling in the field of knowledge transfer.
They argue that a tool, which allows for simultaneous
work on diagrams and models would benefit the
communication of complex processes or system
information. Such a tool is for example presented in
(Sarkar et al. 2008). Technical staff can use it to
render structures, systems and architecture of
applications in multiple languages, making it
especially relevant for offshore cooperation.
In general, tools for cooperation and
communication gain increased relevance when
working in a distributed or even offshore setting
according to (Vallon et al. 2013). Casey and
Richardson (2006) argue that especially video
conferencing is a critical factor in successfully
executing distributed development, as things such as
language barriers and misinterpreting who is talking
can be significantly more impactful without a visual
component. Cased and Richardson (2006) also
describe additional challenges regarding tooling
when cooperating across borders. They state that it is
crucial for any distributed cooperation to use the same
compatible tools across different sites, which can
sometimes be challenging as support and warranties
may apply differently for the same products when
working in different countries. Therefore, even when
the chosen tool fits the needs of a project optimally,
the provided support should be considered, as the
failure of such tools can be extremely problematic.
In a distributed setting, Jiménez et al. (2009)
argue that it is often necessary to recentralise
knowledge to ensure its availability to all members
that might need it for their work. This can be done in
form of centralised documentation or knowledge
databases, for which they also stress the need to be
updated constantly to provide their benefits. Zhuge
(2002) suggests the use of an information repository
that is created and updated by using communication
tool records. Because any form of centralised
knowledge base that holds all relevant project
information will always be relatively large in size and
will contain many different forms of information,
Mohan and Ramesh (2007) present a traceability
framework that is supposed to allow users too easily
locate and identify key knowledge for their own
processes. This is especially relevant as (Mäki et al.
2004) names problems in locating and accessing
knowledge in such databases as their major
drawbacks. Finally, Cased and Richardson (2006)
warn that providing powerful communication tools
does not guarantee effective and meaningful usage of
them. They argue that training and motivation
measures are important to make use of the various
tools’ benefits.
Guideline 3: For development in decentralised
project settings, complement or even replace e-mail
communication with better-suited communication
tools such as tools that include chatroom
functionalities or video conferencing while also
paying attention to compatibility across the
organisation as well as the necessary user training.
Guideline 4: In decentralised projects, knowledge
should be centralised using central documentation or
a knowledge database including functionalities to
effectively navigate and search for key information
within it.
3.2.2 Knowledge
When viewed from a decentralisation perspective,
knowledge distribution can describe both the
decentralisation of knowledge as well as
consequences of decentralisation for the knowledge
distribution. The literature regarding this topic often
describes the more general term knowledge
management, which knowledge distribution is a part
of. Decentralising the knowledge by distributing it
across the team rather than having a single individual
hold the entire knowledge about processes and other
project information, is beneficial because the
immense amount of information in software
development projects is too expansive for a single
project member (Lee and Edmondson 2017).
Regardless, decentralisation may force a certain
centralisation of knowledge as stated in (Mäki et al.
2004), which is additionally problematic because the
employees holding key information are often people
in key positions, resulting in them being less available
for knowledge transfer.
Generally, to avoid overloading single team
members with information, especially developers that
work on specific components or parts of the project,
Jiménez et al. (2009) suggest the use of a system or
processes that notify team members when and only
when changes occur that are relevant to them or their
work. Cramton (2001) describes that distributed
teams often face difficulty in upholding a mutual
understanding of and knowledge about their shared
work. Similarly, the problem reduced awareness
regarding activities of other team members typically
regarding coordination also translates to project
FEMIB 2022 - 4th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
As stated by Mäki et al. (2004), decentralisation
can make roles and responsibilities unclear, which
consequently reduces awareness of who holds what
kind of important knowledge. They argue that this,
together with the added difficulties in availability of
team members and communication, results in an
overall decrease in knowledge accessibility
throughout decentralised projects. Paasivaara et al.
(2009) suggest that agile approaches such as the
scrum framework can be used to combat these
awareness and communication deficits, as the regular
short stand-up meetings that are used in agile contexts
allowed for an increased transparency as well as an
overview over the team’s activities.
