called Strong State Class Graph (SSCG) (Berthomieu
and Vernadat, 2003). RT-Studio allows to construct
several abstractions
of state spaces for TPNs suit-
able to verify Reachability, but also linear and
branching properties.
We used RT-Studio tool to compute the state
space graph to preserve Linear Temporal Logic (LTL)
and branching properties (CTL*) of the simulated TPN
model shown in Figure. 6. This TPN model compo-
nents in line with our motivation example: cameras
broadcasting real-time images to a private cloud for
storage purpose consists of one instance of : the con-
troller model (cr), the limited resource model (pr
the limited but renewable resource model (pr
), and
the shareable resource model (pr
). These com-
ponents are synchronized on transitions to simu-
late (pr
,l) sequential ((pr
,lr) concurrent (pr
schema. An initial capacity and time interval are asso-
ciated with each resource. The controlSuspension
admits 3 suspensions for both pr
and pr
it allows 4 suspensions for pr
. The latter is
shared between app1 (englobing the Lambda func-
tion) and app2 which requires that pr
’s number of
concurrent customers restricted to only 2. The gener-
ated SSCG can be used as starting point in a refinement
process to generate Atomic State Class Graph (ASCG)
allowing to preserve branching properties (CTL*) of
the TPN model.
This paper examines the modeling and analysis of
composite resources consumption consisting of sev-
eral primitive (and even composite) resources ar-
ranged sequentially and/or concurrently. During re-
sources consumption, disruptions could arise lead-
ing to potential concerns like the suspension of on-
going business operations, which is not a “pleas-
ant” situation for organizations. To mitigate such
a situation, we resorted to using TPN to capture
composite resources’ consumption cycles according
to their primitive resources’ consumption properties
specialised into unlimited, shareable, limited, limited-
but-renewable, and non-shareable. Along this TPNs
modeling, we used RT-Studio to verify composite re-
sources’ reachability, boundedness, fairness, and live-
ness properties. In term of future work, we would like
to ensure the correctness of composite resources’ con-
sumption cycles through model checking.
SSCG and ASCG for interval characterization and Con-
crete State Zone Graph (CSZG) for clock characterization.
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ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering