strumentation (DBI) and virtual machine introspec-
tion (VMI).
For evaluation, we conduct several malware anal-
ysis experiments on the dataset of real-world malware
samples. We show that our sandbox system promotes
deeper details about the malware behavior. The eval-
uation supports evidence that how Tamer sandbox can
serve as a choice for IoT malware analysis.
This paper makes the following contributions:
• We propose a novel sandbox, called Tamer, for an-
alyzing IoT malware. Tamer supports analyzing
binaries for ARM, an architecture mostly used in
IoT devices. In addition, Tamer has key features
to facilitate IoT malware analysis: The fake net-
work is a dedicated environment to facilitate ana-
lyzing the network behavior of malware using the
fake C&C server. The auto-manipulation mecha-
nism using the expect allows to performing be-
havior analysis in an automated manner. More-
over, to the best of our knowledge, Tamer is the
first sandbox that attempts to combine advanced
binary analysis techniques such as DBI and VMI.
• Through the experimental evaluation on the
dataset of real-world malware, we demonstrated
that our system can analyze IoT malware which is
dedicated to infecting IoT devices. Moreover, the
result of an analysis experiment on a large volume
of samples suggests that our system can analyze a
huge amount of IoT malware samples in an auto-
mated manner, and may highlight recent trends in
IoT malware families.
• We will release the details of the implementa-
tion of Tamer as open-source, and the list of md5
hashes of malware samples in the dataset, at the
following link
. We expect that some outcomes
we observed through analyzing a large number
of samples could be interesting to security re-
searchers. This is for promoting to replicate our
experiments and obtain the same observations.
2.1 Observing Landscape of IoT
Why the ARM based Linux Malware Matters: In
this study, we focus on the Linux malware for the
ARM architecture since this architecture is popular
for consumer IoT devices and commonly targeted by
IoT malware. In fact, our position can be supported
by some studies. In the recent study (Cozzi et al.,
2020), they explored a large number of malware sam-
ples that have been submitted to VirusTotal over a pe-
riod of almost four years (from January 2015 to Au-
gust 2018). In their dataset, the ARM 32-bit malware
accounted for the largest number of samples, 39.05%
of the total 93,652 samples.
Furthermore, according to the VirusShare dataset
(VirusShare, 2020), a repository of malware sam-
ples, the ARM architecture accounted for the ma-
jority of Linux malware samples collected in the re-
cent period (from Feburary 2019 to April 2020). In
detail, from our survey on the dataset referred to
VirusShare ELF 20200405, the ARM accounted for
one-third or 13,963 out of a total of 43,553 samples.
In short, based on these observations, we claim that
the anti-malware methodology that focuses on ARM
malware is worth considering.
2.2 Existing Sandbox Systems
To date, various sandbox systems have been proposed
and each of these focuses on various use-cases to
combat the malware. In general, the purpose of sand-
boxes has focused on behavioral analysis and the in-
formation obtained from the analysis is used for up-
dating intrusion detection system’s signatures or re-
moving malware from an infected machine, and so
on (Willems et al., 2007). Although various methods
have been explored as sandbox systems have evolved,
we have witnessed that sandbox systems for analyz-
ing IoT malware have not received enough attention.
As an example, Willems et al. designed CWSand-
box (Willems et al., 2007), a sandbox that aims to
generate the machine-readable report to initiate auto-
mated responses. However, their sandbox is for ana-
lyzing malware targeting Windows systems, not IoT
malware. In addition, as the authors admitted that
CWSandbox might cause some harm to other ma-
chines connected to the network, their sandbox does
not have some tricks to make the sandbox separated
from the Internet.
Regarding a limitation of CWSandbox, here we
could suggest that the network setting should be paid
more cautious in IoT malware analysis. The reason
is, in many cases, network activity by IoT malware
involves destructive functions (e.g. DDoS attack,
Brute-force attack to propagate through SSH/Telnet).
Therefore, to construct a dedicated network setting
for malware analysis, it is also necessary to set up a
server that serves as a listener for the C&C connec-
Bayer et al. proposed Anubis (Bayer et al., 2006),
a novel sandbox for automated malware analysis. Un-
ForSE 2022 - 6th International Special Session on FORmal methods for Security Engineering