Different aspects or implications of
decentralisation are listed in (Jiménez et al. 2009) as
reasons for decreased knowledge transfer
effectiveness. According to them, large networks,
complex infrastructure, misunderstandings caused by
unstandardised communication across many channels
and tools as well as high response times together
result in reduced communication frequency and
quality. According to (Babar et al. 2006), a wide
variety of cooperation tools can be used to address the
named issues and can avoid ambiguity. The choice of
processes and communication activities in general
need to be adjusted to each individual team and
project to reflect their specific needs (Maznevski and
Chudoba 2000). Additionally, it should be noted that
communication often involves large time investments,
creating the need to further adjust what
communication is needed and effective.
Guideline 5: Knowledge should be sparsely
distributed to increase focus and avoid overloading
individual team members with information. To make
use of its benefits as well as avoid unawareness of
where knowledge is located, communication tools,
regular meetings and a bridgehead role that holds
meta knowledge can be employed. The bridgehead
role should be dedicated and “full time” to guarantee
availability and effective knowledge distribution.
3.3 Location
Decentralisation of location means to move from co-
located teams to projects that are executed across
different sites or even countries. However, there are
several approaches to achieve this.
3.3.1 Offshore
Cooperating with offshore co-workers does not only
introduce large distances to the development team,
but also requires the teams to overcome cultural
differences. The literature discusses these issues often
as a topic related to but distinct from virtual teams, as
cooperating with offshore partners guarantees team
distribution and comes with its own separate set of
challenges. The first challenge described by Krishna
et al. (2004) comes in form of the choice of the project
to decentralise as well as what offshore partner to
cooperate with. They argue that projects are more or
less applicable to offshore development based on
their communication needs.
A lower need for communication (for example
because the kind of product is well understood by
both cultures) can make the process significantly
easier. According to them, certain cultures can be
closer in terms of their values and approaches, while
other combinations of cultures do not necessarily
work well together. Therefore, the choice of the
country to cooperate with can be crucial.
Krishna et al. (2004) also mention that the
differences in infrastructure are especially impactful
because of the reliance on telecommunication in
distributed work. As discussed in their respective
sections, both multi-team systems and virtual or
distributed teams tend to result in a higher number of
involved actors. Since cooperating with an offshore
team in many cases includes both, the relevance of
team size, as described by Casey and Richardson
(2006), becomes a critical factor.
They argue that if the offshore team is too large in
comparison to the local staff on the project, the local
team members are likely to face demotivation and
fears of being replaced by their less expensive co-
workers, which can lead to experienced and valuable
employees leaving the company. This is especially
problematic, when time zone differences make the
coordination and training of a huge number of
offshore colleagues more difficult because it severely
limits the available time to synchronize.
The training of the offshore team members is
another challenge (Casey and Richardson 2006),
since the low cost of labour often comes with an
inexperienced workforce that is less knowledgeable
about the commonly used processes. They also argue
that even though this is the case and local team
members are often more comfortable in the existing
local processes, they should not be applied to offshore
cooperation without adjusting them to the new
context. Casey and Richardson (2006) also describe
the importance of giving process ownership to the
people closest to the process, which often are the
offshore developers.
Additionally, to the large distances between
teams, differences in culture are another critical factor
Facilitating the Decentralisation of Software Development Projects from a Project Management Perspective: A Literature Review
in any offshore cooperation. Carey (1998) describes
that in the same way language differences can lead to
translation errors, cultural differences in terminology
and problem understanding and solving can facilitate
misunderstandings between teams and their members,
which is supported by (Holmstrom et al. 2006). Casey
and Richardson (2006) argue that additionally to
conflict resolution, the culture can impact things such
as how work time is perceived. According to them,
these problems can result in valuable employees
leaving projects or even companies if they are not
addressed. Carey (1998) suggests the use of
codification and translation guidelines to avoid
Another broader approach discussed is the
implementation of cultural trainings, which would be
performed before the start of the cooperation (Forster
2000). Krishna et al. (2004) warn that such training
endeavours are often done only to prepare offshore
partners for cooperation, which they describe as
problematic. Instead, trainings should be performed
for both sides of the project team.
