With federated learning, each vehicle will train an al-
gorithm (e.g., AutoEncoder with LSTM) on their own
and only provides model weights to a central server.
The central server then will aggregate a global model
using necessary information (e.g., weights) provided
by all vehicles without owning the vehicle’s data.
Such a model could then be used by every vehicle.
Future work could investigate such a system to avoid
security & privacy concerns of car users.
6.4 Limitations
In this work, we only consider 3 features (after ex-
cluding highly correlated ones), while other poten-
tially interesting features could be studied such as
GPS, wheel pressure, etc. This is yet an inherited lim-
itation of the simulation we used. Future work could
investigate simulation techniques that take into ac-
count more useful sensor information (and vehicle’s
environment) to study different vehicle’s anomaly de-
tection settings.
While the output of our model is explainable, we
cannot provide a generalization of the predictions e.g.,
a specific characteristic that makes an input sequence
(or a feature of an input sequence) anomalous. This
is indeed a limitation of our work. However, to the
best of our knowledge, existing works in the field of
Explainable AI also only provide an approximation
of black-box models to explain them with potential
biases, high-performance overhead, etc.
Further, with the limited outcome scenarios in the
simulator we use, we can only gather info on whether
the car crashes, run out-of-road, or run over lanes.
Future work could develop new simulators that pro-
vide information on the passenger and their interac-
tion with the vehicles so we could ideally study their
safety under the different advanced attacks.
Besides, there is a certain delay in detecting
anomalous events in the (advance) continuous attacks.
Within an average interval of 30 - 40 records (300 -
400 milliseconds), RE XAD could detect the anoma-
lous events but not immediately. This however is part
of the attack’s nature e.g., only slightly changing the
value to evade anomaly detection. Future work could
investigate approaches to immediately detect such at-
tacks e.g., using more advanced deep learning tech-
Finally, we cannot closely compare our work with
existing work in similar directions due to the lack
of benchmarks. Despite having different goals (i.e.,
our distinguish goal was a real-time, explainable
anomaly detection system), it would be desirable to
see how RE XAD and other approaches work on the
same datasets. Future work could investigate com-
mon benchmarks to evaluate anomaly detection sys-
tems for connected vehicles.
This paper proposes a real-time explainable anomaly
detection system namely RE XAD. Our approach lever-
ages state-of-the-art deep learning techniques namely
LSTM and AutoEncoder to detect anomalies. To eval-
uate R E XAD we designed and implemented 4 differ-
ent attack categories. Our evaluation proves that de-
spite using a simple network configuration RE XAD
could effectively detect (advance) anomalous events
in connected vehicles i.e., AUC value of 0.95 and a
response time of 8 milliseconds. By testing R E XAD
in a simulated environment, our work provides in-
sights on the outcome of different attacks, and how
such an anomaly detection system could detect the at-
tacks in advance. Further, our work calls for actions to
further investigate and integrate real-time explainable
advanced machine learning techniques to anomaly de-
tection in connected vehicles on on-the-road vehicles.
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IoTBDS 2022 - 7th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security