Similar to the trend to culturally train only the
offshore team members, Krishna et al. (2004) also
describe that a common challenge is the misguided
attempt to only adjust the cooperating offshore teams
to a local work culture. They instead suggest the use
of cultural bridgeheads, team members that might
work on the partner’s premises and have experience
regarding the partner’s culture, allowing them to
translate between the different cultures. According to
Brannen and Salk (2000), the most effective approach
would be to establish a separate, compromising work
culture in order to create a work environment that is
equally accessible to and compatible with all team
Guideline 6: To facilitate offshore cooperation,
measures such as team building efforts, cultural
training and processes adjustments should be
implemented bilaterally in order to bring the
cooperating teams closer together instead of
attempting to adjust offshore teams to local standards.
Guideline 7: In cooperation involving different
cultures, the bridgehead role gains importance and
should be filled with a team member that has
experience in working in and with the partner’s
culture, allowing them to culturally translate between
the cooperating teams and bring them closer together.
Guideline 8: The choice of offshore partners should
not only consider cost, but also technical limitations,
cultural compatibility, and present expertise.
3.3.2 Virtual Teams
Virtual teams themselves already have major
consequences for most of the development process.
While the cooperation in a purely digital context
introduces additional challenges to aspects such as
teamwork and communication, the literature also
includes distributed teams in general in this concept.
Since distributing teams across different locations
commonly leads to the formation of virtual teams
because there are no real alternatives, both parts of the
concept often share similar resulting challenges.
The increased complexity of working in virtual
teams makes coordination more difficult for
managers. Pare and Dube (1999) state that it might
even result in a loss of control over the managed
teams or reduce the impact managers can have on the
development process. Herbsleb et al. (2001) describe
the increased number of people involved in virtual
teams as a reason for the consequent increase in
needed coordination and communication meetings
which then are signs of increased difficulty in
coordination. According to Pare and Dube (1999),
another reason could be that it is more difficult to
keep track of team members’ activities across
multiple locations. Additionally, the reduction in
informal communication is named as a relevant factor
for estimation and scheduling errors in (Casey and
Richardson 2006).
While Pare and Dube (1999) suggest that
standardised methods can be used to prevent
managers from losing the relevant overview,
Herbsleb et al. (2001) promote the careful choice of
correct tools to support the virtual process as a
relevant approach to the increased coordination
requirements. Tools that visualise the development
process can help raise managers’ awareness of tasks
in progress, while also aiding in avoiding code control
errors (Al-Ani et al. 2008). Finally, Jiménez et al.
(2009) argue that reducing dependencies between
distributed teams or its members can reduce the
overall coordination difficulties.
Not only managers are negatively affected in their
coordination by distributing teams. According to
Jiménez et al. (2009), the team members themselves
can be isolated when working purely digitally. As a
result, they may struggle to be aware of the other team
members’ active tasks as well as the way knowledge
is distributed between them, making it difficult to
acquire key information for their own work.
Again, different visualisation tools that
communicate this knowledge distribution or current
processes are supported as approaches to solve these
problems by a number of articles such as (Froehlich
and Dourish 2004). Furthermore, thorough
FEMIB 2022 - 4th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
documentation of roles and structures is mentioned in
(Karolak 1999) as a method to increase clarity and
awareness in distributed teams.
Poor communication can also have indirect effects
on projects, as Stables (2001) describes how it can
lower job satisfaction and increase employees’ stress
levels, while Hargie et al. (2002) name high employee
turnover and lower commitment as consequences of
lacking communication.
As already described, tools are a prevalent answer
to problems in the virtual context. Jiménez et al.
(2009) warn that these should always have to be
carefully chosen with the context, project, and teams
in mind. Additionally, with the introduction of
distance, the reliance on internet connection increases,
meaning that the correct choice of tooling can also
include the consideration of available bandwidths.
Additionally to the previously mentioned
visualisation tools suggested in (Al-Ani et al. 2008),
Bruegge et al. (2006) also propose a tool for
collaborative code inspections to combat coding
errors, which may have an increased impact in virtual
development processes (Jiménez et al. 2009).
The distribution of teams can lead not only to an
isolation of team members regarding coordination,
but also regarding the team’s cohesion and team feel
(Holmstrom et al. 2006). Pare and Dube (1999) argue
that this is caused by reduced social interactions in
virtual teams and can result in a reduced commitment
to the project and increase conflicts. According to
Moe and Šmite (2008), reduced socialisation also
causes a lack of trust between team members, which
further reduces productivity.
Karolak (1999) describes the importance of a
separate conflict resolution process to handle
conflicts when face-to-face meetings are not possible.
Pare and Dube (1999) also emphasise the value of
specific rules for conflicts and suggest that meeting in
person at the start of new virtual projects is highly
beneficial to the team members.
Finally, decentralising the process regarding
location by distributing teams across locations may
not be compatible with decentralising other aspects
such as organisational structure. Even though the
scrum framework encourages smaller teams and self-
management (decentralisation of hierarchy), Vallon
et al. (2013) describe multiple incompatibilities when
trying to enact scrum in virtual teams. Firstly, they
argue that distribution reintroduces hierarchical
management tendencies into the process, reversing
the empowerment of the teams. Secondly, the
increased difficulty to communicate and to coordinate
is detrimental to the scrum process that encourages on
team awareness. Consequently, they advise against
geographically distributing scrum teams and argue
that the relevant scrum roles have to be present at each
location if the distribution is unavoidable.
Guideline 9: Insofar possible, dependencies between
distributed parts of a virtual team should be
minimized. For all the remaining aspects of a
distributed project, coordination and cooperation
should be supported by facilitating transparency and
effective communication and consequently
increasing the project awareness of all team members.
Guideline 10: To facilitate proper team building in a
virtual setting, team members should meet in person
at the beginning of any distributed cooperation and if
possible, the socialisation and communication should
be supported by regular face-to-face meetings. In
some cases, video conferencing can supplement the
other socialisation efforts.
3.3.3 Home Office
Together with cooperating offshore partners, working
from home is one of the most extreme forms of
decentralising location. As it guarantees working
virtually, even when the rest of team is not necessarily
doing so, it always involves the same challenges as
the other forms of distributed cooperation, while also
introducing additional challenges on a more personal
Firstly, working from home often includes
separating team members entirely from the rest of the
team, which only increases the negative effects
distribution can have on cooperation. Scott and
Timmerman (1999) state that removing a team
member from the others decreases the project
awareness of that employee. Both (Marshall et al.
2007) and (Mann et al. 2000) argue that the lack of
support, social interactions and feeling of group
belonging increase workplace isolation and the
resulting problems. Kurland and Cooper (2002) also
describe that employees working from home feel like
they are recognized significantly less for their
achievements than their co-workers working in a co-
located fashion.
According to (Jones 1997) home office often
leads to a lack of separation between work and the
private life of employees. Zhang (2016) describes that
the blurring of that line can lead to employees being
overworked and consequently experiencing burn out,
because they have to face constant demands from
both sides of their life. Additionally, they describe
how conflicts of either side may influence the other
because of the poor separation, meaning that a
stressful private life has an increased negative effect
on work performance. Bailey and Kurland (2002)
Facilitating the Decentralisation of Software Development Projects from a Project Management Perspective: A Literature Review
argue that employees working from home tend to
work for more hours, which supports the risk for
Guideline 11: When home office is used, the
separation between work and private life should be
facilitated by encouraging the use of a separate
workspace inside the employees’ homes or informing
about the importance of measures such as removing
work equipment from the living space at the end of a
3.4 Process of Decentralisation
The process of decentralisation in the context of this
work means any of the above forms of
decentralisation in motion and before completing the
transition towards the decentralised system. This
obviously comes with several challenges.
3.4.1 Customer Cooperation
As software development projects are often
performed in a customer-provider relationship rather
than purely in-house, the cooperation with such
customers can be critical to the project’s success.
Decentralisation effects this cooperation in two major
ways according to the literature, the increased
importance of cooperation in decentralised contexts
as well as the consequences of decentralisation on
customer communication. Because distribution
results in increased coordination and communication
needs, the customer has to be available more
frequently and has to be more cooperative.
Korkala et al. (2009) argue that facilitating
customer cooperation is mostly dependent on positive
relationships with the customers. Additionally, they
state that the policies on the supplier’s side must be
compatible to the customer, to encourage cooperation.
According to Bergadano et al. (2014), while
decentralisation increases the need for cooperation, it
also actively hinders it. As communication in general
gets more difficult in virtual or distributed settings,
customer cooperation also suffers in those cases and
needs to be addressed in a similar fashion.
Guideline 12: Decentralised customer cooperation
can be facilitated by encouraging communication,
improving the relationship to the customer, and the
use of bridgeheads.
3.4.2 Resistance to Change
The support of current leadership during significant
changes can be crucial to the success of any form of
transition and is therefore also relevant for
decentralisation. Resistance to change can occur in
many forms and not only on a leadership level. Where
resistance has significant impacts and where it is most
common is discussed in this concept.
One of the previous concepts is most prominently
met with resistance: The decentralisation of hierarchy
that often includes the empowerment of teams.
Strauss (1982) states that it is common for the people
currently holding the power to actively resist against
handing it further downwards. Even when the process
has already progressed, resistance can still emerge
within the now empowered team. According to
(Barker 1993) informal differences in power can
reintroduce themselves in self-managed teams, while
(Gruenfeld and Tiedens 2010) and (Pfeffer 2013)
argue that both formal and informal forms of
hierarchy re-emerge because of personal drives for
success and psychological processes which are also
responsible for the endurance of hierarchy in the first
Argyris (1998) suggests, that internal
commitment and personal psychological
development are relevant factors against the
difficulties of self-management and the trend towards
hierarchy. They also describe that the defensive
behaviour leading to these problems can be addressed
by strengthening different values and mindsets.
Gruenfeld and Tiedens (2010) and Pfeffer (2013)
describe the creation of a formal system and formal
rules for the decentralisation as a critical success
factor to overcoming the dominance of hierarchical
organisation. This is supported by Adler et al. (1999)
who argue that this formalisation can be helpful in
communicating the consequences of the decentralised
structures on daily work to newly integrated
Guideline 13: Resistance to changes in hierarchy can
be addressed by establishing formal rules and
structures for the process as well as investing into
shared values that align with the desired
organisational structure.
3.4.3 Staffing Decentralised Teams
One major benefit attributed to distributing teams
across sites and especially to cooperating in an
offshore context, is the availability of staff. The wider
range of available staff and lower prices induced by
decentralisation can be a driving reason to transition
to more decentralised approaches.
Krishna et al. (2004) warn that together with the
cultural differences introduced by working across
different countries, a certain difference in employee
FEMIB 2022 - 4th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
motivation also emerges. For example, in Japan a
comparatively higher salary might not be the most
important factor in recruiting capable staff, as the
social standing of the company may be of more
relevance to the potential employees.
Guideline 14: Cultural differences should be
considered when establishing the strategy to recruit
valuable staff in offshore contexts.
3.5 Decentralisation in General
Various aspects of decentralisation are discussed in
the literature that show that decentralisation is not the
correct choice in certain cases. Incompatibility of
certain employees to distributed work environments,
the negative interaction between decentralisation of
hierarchy and decentralisation of location as well as
the need to recentralise knowledge in decentralised
projects are all examples for situations in which
decentralisation can best be facilitated by carefully
choosing which part of a given system to centralise.
With the huge variety of projects, their individual
requirements, and compatibilities that can influence
the success of decentralisation, the most relevant
success factor for decentralisation can often be the
choice to decentralise only parts of software
developments that are both suited for decentralisation
and will benefit from it. Finally, this leads to the last
and perhaps most important guideline.
Guideline 15: Regardless of form, decentralisation is
not always the correct choice for every project.
Because possible benefits and drawbacks are highly
dependent on individual project contexts, the careful
choice to decentralise a given part of a project should
also be made on an individual basis. Forcing
decentralisation on any part of a software
development project should be avoided.
An overview of the fifteen guidelines developed in
the course of this work in given in Table 1.
Table 1: Overview of the developed guidelines.
No. Content
1 Employees should be assigned to only one team at a time whenever possible. Team building efforts should be
performed to increase the benefits of team belonging for the team members that cooperate with each other in reality
rather than in theory.
2 When managing project risk in multi-team systems, the impact of the approach should be considered as to not
underestimate the real risk that is present.
3 For development in decentralised project settings, complement or even replace e-mail communication with better-
suited communication tools such as tools that include chatroom functionalities or video conferencing while also
paying attention to compatibility across the organisation as well as the necessary user training.
4 In decentralised projects, knowledge should be centralised using central documentation or a knowledge database
including functionalities to effectively navigate and search for key information within it.
5 Knowledge should be decentralised to increase focus and avoid overloading individual team members with
information. To make use of its benefits as well as avoid unawareness of where knowledge is located,
communication tools, regular meetings and a bridgehead role that holds meta knowledge can be employed. The
bridgehead role should be dedicated and “full time” to guarantee availability and effective knowledge distribution.
6 To facilitate offshore cooperation, measures such as team building efforts, cultural training and processes
adjustments should be performed bilaterally in order to bring the cooperating teams closer together instead of
attempting to adjust offshore teams to local standards.
7 In cooperation involving different cultures, the bridgehead role gains importance and should be filled with a team
member that has experience in working in and with the partners culture, allowing them to culturally translate between
the cooperating teams and bring them closer together.
8 The choice of offshore partners should not only consider cost, but also technical limitations, cultural compatibility,
and present expertise.
9 Where possible, dependencies between distributed parts of a virtual team should be minimized. For all the remaining
aspects of a distributed project, coordination and cooperation should be supported by facilitating transparency and
effective communication and consequently increasing the project awareness of all team members.
10 To facilitate proper team building in a virtual setting, team members should meet in person at the beginning of any
distributed cooperation and if possible, the socialisation and communication should be supported by regular face-
to-face meetings. In some cases, video conferencing can supplement the other socialisation efforts.
11 When homeoffice is used, the separation between work and private life should be facilitated by encouraging the use
of a separate workspace inside the employees’ homes or informing about the importance of measures such as
removing work equipment from the living space at the end of a workday.
Facilitating the Decentralisation of Software Development Projects from a Project Management Perspective: A Literature Review
Table 1: Overview of the developed guidelines (cont.).
No. Content
12 Decentralised customer cooperation can be facilitated by encouraging communication, improving the relationship
to the customer, and the use of bridgeheads.
13 Resistance to changes in hierarchy can be addressed by establishing formal rules and structures for the process as
well as investing into shared values that align with the desired organisational structure.
Cultural differences should be considered when establishing the strategy to recruit valuable staff in offshore contexts.
15 Regardless of form, decentralisation is not always the correct choice for every project. Because possible benefits
and drawbacks are highly dependent on individual project contexts, the careful choice to decentralise a given part
of a project should also be made on an individual basis. Forcing decentralisation on any part of a software
development project should be avoided.
In this work, the challenges decentralisation of
different aspects of the software development
introduces, were explored. To answer the posed
research questions, a literature review covering
articles about decentralisation has been conducted to
establish existing challenges and possible approaches
to address them and consequently facilitate the
decentralisation of software development. The
contents of the found literature were compared and
combined into 15 guidelines meant to assist both in
transitioning towards decentralisation as well as
operating in existing decentralised projects and
As it was shown, decentralisation can affect many
different aspects of software development projects. It
leads to various challenges that differ between forms
of decentralisation and can be approached in a variety
of ways. As such, there is no one definitive answer to
the present research questions, but rather many
answers of varying specificity and impact. To
summarize: There are many challenges, yet they often
involve either incompatibility of project aspects with
or a lacking adjustment to the new decentralised
requirements. While the approaches to them are
numerous as well, recognising the challenges and
acting upon the need for adjustments is often the most
critical step. Lastly, the proposed guidelines can
facilitate decentralisation, especially if they are
applied with the individual requirements of a given
project in mind.
The reviewed literature showed, that even without
the COVID-19 pandemic enforcing it,
decentralisation is very much present in many if not
all software development endeavours of the time.
Regarding the scientific body of knowledge, the
publication at hand can be most closely grouped
together with the mentioned articles that address
multiple challenges or aspects of decentralisation. It
aims to fill the gap in articles covering
decentralisation as a whole by combining both
coverage and detail, consequently reducing the
degree of specificity of both results and challenges
while still differentiating between forms of
decentralisation. As a result of evaluating the existing
literature relatively extensively, the present study is
very problem-oriented and can only present more
specific approaches to some of the uncovered
challenges. Therefore, it can be grouped between the
challenge-oriented literature and the articles covering
very broad approaches.
In future studies the guidelines could be evaluated
in real-life contexts. Applying them to various real
development projects can be done to explore their
validity and applicability, possibly even in long term
studies. To further allow for generalisation, similar
studies may be executed in very different companies
regarding size and field.
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